Stock Navigation Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market Announcement and Trading Tips on May 24

Stock Navigation Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market Announcement and Trading Tips on May 24
07:20, May 24, 2024 Market information

Special topic: transaction tips

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   [Product Events]

   Xinguang Optoelectronics : It is proposed to transfer 12.5% equity of Zhongjiu Xinguang, a holding subsidiary, for 1605400 yuan

Xinguang Optoelectronics (688011) announced that it planned to transfer 12.5% equity of its holding subsidiary, Zhongjiu Xinguang, to Zhongjiu Optics Valley, with a transaction amount of 1.6054 million yuan. After the completion of this transaction, the company's shareholding ratio of Zhongjiu Xinguang has changed from 51% to 38.5%, and Zhongjiu Xinguang will no longer be included in the company's consolidated statements.

   Sophisticated technology : Termination of issuance of A-shares to specific objects in 2023

Youfang Technology (688159) announced that on May 22, it received the Decision of Shanghai Stock Exchange on Terminating the Review of Shenzhen Youfang Technology Co., Ltd.'s Issuance of Shares to Specific Objects, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange decided to terminate the review of the company's issuance of shares to specific objects.

   Blue stone reassembly : Two subsidiaries were identified as specialized, refined and new SMEs in Gansu Province in 2024

Lanshi Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd. (603169) announced that its wholly-owned subsidiaries Lanzhou Lanshi Heat Exchange Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Heat Exchange Company") and Lanzhou Lanshi Testing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Testing Company") were identified as specialized, refined, special and new SMEs in Gansu Province in 2024. Heat exchange companies and testing companies are recognized as specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises this time, which helps to enhance their brand awareness and enhance their market competitiveness.

   Urban development environment : Termination of issuing convertible bonds to unspecified objects

The announcement of Chengfa Environment (000885) comprehensively considered many factors such as the company's internal and external environmental changes, strategic development plans, future financing plans, etc. After full communication and careful analysis by all parties concerned, the company decided to terminate this issuance of convertible bonds to unspecified objects and withdraw the application documents.

   Fuhanwei : Termination of purchase of 49% equity of Mouxin Technology

Fuhanwei (300613) announced that the company originally planned to issue shares, convertible bonds and pay cash to purchase 49% equity of Mouxin Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Mouxin Technology") and raise supporting funds. At present, the company holds 51% equity of Mouxin Technology, which is the holding subsidiary of the company. After the transaction is completed, Mouxin Technology will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company. In view of the fact that this restructuring has lasted for a long time since the planning, and the market environment has changed significantly from the beginning of this restructuring planning, the company decided to terminate this restructuring after friendly consultation, careful study and full demonstration with all parties involved in the transaction.

   Wanfang Development : Holding subsidiary obtains land use right through bidding

Wanfang Development (000638) announced that Jilin Wanfang Dongxun Astaxanthin Industry Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wanfang Dongxun"), the company's holding subsidiary, had recently obtained the state-owned construction land use right numbered JYCBK268-1 transferred by the Natural Resources Bureau of Jiangyuan District, Baishan City through bidding, and signed the Transfer Contract for the Use Right of State owned Construction Land The transaction price was 19.9362 million yuan. The land auctioned by Wanfang Dongxun this time will be used for the construction of factory buildings and office buildings of the Phaffia rhodozyma astaxanthin project.

   Bairun Shares : Liu Xiaodong, Chairman of the Company, releases the lien

Bairun Shares (002568) announced in the evening of May 23 that on May 23, the company received the Notice of Release of Lien issued by Hanzhong Nanzheng District Supervisory Committee, and the supervisory committee of Hanzhong Nanzheng District has released the lien measures against Liu Xiaodong, the chairman, legal representative and general manager of the company.

   Hanbo High tech : The subsidiary plans to invest 260 million yuan in server assembly manufacturing business

Hanbo Hi Tech (833994) announced in the evening of May 23 that its subsidiary Bojing Technology (Chuzhou) Co., Ltd. planned to invest 260 million yuan to establish a new company (hereinafter referred to as the "target company") in cooperation with Nanjing Yanan Technology Co., Ltd. The target company will carry out server assembly manufacturing business and provide server assembly manufacturing services. The target company mainly meets the booming demand for servers in big data, big models, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other related industries.

