The CSRC carried out special research on the implementation of the new "National Nine Articles" to promote the development of new quality productivity

The CSRC carried out special research on the implementation of the new "National Nine Articles" to promote the development of new quality productivity
19:28, April 26, 2024 Website of China Securities Regulatory Commission

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The CSRC carried out special research on the implementation of the new "National Nine Articles" to promote the development of new quality productivity

   For in-depth implementation Several Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Supervision and Preventing Risks to Promote the High Quality Development of the Capital Market new "National Nine Rules" ), Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of CSRC Wu Qing led a team in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai and other places, focusing on the implementation of the capital market 1+N ”Policy system, further comprehensive deepening Reform and better service New quality productivity development, etc Subject: carry out research supervision. During the investigation, we visited four home Scientific and technological innovation enterprises , held five On the forum, in-depth exchanges were held with representatives of listed companies, representatives of industry institutions and some heads of CSRC system units to fully listen to opinions and suggestions

   Wu Qing pointed out that the CPC Central Committee The State Council attaches great importance to the high-quality development of the capital market. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions for many times The "National Ninth Article" made a systematic deployment, which was recently held by the State Council The seventh thematic study put forward requirements for further deepening the reform of the capital market and promoting the steady and healthy development of the capital market. All market participants and CSRC system units should implement the new Take the opportunity of "National Nine Articles" to stick to the capital market work Politically and popularly oriented, enhance professionalism, focus on strengthening supervision, preventing risks, and promoting high-quality development, adhere to the market-oriented and legal direction, respect laws, respect rules, and continue to deepen capital market reform, We will continue to promote the reform of the stock issuance registration system, deepen it, and improve its inclusiveness of new industries, new forms of business, and new technologies, Promote the development of new quality productivity The CSRC will take the initiative to strengthen reporting and communication with local party committees and governments, and jointly implement the new Strictly control the issuance and listing proposed in the "National Ninth Article" Work requirements such as access, increasing delisting efforts, improving the quality of listed companies, and preventing and resolving risks in key areas.

   Wu Qing It stressed that listed companies are the foundation of the capital market, and should play a leading role in promoting high-level scientific and technological innovation, promoting key technology research and other aspects. The actual controllers and senior executives of listed companies should establish correct "Listing concept", enhance the public's awareness of companies and return to investors, improve the level of corporate governance and standard operation, strictly regulate information disclosure, dividend distribution, shareholding reduction and other behaviors, promote entrepreneurship, and promote high-quality development of listed companies. The CSRC will continue to focus on the relevant deployment of the new "National Nine Articles" and "scientific innovation" sixteen Article "Implementation and implementation, deepening the system reform such as mergers and acquisitions, supporting the innovative development of technology-based enterprises, making them better and stronger, while continuously strengthening the supervision of listed companies, severely cracking down on financial fraud, illegal occupation and other illegal acts, and earnestly protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

   Wu Qing It is required that industry institutions, as an important force in the capital market, should seriously study and implement the new "National Nine Rules", further correct the business philosophy, return to the source, and achieve high-quality development. Sponsors, accounting firms, law firms and other intermediaries should earnestly perform their duties as "gatekeepers", constantly improve the quality of practice, and strengthen the construction of industry culture. We should adhere to integrity and innovation, enhance professional service capabilities, and play a greater role in promoting the formation of innovative capital and supporting the development of new quality productivity. Professional investment institutions such as fund companies should adhere to the concept of rational investment, value investment and long-term investment to provide investors with more abundant financial products and services.

   Wu Qing stressed that the CSRC system should be further implemented The requirements of "three excellence" are to effectively strengthen self construction, highlight political construction, business construction and team building, resolutely rectify the "revolving door", "runaway resignation" and other issues of politics and business, deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and the fight against corruption, create a loyal, clean and responsible regulatory iron army, and provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of the capital market.

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