Uzbek media said that the commander in chief of Uzbek army was dismissed

Uzbek media said that the commander in chief of Uzbek army was dismissed
08:47, June 20, 2024 Global Times

Rumors about the adjustment of Ukraine's top military leaders have reappeared in Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian "Strana. ua" news network on the 18th, it was rumored that Sergei, the commander in chief of Ukraine's armed forces, might be dismissed. The reason why this rumor has attracted wide attention is that, in addition to the difficult situation generally faced by the front line of the Ukrainian army, Mariana Bezugraya, Vice Chairman of the National Security and National Defense Committee of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine, has recently severely criticized Sersky. Bezugraya and Uzbek President Zelensky belong to Uzbek's ruling People's Public Servant Party.

According to the report, Bezugraya has also been equally active in criticizing the former commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, Zaluchinei. At that time, Uzbek political circles believed that her statement might not be a personal act, but was instructed by the Uzbek President's Office to prepare for the dismissal of Zalucri. After Zalu was officially dismissed within the day, this view was more recognized by the outside world. Recently, Bezugraya continued to criticize Sersky and the leadership of the Ukrainian army on social media. She said that Sersky was "pursuing the same route as Zaluzhny" and "what is the difference between the former and current military leaders? Nothing has changed". In addition, Bezugraya also listed the possible candidates to take over the position of Sergei, including the Special Representative of the President of Ukraine on International Security and Development of National Defense Forces, Moi Shock, who once served as the Deputy Commander in Chief under the leadership of Zaluchini, and Budanov, the Director of the General Intelligence Department of the Ministry of National Defense of Ukraine.

The report quoted a source close to the office of the President of Ukraine as saying that Sersky was "being shrouded in a cloud". If the situation on the front line remains tight in the coming months, he may be dismissed. It is reported that since Sersky became the commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces in February this year, the Ukrainian army has suffered a series of tragic failures in Donetsk and other regions, and important towns in many directions have also been lost.

Zolotalev, a Ukrainian political scientist, believes that in the case of the Ukrainian army's delay in achieving the turning point in the war, the pressure on Sersky is increasing. However, recent rumors and manipulation behind the scenes will lead to the low morale of the leadership and troops of the Urumqi army, who will consider themselves as scapegoats for the unfavorable war. (Xiao Xinxin) ▲

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