ZTE made its debut in 2024 Urban Rail Exhibition and Summit Forum to help the digital development of urban rail

ZTE made its debut in 2024 Urban Rail Exhibition and Summit Forum to help the digital development of urban rail
20:10, June 18, 2024 C114 communication network

On June 13, the 2024 Beijing Nanjing International Urban Rail Transit Exhibition and Summit Forum of "Diversified Integration, High Quality and Sustainable Development" sponsored by China Urban Rail Transit Association was successfully held in Nanjing International Expo Center. ZTE With the theme of "Cloud Network Integration Innovation Road, Digital Intelligence Integration New City Rail", it fully demonstrates the core technical capabilities and the latest application achievements in the field of intelligent transportation, and promotes the development of urban rail transit to a greener and more intelligent direction.

During the exhibition, nearly 100 customers and partners, including China Urban Rail Transit Association, urban rail owners, integrators, design institutes, etc., visited ZTE's booth to deeply exchange the practical achievements, experience and ideas in the digital construction of urban rail.

In recent years, China's urban rail transit has developed rapidly, and cloud network infrastructure has gradually become a strong engine for digital transformation. With its efficient and intelligent characteristics, it has deeply helped the urban rail industry to continuously upgrade its digitalization, which can not only integrate mass data (Rights protection) Sharing and processing, optimizing the urban rail business architecture, improving the refinement level of management, and improving operational efficiency through intelligent analysis. Cloud network infrastructure, as the underlying support, focuses on business flow and data flow, stimulates AI potential, and enables the urban rail industry to meet new development opportunities and move towards a more intelligent, networked and green future.

Based on the leading wireless/wired connection, cloud computing technology, digital platform products and solutions, ZTE is based on the core capabilities of terminal, network, cloud and intelligence, and builds the urban rail computing brain through 5G+cloud platform+urban rail digital intelligence platform to accurately enable the digital development of urban rail.

By going deep into the urban rail cloud application scenarios, ZTE has created a carrier class highly reliable urban rail cloud platform, participated in the formulation of a number of national standards and industry standards, completed a large number of cloud platform adaptation work for urban rail business, and enabled the efficient operation of business; Using 5G's new technical features such as supporting large bandwidth, large capacity, high reliability, and network slicing, it can realize the comprehensive bearing of urban rail business, break the traditional multi system redundant architecture, and help the urban rail industry to improve its digital intelligence comprehensively by reducing complexity to simplicity. At the same time, based on ZTE's digital nebula 3.0, build a digital intelligence platform for urban rail transit, carry out data intelligence exploration around the development and governance of traffic data, precipitate urban rail data assets, and empower urban rail intelligent organism; Combined with a full range of intelligent computing products and urban rail models, it can help significantly improve the efficiency of transportation operation and operation and maintenance, and make the transportation development level reach a new level.

In the practice of the project, ZTE worked with its partners to customize the cloud scenario based scheme according to the needs of traffic users, enabling traffic business applications. In the Qingdao urban rail cloud project, ZTE has built the most compatible and open cloud platform in the urban rail industry by providing a full stack of cloud platforms and big data platforms, and built a big data platform for visualizing the whole process of data governance, helping Qingdao Metro to move towards "world-class" subway construction; New generation servers are used to build the foundation for the construction of Nanjing Metro Nanjing Malaba Line intelligent subway; Create a video cloud of Hangzhou Metro network to help Hangzhou Metro to achieve efficient and intelligent public safety; Guangzhou Metro Line 18 has built a 5G vehicle ground communication innovation benchmark, enabling smart stations, vehicle ground communication integrated bearing, digital tunnels and other scenario based applications, and won the GSMA GLOMO "Best Mobile Internet Economic Innovation Award"; The first millimeter wave commercial application of Shanghai Metro... ZTE will continue to provide strong support for intelligent production and digital transformation of urban rail.

In the future, ZTE will continue to deepen its urban rail industry based on its own core capabilities of terminal, network, cloud and intelligence. Based on in-depth understanding of the industry and accumulation of its own technology, ZTE will work with partners to build smart urban rail and continue to explore a new paradigm of future transportation.

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