262 companies forecast 68 companies' performance growth or more than 100% in the first quarter

262 companies forecast 68 companies' performance growth or more than 100% in the first quarter
03:14, April 8, 2020 Sina Finance Comprehensive

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Source: Securities Daily

Our reporter Zhang Min

   Flush According to the data, as of April 7, 262 A-share listed companies had released their performance forecasts for the first quarter of 2020, and 149 listed companies expected their performance to rise to varying degrees. Among them, 68 listed companies are expected to increase their performance by more than 100%, and 33 are expected to increase their performance by more than 50%.

In addition, 113 listed companies are expected to see their performance decline to varying degrees.

Pan Helin, Executive Director of the Digital Economy Research Institute of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that the epidemic has different impacts on the industry. The epidemic has had a negative impact on the performance of some service industries, including tourist attractions and catering listed companies. However, it will have a positive impact on medical enterprises, especially anti epidemic equipment manufacturers. However, the impact on the performance of some listed companies is not due to their own business ability. With the improvement of the external environment, I believe that the operating conditions of listed companies will improve.

In the opinion of insiders, the global epidemic continues to spread, and the pharmaceutical sector has a stronger ability to resist risks. However, according to the data, the impact of the epidemic on the pharmaceutical industry varies.

Data display, Jiu'an Medical Wohua Pharmaceutical Boten (Rights protection) Yangpu Medical Treatment Tonghe Pharmaceutical Lippon Instrument 9 listed companies are expected to increase their performance by more than 100% in the first quarter.

Jiu'an Medical announced on March 31 that it is expected to turn losses into profits in the first quarter. During the reporting period, the company quickly responded to the domestic demand for public health and epidemic prevention, resumed production in advance, and actively expanded production capacity. The sales of temperature measurement series products represented by iHealth thermometers increased significantly.

In addition, Wohua Pharmaceutical expects its performance in the first quarter of this year to grow by 170% to 230% year on year.

A company said that due to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic in the first quarter, the downstream enterprises of the company were delayed in resuming work and production, and the pharmaceutical enterprises were delayed in taking delivery of goods, which led to the slowdown of the company's equipment delivery and commissioning progress, and the sharp reduction of the current sales revenue, which had a significant impact on the company's operating performance in the first quarter.

   China Resources Sanjiu The first quarter performance forecast released shows that the company's expected performance for the current period declined by 53% to 62%. It is understood that China Resources Sanjiu completed the sale of 82.89% of its shares in Shenzhen Sanjiu Hospital Co., Ltd. in January 2019, bringing about 680 million yuan (after tax) of asset disposal income to the company in 2019. The above income is non recurring profit and loss. In the first quarter of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic had a certain impact on the operating progress of some of the company's businesses. Through efforts, the company reduced the impact of the epidemic through product restructuring and new channel expansion. According to China Resources Sanjiu, it is expected that after deducting the impact of the above non recurring profits and losses, the company's operating performance in the first quarter of 2020 will basically meet the expectations.

Responsible editor: company observation

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