Three listed companies of Beijing Stock Exchange involved in the violation of the credit rating system are subject to regulatory punishment

Three listed companies of Beijing Stock Exchange involved in the violation of the credit rating system are subject to regulatory punishment
06:48, May 27, 2024 China Securities Network

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Violations of laws and regulations must be investigated, and the sharp edge of supervision should be drawn out. Recently, due to inaccurate disclosure of performance express and performance forecast information and failure to correct them in time, Beijing Stock Exchange Kaida Catalysis The three listed companies and relevant responsible subjects of Beijing Stock Exchange made disciplinary decisions and circulated a notice of criticism.

On May 24, Keyvia Catalysis released an announcement that due to information disclosure violations, the company and relevant responsible subjects recently received the disciplinary decision of Beijing Stock Exchange.

Kaida Catalysis disclosed the 2023 annual performance bulletin and performance forecast on February 26, and the related amendment announcement on April 25. The difference between the financial data and the actual data in the performance express and performance forecast of Keyvia Catalysis reached more than 20%, of which the net profit attributable to the parent company was revised from 15.1347 million yuan to 4.9644 million yuan, with a difference of 67.20%. However, Keyvia Catalysis did not disclose the revised announcement in time.

On April 25, Keyvia Catalyzed the disclosure of the early accounting error correction announcement, and corrected the relevant data in its 2023 first quarter report, semi annual report and third quarter report. Of which, the net profit attributable to the parent company in the first quarterly report of 2023 will be reduced by 13.5713 million yuan, with a reduction ratio of 92.53%; The operating revenue in the semi annual report of 2023 will be reduced by 92.3967 million yuan, 12.41%, and the net profit attributable to the parent company will be reduced by 43.0367 million yuan, 203.73%; The operating revenue in the third quarter report of 2023 will be reduced by 321850900 yuan, 26.73%, and the net profit attributable to the parent company will be reduced by 36606300 yuan, 143.77%.

The letter of decision on disciplinary punishment shows that the disclosure of performance express and performance forecast information of Keyvia is inaccurate and not corrected in time, as well as the financial data in the periodic report is misstated, which violates the relevant provisions of the Listing Rules of Beijing Stock Exchange (for trial implementation) and constitutes a violation of information disclosure. Yao Hong, the chairman of Keyvia Catalysis, as the main person in charge of the listed company, Lin Guiyan, the general manager, as the specific person in charge of the daily operation and management of the listed company, and Yao Wenxuan, the financial person in charge, as the specific person in charge of the financial affairs of the listed company, failed to be diligent and responsible for the above violations of the company.

   Kungong Technology The situation is the same. On February 8, the company disclosed the 2023 annual performance bulletin and performance forecast, and then disclosed the relevant amendment announcement on April 23. The difference between the financial data and the actual data in the company's performance express and performance forecast is more than 20%, of which the net profit attributable to the parent company is revised from 4.5944 million yuan to -10574 million yuan, with the difference of 123.02%, and involves changes in the nature of profit and loss (from profit to loss). However, the Company did not timely disclose the amendment announcement.

On April 29, Kungong Technology disclosed the announcement on the correction of accounting errors in the earlier period, corrected the relevant data in its financial report for the third quarter of 2023, and reduced the operating income by 32.5001 million yuan and the net profit by 1.1564 million yuan, with the adjustment ratio of 8.16% and 9.52% respectively.

Beijing Stock Exchange determined that the information disclosure of the performance express and performance forecast of Kunming Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. was inaccurate and not corrected in time, and the financial data in the periodic report was misstated, which violated the relevant provisions of the Listing Rules of Beijing Stock Exchange (for trial implementation), and constituted information disclosure violations. Guo Zhongcheng, the chairman and general manager of Kungong Technology, and Zhu Chengliang, the secretary of the board of directors and the financial principal, failed to be diligent and responsible, and were responsible for the above violations of the company.

In addition, Lilda The 2023 annual performance report and performance forecast were disclosed on February 29, and then the relevant amendment announcement was disclosed on April 23. The difference between the financial data in the company's performance express and performance forecast and the relevant data in the revised announcement is more than 20%, of which the net profit attributable to the parent company is revised from 6.6244 million yuan to -6016000 yuan, the difference is 190.82%, and involves changes in the nature of profit and loss (from profit to loss). Lierda's failure to timely disclose the amendment announcement constitutes a violation of information disclosure. Ye Wenguang, the chairman of the board of directors, Chen Kaizuo, the general manager, and Sun Qizu, the financial director of the company, failed to be diligent and responsible, and were responsible for the above-mentioned violations of the company.

Regular reports, performance forecasts and performance bulletins are important information sources and bases for investors to fully understand the production, operation and financial conditions of listed companies and make investment decisions. The authenticity, accuracy and completeness of financial data are not only legal requirements, but also reflect the quality and level of corporate governance and accounting. The insiders said that the punishment of Beijing Stock Exchange on the violation of the disclosure of annual reports of listed companies is the embodiment of the implementation of "two strong and two strict", which helps to maintain market order and protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

It is worth mentioning that in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and the Several Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Supervision and Risk Prevention to Promote the High Quality Development of the Capital Market, actively implement the requirements of policy documents such as the Opinions of the CSRC on Strengthening the Supervision of Listed Companies (for Trial Implementation), strengthen the standardized guidance of financial directors of listed companies, and strengthen the "key minority" Under the guidance of the Public Company Supervision Department of China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Beijing Stock Exchange and the Capital Market Institute plan to hold the pilot · 2024 first phase special training for financial directors of listed companies in Shenzhen in the near future.

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