The "Baby Director" of Xi'an's 100 billion state-owned enterprises was suspended after a dramatic response

The "Baby Director" of Xi'an's 100 billion state-owned enterprises was suspended after a dramatic response
01:57, November 10, 2018 China Times

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   The whole story of the suspension of "controversial executives" of Xi'an's 100 billion state-owned enterprises

■ Trainee reporter Bai Yujie

Our reporter Chen Yanpeng reports from Beijing

When Li Tian, 34, was elected as the chairman of the board of directors on September 4, she should have never thought that her term of office was only two months.

Li Tian, the "post-80s", served as the chairman (legal representative), and Zhao Xueying and Zhu Yue, the "post-90s", served as the directors. The personnel adjustment of Xi'an Hi tech Holdings Co., Ltd. in September attracted attention at the beginning of November. Why can three people with an average age of 27 and no management experience be elected executives in a state-owned enterprise with total assets of more than 100 billion yuan? As soon as the news came out, public opinion exploded.

The event ended with the statement issued by the official of Xi'an High tech Zone on November 4 and 5. According to the statement, the director of the Finance Bureau of Xi'an Hi tech Zone was dismissed, and Li Tian and three others were suspended from their posts.

   "Temporary adjustment" has been brewing for a long time

The personnel adjustment is the beginning of the dispute.

According to the announcement issued by Xi'an Hi tech Holdings, the company held a shareholders' meeting on September 4, and approved by shareholders representing 100% of the voting rights to elect Li Tian as the chairman (legal representative) and Zhao Xueying and Zhu Yue as directors. According to the open resume, the three were born in 1984, 1993 and 1995 respectively, and Zhu Yue graduated from the university for one year.

"Baby soldier" seems to be airborne when taking office, but the reporter of the Huaxia Times found that the "exchange of blood" of senior executives of Xi'an Hi tech Holding has been brewing for a long time. As early as November 2017, Xi'an Hi tech Holding started a "new old transition". According to a personnel change notice of Xi'an Hi tech Holdings published on China Bond Information Network, at the shareholders' meeting held on November 15, 2017, 8 members of the board of directors and the board of supervisors, including Dang Xiaoping, Geng Chao and Li Jie, who were born in the 1960s and 1970s, all withdrew. The new executives, Li Na, Guo Jing, Xu Shengwei, Shan Yufei, Chen Pu, He Wenliang and Zhu Shan, were born after 1980.

What is the purpose of this "blood exchange"? According to the statement of the Finance Bureau of the High tech Zone on November 3, this is a "temporary adjustment" made "according to the requirement that employees of public institutions should not work part-time in enterprises". Yan Ling, the former chairman and general manager of Xi'an Hi tech Holdings, who was taken over by Li Tian, is exactly a part-time employee of a public institution in the enterprise.

According to many public data, Yan Ling was the former director of the Finance Bureau of Xi'an Hi tech Zone. Yan Ling was introduced as "the chairman and general manager of Xi'an Hi tech Holding Co., Ltd. concurrently serve as the director of the finance bureau of the management committee of Xi'an Hi tech Zone" in the "2018 First Issue of Xi'an Hi tech Holding Co., Ltd. Corporate Bond Raising Instructions" released on June 15 this year, with the term of office starting and ending from "April 9, 2015 to the present". A news released on the official website of Xi'an High tech Zone on November 18, 2016 also described Yan Ling as "Director of the Finance Bureau of the High tech Zone".

Yan Ling is not the only "part-time executive" in Xi'an Hi tech Holding. According to the 2017 First Issue of Xi'an Hi tech Holdings Co., Ltd. Corporate Bond Prospectus signed in December 2017, Wang Xiaowei, then the company's deputy general manager, also served as the director of the audit bureau of the Hi tech Zone; Li Jie, who was then the chief financial officer of the company, was also the head of the enterprise department of the accounting center of the high-tech zone. Before the shareholders' meeting on November 15, 2017, both of them were also members of the board of directors of the company. In addition, Chi Fang, Song Qi, Zhou Aili, who were once listed in the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors, have worked in institutions such as the Finance Bureau and the China Merchants Bureau of the High tech Zone.

   "Baby director" arouses heated discussion

As a "high-tech zone policy company" with 70% of the shares held by the management committee of Xi'an High tech Zone, it is not difficult to understand why the public institution personnel also serve as the senior executives of Xi'an High tech Zone. However, when issuing bonds to the society, Xi'an Hi tech Holdings failed to clearly disclose the situation of senior executives in the prospectus.