   Shanggong Shenbei : There is still uncertainty in the process of industrialization and landing of assets purchased for the bankruptcy reorganization of American ICON

Shanggong Shenbei (600843) released a change announcement on the evening of May 23. The company disclosed the Announcement on Participating in the Bankruptcy Reorganization Investment and Related Party Transactions of ICON Corporation of the United States on May 22, 2024. The industry involved in this purchase of assets is different from the industry in which the company's current main business is located, and the process of its industrialization implementation is still uncertain.

   Zangger Mining : The supply and demand gap of domestic potash fertilizer provides a certain support for the price of potassium chloride

Zangger Mining (000408) said on May 22 when receiving an agency survey that the domestic demand for potash fertilizer is about 16 million tons per year, but the domestic production of potash fertilizer has reached its peak, which is mainly supplied by salt lakes and Zangger, together with surrounding small enterprises, a total of nearly 7 million tons, leading to a mismatch between supply and demand. This gap is difficult to be effectively supplemented in the short term, providing some support for the price of potassium chloride. The company is unable to affect commodity prices, and will continue to invest in optimizing and innovating production processes in the future, building its own technological advantages and consolidating its cost advantages.

   Lante optics : Related processes of glass through hole (TGV) processing have been developed

On May 23, Lante Optics said on the interactive platform that it has developed relevant processes for glass through hole (TGV) processing through laser induced and wet etching.

   Li Yuanheng : Successful research and development of core equipment for producing dry electrode of solid state battery

According to Li Yuanheng's news, the core equipment project of dry process electrode with completely independent intellectual property rights has been successfully developed. At present, the project has applied for and obtained a number of invention patents and utility model patents. Recently, Li Yuanheng and GAC Ai'an are also jointly developing the whole line equipment project of all solid state batteries. Up to now, Li Yuanheng has the ability to research, develop and manufacture the whole line equipment for producing solid-state batteries.

   Blue lithium core : The increase of tariffs on lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles in the United States has no significant impact on the company at present

On May 23, Weilan Lithium Core said on the interactive platform that the company's lithium batteries are currently mainly used in electric tools, cleaning appliances, motorcycles and other fields, and there is no supply of electric vehicles. At the same time, the lithium batteries of the company are rarely directly exported to the United States. Therefore, the increase of tariffs on lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles in the United States has no significant impact on the company at present. In addition, the company's Malaysian base is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2025.

   Jingfang Technology : The glass substrate independently developed by the company has many years of mass production experience in Fanout and other packaging processes

On May 23, Crystal Technology (603005) said on the interactive platform that the company focused on wafer level packaging technology services in the sensor field. TSV, TGV, etc. are the main technical means of wafer level package electrical interconnection. Combined with the sensor demand and its own process accumulation, the company has diversified glass processing technologies, including manufacturing microstructure, optical structure, coating, through hole, blind hole, etc., and the company's self-developed glass substrate has many years of mass production experience in Fanout and other packaging processes.

   Beihua Shares : The news that the price of nitrocellulose per ton will rise by 3000 yuan from now on is untrue

On May 23, Beihua (002246) responded on the interactive platform, "Is it true that the price of each ton of nitrocellulose will rise by 3000 yuan from now on?" and said that on May 23, 2024, the company did not issue a letter on the price rise of products, and did not involve the price rise of 3000 yuan per ton of nitrocellulose from now on. Investors should not trust online rumors. The company reminded investors to pay attention to the trading risks in the secondary stock market, Rational investment.

   Chlor alkali chemical industry : It is proposed to acquire 40% equity of Guangxi chlor alkali with 685 million yuan

Chlor Alkali Chemical (600618) announced in the evening of May 23 that it planned to purchase 40% of the equity of Guangxi Chlor Alkali, a subsidiary of the company held by Shanghai Huayi, with its own capital of 685 million yuan. After the completion of the above share acquisition, the company holds 100% of the equity of Guangxi chlor alkali, and Guangxi chlor alkali has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company.

   Zoran Technology (Rights protection) : The company has no business cooperation with NVIDIA

Zoran Technology (600225) released a risk warning on the evening of May 23. According to relevant media information, the company was listed as a concept stock of Nvidia. Through self inspection, the company has no business cooperation with NVIDIA.

