Guangdong: No speculation on "financial tea"

In order to prohibit the illegal speculation and sales of tea in the name of "financial tea" and "financial tea", the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau recently issued a notice to the relevant operators of the tea market and industry associations to regulate the price behavior of tea market, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and maintain the price order of tea market.

Guangzhou Fangcun Tea Market is one of the largest tea distribution centers in China. In the name of selling high-end tea, some tea enterprises attract investors to buy their products by speculating on tea prices. Many tea merchants were attracted by the huge appreciation space and bought the product one after another. Unexpectedly, the price of tea fell sharply after that, and the tea products purchased by investors could not realize the expected appreciation space, or even faced losses. Previously, the Development and Reform Bureau of Liwan District, Guangzhou issued a notice saying that the tea market was suspected of illegal "tea frying", which seriously disrupted the order of the tea market and affected the healthy and sustainable development of the tea industry; The "financial tea", "sky high tea" and other tea making activities have risks, and the transaction may constitute the crime of illegal absorption of public deposits and fund-raising fraud. Merchants should resolutely resist relevant illegal activities and guard against the risk of illegal fund-raising.

In order to prohibit the illegal speculation and sales of tea in the name of "financial tea", "financial tea" and other names, the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau issued a notice to clarify the "nine musts" of tea prices: operators should not set prices in violation of the principles of fairness, legality, honesty and credibility, and consistency between quality and price; It shall not violate the price marking regulations; Do not bid up the price; It is not allowed to release untrue market price information; Do not collude to increase prices; No price fraud; No illegal means shall be used to raise prices in disguised form; No false propaganda; No counterfeiting or confusion is allowed.

The Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau said that all tea related operators and industry associations should carry out in-depth self-examination and self correction, strengthen price self-discipline, and let the tea price return to its value one by one according to the above "nine no's" requirements. If the masses find that the tea market price is illegal, they can complain to the market supervision department through the 12345 and 12315 platform hotlines. (Zhou Liang)

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