Aerospace engineering: the company strives to improve its business performance and maintain stable operation.

Aerospace engineering: the company strives to improve its business performance and maintain stable operation.
20:00, May 31, 2024 Securities Star

Securities Star News, Aerospace engineering (603698) Answered investors' concerns on the investor relations platform on May 31.

investor: Electrolytic water engineering projects are generally supported by wind power projects. Large wind power enterprises have their own electrolytic water technology, and they will certainly use their own technology. What method will the company use to obtain electrolytic water engineering projects in the future? How to compete with those wind power enterprises in technology?

Secretary of Aerospace Engineering: Dear investors, as an engineering company with Class A design qualification in the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries, the company has fully integrated the company's technological accumulation in the hydrogen production field, experience advantages in the chemical engineering field and strict requirements for safety in the chemical industry in the electrolytic hydrogen production products Our business model provides services for our customers' low-carbon transformation. Thank you for your attention.

investor: In the e-interaction, the company replied, "The company has always adhered to integrity and innovation, with reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, and with the goal of achieving business transformation and improving efficiency, constantly improving the company's core competitiveness and strengthening Market value management And promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the company ". Since the company's share price hit a new record low, the company has not buy-back There is no increase in holdings. What do you mean by strengthening market value management?

Secretary of Aerospace Engineering: Thank you for your attention to the company. The company strives to improve its business performance and maintain steady operation.

The above content is sorted out by Securities Star according to the public information and generated by the algorithm (WXJB No. 310104345710301240019), which has nothing to do with the position of our website. If there is any problem with the data, please contact us. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment suggestions for you. Investment is risky, so please make prudent decisions.

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