Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China US relations are at an important juncture, and both sides need to make correct choices

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China US relations are at an important juncture, and both sides need to make correct choices
03:30, November 16, 2018 People's Daily Overseas Edition

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   Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China US relations are at an important juncture, and both sides need to make correct choices

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 15 (Reporter Hou Xiaochen) -- Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a regular press conference on November 15 that at present, China US relations are at an important juncture, and both sides need to make correct choices and make practical efforts to ensure the healthy and stable development of China US relations in the right direction.

It is reported that Vice President Burns of the United States said in an interview with the Washington Post on the 13th that the United States would open the door to reaching an agreement with China during the G20 Summit in Argentina, but only if China made significant changes in economic, military and political activities and made concessions on issues of concern to the United States.

Hua Chunying said in this regard that for some time, different people from the United States have made different voices. "I don't know whether Mr. Burns's remarks represent the official views of the United States government or just his personal views?"

"At present, China US relations are at an important juncture. Both sides need to make the right choices and make practical efforts to ensure that China US relations develop healthily and stably in the right direction. This is in the fundamental interests of the two peoples and the people of the world, and is also the common expectation of the international community." Hua Chunying said that China respects the sovereignty, security and development interests of the United States, The United States should also respect China's sovereignty, security and development interests, and respect the development path chosen by the Chinese people in line with their own national conditions.

Hua Chunying said that, as President Xi Jinping pointed out in his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the First China International Import Expo earlier this month, "China is still here after more than 5000 years of hardships! Facing the future, China will always be here!"

She said that China's position on economic and trade consultations is clear and consistent. China believes that the essence of China US economic and trade cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win results. Negotiations and consultations on the basis of mutual respect, reciprocity and mutual benefit are the only correct way to solve economic and trade issues. On this issue, China does not owe, ask or fear anyone. Not long ago, China and the US dollar had a telephone conversation, in which both heads of state expressed their good wishes for the healthy and stable development of China US relations and the expansion of China US economic and trade cooperation.

   "It is hoped that the US side, in accordance with the spirit of the recent communication consensus between the two heads of state, will focus on cooperation and remove interference, conduct honest and serious consultations on issues of concern to both sides on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and strive to reach a mutually acceptable plan, so that the good wishes of both sides to maintain the healthy and stable development of China US relations and expand China US economic and trade cooperation will become reality." Hua Chunying said.

Editor in charge: Li Feng

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