Stupid eyes of shareholders! The financial report cannot guarantee the truth, and two executives of Mengjie Shares abstained from voting

Stupid eyes of shareholders! The financial report cannot guarantee the truth, and two executives of Mengjie Shares abstained from voting
07:39, October 29, 2023 Market information

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Source: Databao

next week CICC The market value of the lifting of the ban ranked first, up to 74.234 billion yuan.

Two directors of the company "abstained" from the third quarter report

On the evening of October 27, Mengjie Shares (Rights protection) Three reports were released at one go, namely, the Announcement on the Resolutions of the Board of Directors, the Third Quarter Report of 2023 and the Announcement on the Explanation of Some Directors' Objections to the Third Quarter Report. Relevant announcements show that Chen Jie and Luo Gengbao, the directors of the Company, could not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the report for the third quarter of 2023, without false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and they abstained from voting.

As early as May 29 this year, the company received a letter of concern from Shenzhen Stock Exchange because the major shareholders of the shareholders' meeting abstained from voting on the proposal. At that time, Kinsen New Energy, the company's largest shareholder with voting rights, abstained from voting on six proposals, including the 2022 Annual Report and its Abstract, which led to the failure of the proposal to pass.

The reasons for Kinson New Energy to abstain from voting include that the review procedure of the Board of Directors of the annual report is flawed; Failing to clearly respond to the reasonable questions and inquiries raised by the directors, Kingson New Energy and its nominated directors are unable to grasp the company's business and financial status; No reasonable explanation was given for the reasons, responsibilities, solutions and measures of the company's substantial performance losses; The sufficiency of the reasons for withdrawing special losses is unknown; Inconsistency of business disclosure information, etc.

In this review of the third quarterly report, Chen Jie, as the director of the company and the plenipotentiary representative of Jinsen New Energy, the largest shareholder with voting rights of the company, Chen Jie and Luo Gengbao raised reasonable and legal questions about the company, which were not effectively replied by the management Chen Jie and Luo Gengbao "abstained" from voting on the Third Quarter Report of 2023 considered at this board meeting in view of the continuity and relevance of the periodic report in key data such as financial data, on the premise that the questions about such proposals have not been completely resolved and the company has not reconvened the General Meeting of Shareholders to review the Annual Report of 2022 and its Abstract.

According to the third quarter report, the company achieved revenue of 1.462 billion yuan in the first three quarters, up 4.77% year on year; The net profit attributable to the parent company was 31.2577 million yuan, up 131.87% year on year.

Next week, the market value of A-shares will exceed 123 billion yuan

According to the statistics of Securities Times · Databao, from October 30 to November 3, 59 listed companies in the A-share market will welcome the lifting of the ban on restricted shares. Based on the latest price of individual shares, the market value of 59 shares was 123.027 billion yuan.

From the perspective of the scale of lifting the ban, CICC's market value is the largest, up to 74.234 billion yuan; Yangtze Power and Jinko Energy The market value of deregulation exceeded 10 billion yuan, 17.891 billion yuan and 10.372 billion yuan respectively; From the perspective of the type of lifting the ban, CICC is the first to issue restricted shares and strategic allotment shares to the original shareholders, Yangtze Power is the directional additional issuing institution, and Jinko Energy is the first to issue restricted shares to the original shareholders.

CICC is the leader of A-share securities companies. The market value of the shares released next week is up to 74.234 billion yuan, corresponding to 1993.9212 million shares, accounting for 41.31% of the total share capital. The lifted shares are held by 9 shareholders, including Central Huijin Corporation, Alibaba China Life And other institutions.

From the perspective of shareholding structure, Central Huijin holds 1.936 billion shares of CICC, 40.11% of which is the largest shareholder of the company. Haitong Securities He said that CICC's leading position in the investment banking business is stable. In the context of wealth management moving towards full net worth, the company is expected to achieve rapid development of business scale relying on products, services, model innovation and financial technology empowerment.

Compared with the market value scale, the proportion of deregulated shares (the proportion of the number of deregulated shares in the total capital stock) can better reflect the impact of deregulated shares on individual share prices. Among the 59 shares mentioned above, 15 shares in total have been lifted, accounting for more than 10%. Listed companies in Beijing Stock Exchange Tianfang Standard The proportion of lifting the ban was the highest, up to 75.36%, and the type was restricted shares issued by the original shareholders for the first time; later Zhongyin Fashion , CICC Tianshan Electronics Yihe Jiaye Hongbo Medicine The proportion of such 5 shares is more than 30%, and the type of shares is the first issue shares.

In addition, there are more individual shares whose types of shares to be lifted next week are ordinary shares of equity incentive or restricted shares of equity incentive, a total of 20 shares, accounting for more than one-third of the total. Generally speaking, the incentive restricted shares are mostly held by employees, and the shareholding objects are scattered, so the lifting of the ban has limited impact on the stock price. Among them, the highest proportion is Ruineng Technology and Chlorophyte , 1.16% and 1.01% respectively. The proportion of other individual shares lifted is small, less than 1%.

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