Gansu Nenghua: accepted institutional research on May 21, with the participation of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd., Qianhai Kaiyuan Fund Management Co., Ltd. and other institutions

Gansu Nenghua: accepted institutional research on May 21, with the participation of Cinda Securities Co., Ltd., Qianhai Kaiyuan Fund Management Co., Ltd. and other institutions
18:24, May 21, 2024 Securities Star

Securities Star News, May 21, 2024 Gansu Nenghua (000552) issued an announcement that the company will accept institutional research on May 21, 2024, Cinda Securities Gao Sheng, Li Chunchi and Liu Bo from the joint-stock company, Kong Fang from Qianhai Kaiyuan Fund Management Co., Ltd., Gu Yu from Nord Fund Management Co., Ltd., and Zhang Haiqing and Lu Songxin from Value Source Private Fund Management Co., Ltd. participated.

The details are as follows:

Q: Coal business, production and sales of the company

Answer: In 2023, the company will achieve a coal product output of 19.6768 million tons and a sales volume of 19.2673 million tons. In 2024, the company plans to produce 18.2 million tons of coal, striving to balance production and sales. At present, the company has 8 pairs of coal production mines with an approved annual production capacity of 16.24 million tons; There are two mines under construction and one open pit mine under construction, with an annual capacity of 6.9 million tons under construction. The company's coal types are mainly steam coal and coking coal. Both steam coal and coking coal account for about 40%. Steam coal is mainly long-term negotiated price, and coking coal is determined according to the market price.

In 2024, the company will issue the production plan in strict accordance with the requirements of safety supervision. According to the changes in market supply and demand, the company will continue to take measures such as increasing, improving quality and controlling cost to promote the production of projects under construction, stabilize and improve the main coal industry, enrich and optimize the product and sales structure.

Q: Power business of the company

Answer: The company will sell 3.779 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2023 and plan to generate 4.05 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2024. Baiyin Thermal Power, a subsidiary of the company, has 2 * 350MW supercritical coal-fired air cooling cogeneration units, supporting desulfurization, denitration and other facilities. Its indicators such as on grid power and unit utilization hours rank top in the province, and its unit coal consumption is low. At the same time, it provides heat source for winter residents in Baiyin City and industrial steam for enterprises around the park. The main loss point of the company in previous years was the low settlement price of the residential heating business pipe network company. At present, the company is actively applying for adjusting the heating price. Baiyin Thermal Power signs a long-term cooperation contract with the company every year. The company decides the sales volume of long-term cooperation according to the changes in the coal market situation, and Baiyin Thermal Power will also purchase according to the market situation.

Lanzhou New Area Thermal Power Project is to build 2 × 350MW supercritical air cooled coal-fired power generation and heating units, two units and one tower, and simultaneously build desulfurization and denitrification devices. At present, the project is under construction.

Q: Chemical business of the company

Answer: Liuhua Chemical is responsible for the construction of a clean and efficient gasification gas project, which is designed to produce synthetic ammonia, urea, melamine, liquid fertilizer and other products with coal as raw materials. The market prospect is good, which meets the requirements of national industrial policies and industrial structure transformation. Phase I and Phase II of the project are co constructed with Phase I, and the project has a wide range of raw materials available, Give priority to Jingmei Wangjiashan Coal Mine for fine coal washing to solve the problems of poor sales and high inventory of low calorific value coal in the mine.

Q: Unit manufacturing cost of raw coal

Answer: In 2023, the Hongshaliang Open pit Mine affiliated to the company has entered the stage of joint commissioning. Tianbao Coal will produce 4.5 million tons of coal throughout the year, with low mining costs, driving the company's overall cost per ton of coal down. In recent years, the company has increased the intelligent transformation of the mine, and gradually achieved results in cost control and efficiency increase.

Q: Market value management situation

A: At present, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council has made clear arrangements for market value management assessment indicators for listed companies controlled by central enterprises. The provincial SASAC is also doing relevant understanding and research. The follow-up company will actively adapt to the latest regulatory and policy trends and actively manage market value on the premise of compliance.

Gansu Nenghua (000552)'s main business: coal mining, production and sales.

The first quarter report of Gansu Nenghua in 2024 shows that the company's main revenue is 2.822 billion yuan, down 10.59% year on year; Attributive to mother Net profit 536 million yuan, down 44.01% year on year; Deduct non net profit 529 million yuan, down 44.06% year on year; The debt ratio is 45.09%, the financial expenses are 23.8238 million yuan, and the gross profit rate is 36.59%.

In the last 90 days, 7 institutions have given ratings, 4 have bought ratings and 3 have increased their holdings; The average target price of the institution in the past 90 days is 3.78.

The following is the detailed profit forecast information:

Financed funds and bonds data showed that the stock's net financing outflow in the past three months was 61.8796 million, and the financing balance decreased; The net inflow of securities lending was 2.0778 million, and the balance of securities lending increased.

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