Startup Stability AI announces 10% layoff

Startup Stability AI announces 10% layoff
22:33, April 18, 2024 Sina Technology

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After the departure of the controversial former CEO Emad Mostaque, the embattled AI startup Stability AI today announced a 10% layoff.

An internal memo shows that after a period of unsustainable growth, Stability AI has cut more than 20 employees to properly adjust the business scale.

The newly appointed co CEOs of Stability AI, Shan Shan Wong and Christian Laforte, said in an email: "The company needs to restructure some businesses, which means that it will have to say goodbye to some colleagues."

The two CEOs also said, "We have informed the affected employees that we will support them throughout the period."

According to the data published online, Stability AI has about 200 employees, which means that the proportion of layoffs this time is about 10%.

An insider said that most of the affected employees were in the business operation field, and they had been informed of the layoff.

Last month, Stability AI just announced that its former CEO Mostaque will leave the company to pursue decentralized AI, and its vacancy will be replaced by Wong and Laforte.

Before Mostaque left, some media questioned his qualifications, saying that Mostaque misled investors, including his master's degree in Oxford University, and Amazon Nature of cooperation. For the cooperation with Amazon, Stability AI describes it as a strategic transaction, but in fact it is just an ordinary cloud computing lease contract.

Mostaque's response at that time was that the allegations made by the media were false accusations and misrepresentations.

Stability AI is still looking for a permanent CEO to fill the top leadership position. The company said it will continue to operate as usual and is still releasing new products.

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