   Vanke A : Subsidiary provides guarantee for the company to apply for bank loan

Vanke A (00000 2) announced in the evening of May 23 that the company, as the principal debtor, and the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, as the co borrower, had applied for a total loan of 7.784 billion yuan from the bank, with a term of 42 months. The wholly-owned subsidiary of the company provides guarantee for related loans. In addition, the company, as the borrower, applied for a loan of 1 billion yuan from the bank, and the company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Wanzhong Yuhong, provided corresponding mortgage guarantee for the aforesaid loan with its real estate assets. As of April 30, 2024, the balance of external guarantee of the Company and its holding subsidiaries was 28.582 billion yuan, accounting for 11.40% of the audited net assets of the Company attributable to shareholders of listed companies at the end of 2023. The company has no overdue guarantee and guarantee involving litigation.

   [Sign the Large Order]

   Nanwei Software : Signed the Algerian All China Netcom project contract with Huawei Cloud

Nanwei Software (603636) announced that the company and Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huawei Cloud") had signed an Algerian One Netcom project contract. The total amount of the contract signed this time was 53.6876 million yuan (tax included), accounting for 3.2% of the company's audited operating income in 2023.

   Shanghai Harbor : The participating consortium won the construction project of 390 million yuan

Shanghai Harbor (605598) announced on the evening of May 23 that the company Chinese architecture The consortium formed by the Eighth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. and China Construction Infrastructure Co., Ltd. won the bid for the construction project of deep foundation treatment project (terminal area) of Dalian Jinzhou Bay International Airport Project, with the winning amount of about 390 million yuan.

   Gold Fields : PEEK line products have been selected by some high-end new energy vehicle manufacturers

On May 23, Gold Fields said on the interactive platform that with the high-end technology solutions in the high-voltage field, the company's PEEK line products now have product competitive advantages and import substitution ability, and have been selected by some high-end new energy vehicle manufacturers.

   [Increase/decrease of holdings]

   *ST Kaiyuan : Supervisors increased 10000 shares of the company

*ST Kaiyuan (300338) announced that Li Daorong, the supervisor of the company, increased his holding of 10000 shares of the company by means of centralized bidding on May 22, accounting for 0.0025% of the total share capital of the company. This increase will not lead to changes in the controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the company.

   Xidiwei : Ningbo Hongjing plans to reduce the company's shares by no more than 2%

Xidiwei (688173) announced in the evening of May 23 that the shareholder Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Hongjing Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) ("Ningbo Hongjing" for short) planned to reduce the total shares of the company by means of centralized bidding and block trading to no more than 8.195 million shares, accounting for 2% of the company's total share capital.

   Ruifeng High tech : Three directors and senior executives plan to reduce their holdings of no more than 400000 shares of the company

Ruifeng Gaocai (300243) announced in the evening of May 23 that Song Zhigang, the director and deputy general manager of the company, Tang Chuanxun, the director, and Zhou Hai, the deputy general manager of the company, planned to reduce the total shares of the company by centralized bidding within three months after 15 trading days (from June 17 to September 16), accounting for 0.1597% of the total share capital of the company.

   Ruineng Technology : The controlling shareholder plans to reduce the company's shares by no more than 2 million

Ruineng Technology (603933) announced in the evening of May 23 that its controlling shareholder Ruineng Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ruineng Industrial") planned to reduce its shares of the company by centralized bidding, and the total number of shares reduced would not exceed 0.9513% of the total number of shares of the company.

   Design Institute : Supervisors and senior executives plan to reduce their total shares of the company by no more than 0.06%

The Institute of Design and Research (300732) announced in the evening of May 23 that Mo Jie, the employee representative supervisor of the company, planned to reduce his shareholding in the company by centralized bidding to no more than 94300 shares (0.03% of the total capital stock of the company); Wei Junfeng, the Deputy General Manager of the Company, intends to reduce his holding of the Company's shares by centralized bidding to no more than 81600 shares (about 0.03% of the Company's total share capital).

    Hexing Packaging : It is planned to buy back shares with 60 million to 120 million yuan

Hexing Packaging (002228) announced in the evening of May 23 that the company decided to use its own funds to buy back the company's shares through centralized bidding, which is intended to be used for employee stock ownership plans or equity incentive plans. The amount of repurchased shares shall not be less than 60 million yuan and not more than 120 million yuan, and the repurchase price shall not exceed 4.06 yuan/share.


   Zhengyu Industry : It is proposed to raise no more than 250 million yuan

Zhengyu Industry (603089) announced that it planned to raise no more than 250 million yuan by issuing shares to specific objects in a simplified procedure for Zhengyu Zhiyuan Garden Project.

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