More than ten heads of ministries and commissions are making intensive voice to support private enterprises, and policies will be introduced in succession

More than ten heads of ministries and commissions are making intensive voice to support private enterprises, and policies will be introduced in succession
06:36, November 19, 2018 Shanghai Securities News

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   More than ten heads of ministries and commissions are making intensive voice to support private enterprises, and policies will be introduced in succession

The pace of rescuing private enterprises will not stop. Recently, more than ten ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the People's Bank of China and other "top leaders", have intensively voiced their support for the development of private enterprises, and a series of policies to promote the development of private enterprises are expected to be introduced in succession.

The Shanghai Securities News reporter found that the future policies of ministries and commissions to support private enterprises will focus on tax and fee reduction, relaxing market access, encouraging private enterprises to participate in mixed reform, relieving private enterprises' financing difficulties, strengthening property rights protection, etc.

   When talking about the future measures to support the development of private enterprises, the heads of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and other ministries and commissions mentioned that they would study and implement more large-scale tax cuts and more obvious fee cuts.

Wang Jun, Director of the State Administration of Taxation, said that in the next step, the tax authorities will put forward policy recommendations that reflect the requirements of larger scale, substantive and inclusive tax cuts and burden reduction as soon as possible. In particular, we should study and put forward suggestions on promoting substantive tax reductions such as value-added tax, and study and put forward suggestions on implementing inclusive tax exemptions for small and micro enterprises and technology-based start-ups.

"To further stimulate the vitality of private enterprises, tax and fee reduction, including the reduction of value-added tax rate, is currently a preferred policy path." Li Xuhong, director of the Institute of Fiscal Policy and Application of the National Accounting Institute in Beijing, told the Shanghai Securities News reporter that the reduction of value-added tax rate should be considered together with the simplified tax rate.

In addition, Zhang Jinan, the minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, mentioned that the nominal rate of social security payment should be reduced according to the actual situation, the payment method should be stabilized, and the actual burden of social security payment of enterprises should be substantially reduced.

   Difficult and expensive financing is a major problem for the development of private enterprises. In the last two months, the State Council and relevant ministries and commissions have issued a series of policies to solve the problem of enterprise financing. There will still be many targeted measures in the future.

Yi Gang, the governor of the People's Bank of China, said that in order to allow funds to flow to private enterprises, the People's Bank of China, together with relevant departments, will adopt a policy combination of "three arrows" from three main financing channels of bonds, credit and equity to support private enterprises to broaden their financing channels.

At present, the "three arrows" have left the stage, and relevant policies will be introduced in succession. He revealed that the next step will be to further expand the pilot of private enterprise bond financing support tools. In addition. The People's Bank of China is working closely with the Securities Regulatory Commission to formulate specific plans to support corporate bonds of private enterprises.

As the leading group office for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises under the State Council, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is formulating a series of policies and measures to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, including promoting the reduction of financing costs of small and micro enterprises and expanding the credit scale of small and micro enterprises. It is reported that the above policies and plans have been sent to relevant departments for comments and are expected to be released as soon as possible.

   According to the statement of the ministries and commissions, more fields will be open to private enterprises in the future.

Miao Wei, minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology would further relax market access and encourage private capital to enter the fields of telecommunications and military industry. For example, we will deepen the pilot of broadband access network services and further guide private capital into basic telecommunications operations.

In addition, for the private economy to participate in the mixed reform of state-owned enterprises, relevant policies will release more space in the future.

Ning Jizhe, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission and Director of the National Bureau of Statistics, pointed out that the fourth batch of pilot projects should be launched as soon as possible on the basis of the first three batches of 50 pilot projects of mixed reform. These pilot projects can enable private enterprises to enter more important fields such as electricity, oil, natural gas, railway, aviation, communication, military industry, etc.

"Not only the central enterprises should absorb private enterprises, but also local enterprises should absorb private enterprises in the mixed reform," he said.

   Strengthening the protection of private enterprise property rights is also a major focus of future policies.

The heads of the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Supreme People's Court and other departments all talked about strengthening the protection of property rights of private enterprises. For example, Zhang Jun, the Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, said that we should continue to strengthen judicial protection of property rights and properly handle all kinds of property related cases.

Zhang Mao, Director of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, stressed the need to promote the construction of the intellectual property protection center and improve the operation and management system of the protection center. Establish and improve the overseas protection mechanism of intellectual property rights, and improve the overseas protection ability of enterprises.

According to the reporter, at present, relevant departments are formulating implementation measures for strengthening IPR enforcement in key areas such as online shopping, import and export, which are expected to be introduced before the end of this year.

Editor in charge: Ling Chen SF179

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