Musk admits that Grok is inferior to ChatGPT, but can catch up this year

Musk admits that Grok is inferior to ChatGPT, but can catch up this year
08:30, May 24, 2024 Global Market Broadcast

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On Thursday local time, Musk delivered a video speech and received a remote interview at the VivaTech conference held in Paris, talking about a series of topics such as artificial intelligence, space exploration and social media.

He's criticizing OpenAI and Google Gemini said: "It is important that AI is trained to be honest, not politically correct."

Musk said: "Political correctness is usually incorrect, which means that you are programming to make AI lie. I think it will have a very serious counterproductive effect. Honesty is the best policy."

He compared making AI smarter to raising children: "What matters is what you do... to raise it with values. What I care about is Microsoft Or OpenAI or Google. "

Musk said that the chat robot Grok of his artificial intelligence startup xAI will "try our best to be rigorous, pursue the truth and be the most interesting. If we are going to die, we'd better die with a smile."

But he admitted that before Grok can compete with OpenAI or Google's Gemini, there is still "a lot of catching up to do". He said that this could be achieved before the end of this year.

He also discussed how AI can change education, and said that parents still need to be responsible for values and morality. However, he said that AI could help tailor the curriculum so that every child could have an Albert Einstein like teacher.

He is not worried about the impact of AI on children, but he said that although he has owned his own social media company since 2022, he is worried about social media, which has been criticized as a place of false information and rampant hate speech.

"I am really worried that children today are trained by social media, which will maximize dopamine. I urge parents to limit their children's use of social media because they are programmed."

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