In the first quarter, securities firms exposed their heavy positions in the banking, electronics, pharmaceutical and biological industries

In the first quarter, securities firms exposed their heavy positions in the banking, electronics, pharmaceutical and biological industries
07:19, April 30, 2024 China Securities Journal

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On April 29, the A-share market continued to rebound, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index standing at 3100 points and the GEM Index rising more than 3%. The "flag bearer of the bull market" brokerage sector continued to rise, and the Wind brokerage index rose 2.11%, Guosheng Financial Holding the pacific ocean Ceiling, Dongxing Securities Up more than 7%, First Entrepreneurship Up more than 5%.

With the disclosure of the first quarter report of listed companies coming to an end, the changes in heavy positions and holdings of securities firms with differentiated proprietary business performance emerged at the end of the first quarter. Wind data shows that, as of 16:00 on April 29, 4138 listed companies have disclosed their quarterly reports, of which 340 listed companies are among the top ten circulating shareholders, Bank of Jiangsu Muyuan Shares SINOPEC (China Petrochemical Corporation It is the top three heavy position stocks of securities companies. In terms of industry, banking, electronics, medicine and biology are the top three heavy positions of securities companies.

Position of Bank of Jiangsu exceeded 7.2 billion yuan

Wind data shows that, as of 16:00 on April 29, a total of 4138 A-share listed companies had disclosed their quarterly reports, of which 340 listed companies were among the top ten circulating shareholders, with a total number of 4.163 billion shares held and a market value of 3.389 billion yuan (calculated at the closing price at the end of the first quarter).

According to the ranking of the market value of the positions held by the securities companies, as of 16:00 on April 29, the market value of the positions held by the securities companies to Bank of Jiangsu at the end of the first quarter was 7.295 billion yuan, ranking first; Muyuan Shares and Sinopec ranked second and third respectively, with the market value of positions of 1.632 billion yuan and 1.525 billion yuan respectively. In addition, at the end of the first quarter, securities dealers Lixun Precision Sinomine Resources The market value of positions exceeded 1 billion yuan Baofeng Energy The market value of positions exceeds 800 million yuan.

Among the 340 self operated heavy position stocks of securities firms, more than 90 individual shareholders of securities firms were among the top ten new circulation shareholders in the first quarter. Among them, Beijing Junzheng Pingmei Shares Yi Zhimi The market value of positions held by securities firms among the top ten circulation shareholders exceeded 200 million yuan, and the new top ten circulation shareholders were Shen Wanhongyuan Orient Securities , SDIC Securities.

In terms of the increase in shareholding, Wind data shows that as of 16:00 on April 29, the number of 76 stocks held by brokers in the first quarter has increased. Specifically, the number of shares with the largest increase in the number of shares Shaanxi Guotou A 102 million shares were added by securities companies; Hongchuang Holding Shengtun Mining Securities companies added 73763500 shares and 7629900 shares respectively. In addition, Hongyuan Pharmaceutical Jiaxun Feihong Lizhong Group All of them received more than 5 million additional shares from securities companies.

From the perspective of the number of shares held by securities firms, as of 16:00 on April 29, the top three stocks with the highest number of positions at the end of the first quarter were Bank of Jiangsu, Sinopec and Shaanxi Guotou A, with 923 million shares, 238 million shares and 233 million shares respectively.

   Huatai Securities Market value of positions is nearly 8 billion yuan

From the perspective of industry position, as of 16:00 on April 29, at the end of the first quarter, the market value of securities companies' positions in the banking, electronics, and pharmaceutical and biological industries ranked first, with 7.579 billion yuan, 3.663 billion yuan, and 2.417 billion yuan respectively. In addition, the positions of securities companies in nonferrous metals, power equipment, petroleum and petrochemical industries also exceeded 2 billion yuan.

At the end of the first quarter, the number of self operated positions of leading securities firms remained at the forefront. According to the ranking of the market value of positions held by securities companies, Wind data shows that as of 16:00 on April 29, the market value of positions held by Huatai Securities at the end of the first quarter was the highest, amounting to 7.877 billion yuan; citic securities The market value of positions of Shenwan Hongyuan ranked second and third respectively, with the total market value of positions of 4.284 billion yuan and 4.233 billion yuan respectively; CSC Haitong Securities Guosen Securities Following closely, the market value of positions exceeded 2.3 billion yuan.

In terms of individual stocks, Huatai Securities' heavy position in Bank of Jiangsu exceeded 7.2 billion yuan at the end of the first quarter Medium nuclear titanium dioxide (Rights protection) The market value of positions exceeds 300 million yuan. CITIC Securities has a large position in Baofeng Energy Great Ginseng Forest (Rights protection) Guoxuan High tech The market value of positions exceeded 400 million yuan. Shenwan Hongyuan Heavy Warehouse Lixun Precision, Beijing Junzheng New industry The market value of positions exceeded 500 million yuan.

From the perspective of the market performance of securities companies' heavy positions, many stocks have performed well this year. Wind data shows that as of the closing of April 29, many stocks of Bank of Jiangsu, Sinopec, Baofeng Energy, etc., which are heavily held by securities traders, have risen by more than 10% this year.

Differentiation of proprietary business performance

Wind data shows that, as of 16:00 on April 29, a total of 25 securities companies have disclosed their first quarterly reports. On the whole, the performance has declined more and increased less. The income from proprietary business is an important reason for the differentiation of securities companies' performance.

For example, the first quarter report of Dongxing Securities shows that the company achieved an operating income of 1.980 billion yuan, up 112.56% year on year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 360 million yuan, up 64.28% year on year. Dongxing Securities said that during the reporting period, the growth of the company's net profit attributable to the parent company was mainly due to the increase of the company's operating revenue compared with the same period last year, while the growth of operating revenue was mainly due to the growth of the company's bulk commodity sales revenue and investment business revenue.

   West China Securities , Pacific Caida Securities industrial securities Guojin Securities , Haitong Securities and other securities companies whose net profits attributable to the parent company declined on a year-on-year basis mentioned in the first quarterly report that the securities investment business declined during the reporting period.

For the quarterly results of securities firms, Guotai Jun'an Liu Xin, chief analyst of non bank securities (Analyst Jin Qilin) Qi said that the year-on-year decline of investment business under high base is the main reason for performance pressure. It is estimated that the investment business of securities companies in the first quarter fell by 22.96% year-on-year to 40.65 billion yuan, mainly due to the high base in the first quarter of last year, and the investment yield declined year-on-year. As of March 31, 2024, the Wanda All A Index has dropped 2.85% from the end of 2023; The China Securities Composite Bond Index rose 2.09% from the end of 2023, significantly better than the rise of 0.93% in the same period of 2023; It is expected that the scale of financial assets will expand slightly year on year, and the return on investment will decline 0.27 percentage points to 0.68% year on year, which will put pressure on the overall performance.

For the securities business sector, "the regulators encourage high-quality securities companies to become better and stronger through mergers and acquisitions, and are optimistic about the structural opportunities of the sector driven by policies." Shen Juan, chief analyst of Huatai Securities Finance, believes that the wealth management and capital intermediary business of securities companies is expected to gradually repair with the recovery of market sentiment; The short-term performance of investment banking business is still under pressure, and mergers and acquisitions are expected to usher in new opportunities; The investment business is expected to remain under pressure during the market fluctuation in the first quarter, and the performance elasticity brought by the resilience of the market scenario will be followed up; International business is still an important starting point for securities firms to broaden their income boundaries.

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