Wolong Electric (600580) individual share diagnosis_stock_sina.com
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Wolong Electric

Company name: Wolong Electric Group Co., Ltd
Region: Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province
Industry: machinery, equipment, instrument

Website: www.wolong.com.cn
Tel: 86-575-82176628; 86-575-82176629
Circulating capital: 688 million shares

Industry ranking

520 stocks in the industry

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  • Wolong Electric
  • Machinery, equipment and instruments
  • Of this stock Institutional identity Themes Stronger than the industry level, and Fundamental plane Technical aspects Capital It is weaker than the industry level. Comprehensive evaluation:
    Comprehensive rating description: The rating is divided into 8 grades: D -, D+, C -, C+, B -, B+, A - and A+(D - is the worst, A+is the best). The system makes quantitative evaluation on the fundamentals, themes, technologies, funds and institutional identity of individual stocks, and obtains a comprehensive rating.
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