Can ETC make CT instant noodles at the same price as thread steel?

Can ETC make CT instant noodles at the same price as thread steel?
11:29, January 15, 2020 China Times

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   Original title: Can ETC make CT instant noodles at the same price as thread steel?  

   Reporter: Sun Bin, Yu Jianping

At the beginning of the Spring Festival transportation in 2020, recently, the charging rules of expressways around the country once confused many car owners and freight drivers. The network connection and switching of expressways, the change of charging methods and the synchronous cancellation of provincial toll stations should have provided great convenience to drivers and passengers in this busy spring transportation season, but in actual operation, On various video websites, the driver asked the toll collector, "How many kilometers have I traveled?" The toll collector was helpless to answer, "I don't know how many kilometers have you traveled.".

Even in some provinces, the screen shows that the deduction of more than 42 million yuan is shocking. To this end, the Ministry of Transport responded that the traditional toll lane should be opened reasonably to ensure that vehicles without ETC can pass efficiently; If the ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) is confirmed to be overcharged, the full amount will be returned to the owner.

In the recent field interview of the Huaxia Times, ETC's operating system is still unstable, and the expensive toll collection and long queues seem to have become the intuitive feelings of ordinary car owners for this reform. In the face of the frequent manual intervention in the electronic toll collection windows of toll stations around the world and the repeated parking inquiries of car owners, we firmly believe that the transportation department has the ability to meet the current "pain", but we hope that the pace of ETC's implementation will be more stable and solid.

   Wanji Closing Stop

The government has vigorously promoted the popularization of ETC, and upstream ETC equipment manufacturing enterprises have reaped rolling dividends throughout the year. On the evening of January 13, ETC industry representative in Beijing Wanji Technology The company limited by shares (300552.SZ, hereinafter referred to as Wanji Technology) announced that the shipment of ETC electronic labels of the company has soared, and it is expected to make a profit of 729 million to 917 million yuan in 2019, with a net profit increase of 109 to 138 times over the same period last year.

On January 14, after the announcement was disclosed, Wanji Technology opened three points higher, and properly closed the limit. From March 2019, the price of 13 yuan jumped to a high of 115 yuan, and 10000 episodes took less than a year.

Those who pay tuition fees blindly may not have noticed that the first item in their pre increase report stated that Beijing Wanji Technology Co., Ltd. benefited from relevant national industrial policies, and the shipment of ETC related products increased significantly compared with the same period in the first half of the year. By the end of 2019, ETC's electronic label issuance has basically completed the tasks deployed at the beginning of the year. In the future, affected by national policies and industry changes, the annual procurement scale of electronic label procurement in 2020 is expected to decline, and the company's performance is at risk of falling back. Please make prudent decisions based on the company's share price rise and pay attention to investment risks.

Many industry insiders believe that the performance forecast of Wanji Technology is in line with the industry, and point out that other upstream ETC manufacturing enterprises will also face the risk of performance decline in the near future. On January 14, the whole ETC sector turned downward, and Wanji Technology fell by the limit Huaming Intelligent Down 6.7% Jinyi Technology Down 4.27% Broadcom integration Down 3.16%.

According to the data from research institutions, even if the installation rate is 100%, the ETC industry is expected to have 80 million sets of equipment installed in 2020, while the number of new users in the ETC market in 2019 will be 127 million. If according to the statistics of the Ministry of Public Security, the national car ownership in 2019 will increase by 21.22 million, based on the average of 20 million new cars in 2019, The shipment volume of ETC labels in 2020 should balance the growth of average car ownership in 2019-2020, and then subtract 20 million vehicles.

   Difficulties in ETC operation and maintenance: where is the most important thing

On the one hand, the upstream ETC manufacturing enterprises have done their best, and on the other hand, with the maturity and promotion of the technology of the manufacturing enterprises, the specific charging methods and information access channels have not contacted the vehicle owners at the first time, thus affecting the use feelings of ETC users to a considerable extent in the near future.

The reporter of Huaxia Times is in the third party Complaint platform A further review found that as of January 14, the total number of complaints against ETC had reached 4461, and the complaint time was generally concentrated in December 2019. Even the videos uploaded by netizens showed that abnormal ETC charges were deducted. When one of the "Gui M" leading vehicles passed the toll booth, the screen showed that the charges were deducted by more than 42 million yuan, which was shocking.

