Musk said that humans are expected to return to the moon in five years and land on Mars in ten years

Musk said that humans are expected to return to the moon in five years and land on Mars in ten years
08:13, May 24, 2024 Global Market Broadcast

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On Thursday local time, Musk delivered a video speech and received a remote interview at the VivaTech conference held in Paris, talking about a series of topics such as artificial intelligence, space exploration and social media.

Musk said: "I think we may send the first people to Mars in 10 years, maybe 7 to 8 years." He added that humans will return to the moon in 5 years.

Musk also said: "SpaceX's long-term goal is to make life multi planet." He said: "We need to become a sustainable multi planet civilization. This is the first time in the history of the Earth that it is possible to do so. This ability may only be open in the short term."

NASA has signed a contract worth nearly 3 billion dollars with SpaceX to use its new rocket "Starship" as a lunar lander to send humans back to the moon together with NASA's Artemis astronauts.

Musk said that his SpaceX company and other similar companies have some reusable spacecraft and rockets and will complete this task, unlike the European Ariana rocket.

He said: "Any rocket that cannot or most of which cannot be reused cannot survive." He explained that it is not cost-effective for the company.

"Eventually, something on the earth will destroy life on the earth as we know it," he said later, adding that human migration to Mars and the moon is necessary for "long-term survival and awareness".

When asked whether there are aliens on the earth, Musk said: "People often ask me whether I think there are aliens on the earth. I have not seen any evidence of the existence of aliens. If I do, I will publish it (evidence) on the X platform."

"Maybe we are alone in this galaxy, maybe only us, our consciousness is very fragile," Musk added. He later joked, "I am an alien, but no one believes me."

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