Suddenly fire! 500 billion A-share leaders welcome more than 200 institutions to investigate!

Suddenly fire! 500 billion A-share leaders welcome more than 200 institutions to investigate!
12:55, May 18, 2024 E Company

Stock speculation depends Jin Qilin analyst research report , authoritative, professional, timely and comprehensive, to help you tap potential theme opportunities!

   The A-share market shrank this week, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 0.02% to close at 3154.03. The Shenzhen Composite Index and the GEM Index fell 0.22% and 0.7% respectively throughout the week.

On the market side, affected by the frequent positive policies on real estate, the real estate sector led the rise sharply this week, and the real estate related sectors also showed active performance. According to the Shenyi industry, the industries with the highest growth rate this week are real estate, building materials, building decoration, banks, etc., of which the real estate industry rose 10.3% in the whole week, while the pharmaceutical and biological, non-ferrous metals, power equipment and other industries showed relatively weak performance this week.

In terms of hot concept, it is also the concept related to real estate that is obviously more popular with funds. The concept of real estate, urban village reconstruction, new urbanization and other concepts are more active, while the concept of synthetic biology, CRO (entrusted research institutions), vitamins, blood products and other medical biology is weak.

During the week, a number of heavy policies on the housing market were introduced at the national level. On May 17, the People's Bank of China issued three important favorable policies for the real estate industry: first, the lower limit of the commercial individual housing loan interest rate policy for the first and second housing at the national level was cancelled; Second, the loan interest rate of the first individual housing provident fund for less than five years (including five years) and more than five years was adjusted to 2.35% and 2.85% respectively; Third, the minimum down payment ratio for the first set of housing should be adjusted to no less than 15%, and no less than 25% for the second set of housing. As of the end of the day, the A-share Wind Real Estate Index rose 7.41%. At the same time, there were more than 20 real estate stocks up and down.

This week's institutional research is more popular than last week's, but the industries focused by institutional research are different from the sectors with active market performance. Wind data shows that, as of 14:30 on May 17, there were 267 reception agencies of listed companies in the week and disclosed research records. The research stocks obtained this week are mainly concentrated in the electronic, mechanical equipment and pharmaceutical and biological industries, with 38, 29 and 23 companies in the industry welcoming institutional research.

   In terms of hot individual stocks, the focus of institutions was relatively scattered this week, and there were fewer companies surveyed by more than 100 institutions, only Industrial Fulian Tom Cat and Dingyang Technology Three companies have received more than 100 institutions.

   In addition, Huiyu Pharmaceutical -W、 Perfect World Zhou Dasheng Pumen Technology And other companies to accept research from more than 60 institutions.

   In terms of the number of institutions surveyed this week, the industrial Internet giant Fulian, with a market value of more than 500 billion yuan, received the largest number of research institutions, and its number of research institutions reached 238.

On May 15, Zheng Hongmeng, chairman of Industrial Fulian, said at the company's performance briefing that the global market share of the company's AI servers is expected to reach 40% in 2024. In the first quarter of 2024, the operating revenue of Industrial Fulian was 118.7 billion yuan, and the revenue from cloud computing accounted for nearly 50%, a new high in a single quarter. Among them, the company's AI servers accounted for nearly 40% of the overall revenue of the sector, with revenue nearly doubling year on year.

   Industrial Fulian is one of the first manufacturers to enter the AI server business. In 2017, Industrial Fulian, together with Nvidia and Microsoft, launched the world's first AI server HGX1. Since 2023, it has begun to mass produce Nvidia's H100 and H800 and other high-performance AI servers. Its customers include Nvidia, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and other global Internet giants.

In the process of research, the organization focused on the prospect of industrial Fulian's contribution to AI business in 2024, the prospect of AI server market and the competition pattern. Industry Fulian pointed out that in 2023, the company's AI related business volume will be close to 60 billion yuan, accounting for about 30% of the total cloud computing revenue, higher than the level of 20% in 2022. In 2024, AI is expected to contribute 40% of the company's total cloud computing revenue, and AI servers will account for 40% of the global market share.

Industry Fulian revealed that the size of AI server market will continue to grow at a high speed. According to MIC and Trendforce estimates, the global AI server shipment will exceed 1.25 million units in 2023, with a year-on-year growth of more than 47%, and will increase to 1.94 million units in 2024. At the same time, the capital expenditure of cloud service providers will increase significantly in 2024. The capital expenditure of the world's top four cloud service providers is expected to rise from 140 billion dollars in 2023 to more than 200 billion dollars in 2024.

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