The "sky high" bill of more than 40 million yuan is the epitome of the abnormal toll of high-speed passenger transport or freight ETCs after the implementation of the new highway toll standard from January 1, 2020. Among various netizens, there are 0 yuan "free" passage, and complaints about inconsistent tolls for original round-trip. Tens of thousands of "sky high" highway tolls are as fine as 1 yuan Two cents of the difference in the fine settlement of fees has been published online at the same time.

During the interview, the reporter found that the direction of most car owners' complaints was not completely focused on how much they charged, or the query caused by the change from the shortest route to the current actual driving route. Most car owners now require clarity and speed.

"What needs to be returned should be returned and there should be reasonable and quick means. What needs to be returned should let me know where I have passed, why I have left more and where I have left more." At 8:00 p.m. on January 13, a reporter from the Huaxia Times heard a complaint from an owner at the overcrowded Beijing Harbin high-speed toll booth at only two ETC electronic toll gates. According to the statistics of the female owner, She, who installed ETC electronic tags in advance, stayed at the toll station for 10 minutes that night, and also undertook the awkward scene of repeatedly merging vehicles into the electronic toll lane to avoid scratches.

"Originally, ETC was installed to make it faster and more convenient to go home. After all, the Spring Festival is coming. The children are too busy to pick up when they have a holiday, so they want to go home early. This trip home is not only a traffic jam, but also a lot of tough car owners with foreign license plates competing to enter the ETC lane. It's difficult!" Similar to the complaint of the female car owner, It is not the first time that I have heard it in recent days.

In the afternoon of January 15, a private car owner inquired about ETC fee deduction information at a bank outlet, In an interview with a reporter, the statement was very persuasive: "The charging method is to cancel rounding, and it is calculated according to the actual driving route. Those who use more roads pay more, and those who use less roads pay less. Then can I know the way I go more once through technical means, even once I can learn from it. Isn't it my own right to publicize the unit charge price/total price?"

In this regard, on January 10, the Ministry of Transport held a video conference to promote the cancellation of provincial toll stations on expressways, and made deployment for the battle to consolidate the achievements of station withdrawal. First, we should speed up the improvement of the system, ensure stable operation, speed up the solution of problems such as CPC card recognition, and ensure the stable operation of the online toll system and accurate billing. Second, the rate should be carefully reviewed, and the problems reported by the media or complained by the public should be verified one by one and properly handled according to law. Third, we need to strengthen joint command and establish a long-term mechanism for congestion. Fourth, we need to strengthen basic services and improve service quality. Fifth, regulate positive guidance and actively respond to social concerns.

   Charging by piece leads to logistics cost examination questions

As of the press release, due to the Spring Festival travel and the need to deal with various special situations in operation in a timely manner, a large amount of manpower and energy have been occupied by the management of road conditions, and some staff at the Beijing ETC site have not been able to respond to the reporter's questions raised by the above owners in a timely manner.

In the process of calling relevant ETCs to handle bank outlets and visiting them on the spot, the reporter has received unsatisfactory responses: "For those with a credit limit of less than 300 yuan of stored value bookkeeping cards, we have not received relevant access information yet, and we have no technical means to meet your needs at present. Please consult relevant transportation departments." In the interview, The staff of some bank outlets replied to the reporter's inquiry on the spot politely but lacking information.

Zhang Shifu, a truck driver, said: "After charging according to the model, the same charging standard will be implemented for the same axle type truck, no matter how much or how little it is loaded. Then I will pull the deformed steel bar on the road on the journey, and on the return journey, in order to avoid emptying the truck to pull mineral water, instant noodles, the charging method is the same. I can't pull a car of integrated circuit boards every time."

Lao Zhang, the lorry driver, worried about the value of goods in the freight logistics cost. On the one hand, the transportation cost of high value-added goods such as chips does not account for the cost of their value, which has less impact on their selling price. However, the proportion of logistics cost in the cost of goods such as pork/vegetables, which are related to people's livelihood, has significantly increased. "Now cold chain trains and high-speed rail express really have an impact on our industry," said Master Zhang.

The words of the masses are very persuasive. With the guidance and pains of highway transportation mode and toll mode, the transportation capacity and cost of railway construction will gradually compete with highway transportation in the future. On the other hand, the transportation of fast moving consumer goods such as beverages/food/clothing is the type of freight transportation with high frequency under the current e-commerce economy, Whether the highway economy, which is generated under such an economic model, can further improve efficiency and reduce cost with the help of ETC's reform path in the future is a new question for market participants and policy makers in this spring transportation season.

Editor in charge: Pan Qiaochu

Screw thread steel

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