According to the 2017 semi annual report of Xi'an Hi tech Holdings released on the open market, "during the reporting period, Yan Ling, the chairman and general manager, requested to resign as the chairman and general manager of the company for personal reasons. However, as of the date of this report (August 2017), as the new chairman and general manager have yet to be appointed, Comrade Yan Ling still exercises the functions and powers of the chairman and general manager.", It was not mentioned in the Prospectus for Corporate Bonds of Xi'an Hi tech Holding Co., Ltd. (the first issue of 2017) and the Prospectus for the first three issues of ultra short term bonds in 2018 issued by the company in December 2017.

The Prospectus of Xi'an Hi tech Holdings Co., Ltd. for the sixth issue of ultra short term financing bonds in 2018 and the Prospectus of Xi'an Hi tech Holdings Co., Ltd. for the first issue of corporate bonds in 2018, published in June 2018, are more contradictory - the former note Yan Ling resigned in December 2016 and the position was vacant, The latter is called Yan Ling, who is also the director of the Finance Bureau of the High tech Zone and the chairman and general manager of High tech Holdings. The reporter inquired about the appointment and removal information of the Administrative Committee of the High tech Zone and found that Yan Ling resigned as the Director of the Finance Bureau of the High tech Zone at the same time in December 2016, but the "Yan Ling" in the announcement was different from the "Yan Ling".

The above omissions were not noticed before Li Tian, Zhao Xueying and Zhu Yue took office. Until November 2, the news that "Xi'an state-owned enterprises appoint young directors" came into public view, and Xi'an Hi tech Holdings had to face new problems when the "old and new" had come to an end.

According to the industrial and commercial registration information, Li Tian, born in 1984 and once worked in Xi'an Baishida Talent Service Company, not only served as the chairman and general manager of an enterprise of Xi'an Hi tech Holding, but also served as the legal person of four subsidiaries of Hi tech Holding and the senior executives of two subsidiaries, taking over Yan Ling from all sides. Zhao Xueying, born in 1993 and with two years of work experience, is also a director of Xi'an Hi tech Holding Co., Ltd. and a supervisor of a subsidiary. Zhu Yueze, the "post-95s", graduated from university for one year, and his employment experience is unknown.

Xi'an Hi tech Holdings is a state-owned enterprise with total assets of 127 billion yuan and net assets of 40.3 billion yuan by the end of June 2018. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the State owned Assets of Enterprises, one of the conditions for the directors, supervisors and senior managers appointed or proposed to be appointed by the institution performing the functions of a contributor is that they have professional knowledge and working ability that meet the requirements of the position.

Why can Li Tian and other three people be elected executives of 100 billion state-owned enterprises? Public opinion has many associations with his family background and appointment process.

   Dramatic response and suspension "end"

According to the public reports of several media on November 2, at the beginning of the fermentation of public opinion, Xi'an Hi tech Holding Company and relevant departments of Xi'an Hi tech Zone Management Committee replied to the media's questions with "no comment" and "no reply".

On the evening of November 3, the Xi'an High tech Zone Finance Bureau in charge of the enterprises involved responded through the official microblog of "Xi'an High tech". The statement said that "we have investigated the relevant issues of the three management personnel concerned by netizens and found no social relations that affect the normal operation of the company", but while denying the speculation, we admitted that there are still some unscientific and imperfect problems in the selection of enterprise management personnel.

For the first time, the public opinion continues. In the afternoon of November 4, the Finance Bureau of the High tech Zone issued another statement, and the situation reversed. The statement said that it had decided to suspend Li Tian from his post, and the Discipline Work Committee of the High tech Zone had intervened to investigate whether there was any violation of discipline in the appointment process of the three persons. In the early morning of November 5, the Administrative Committee of the High tech Zone issued a document stating that the Finance Bureau of the High tech Zone changed the corporate representative and director of the enterprise without authorization, and decided to remove the post of director of the Finance Bureau after study. Li Tian and other three people had no special family background, and there was no violation of rules and disciplines in the process of taking office, and the monthly salary of the three people before and after taking office did not exceed 4500 yuan. In less than 12 hours, it reversed again.

Three dramatic statements ended the executive career of three "doll directors", but there are still many questions to be solved. The personnel change announcement of Xi'an Hi tech Holding said that the appointment decision was voted by the shareholders' meeting. Does the "unauthorized change" mentioned by the High tech Zone Management Committee mean that the former's announcement is false? In addition, local insiders told the media that Li Tian and other post-80s and post-90s executives did not have the ability to perform their duties, and Xi'an High tech Zone Finance Bureau was the actual controller. So, is the personnel transfer of Xi'an Hi tech Holding just ostensibly acting according to regulations?

"Next, we will continue to conduct in-depth investigation and make relevant information known to the public in a timely manner," said the Xi'an High tech Zone Management Committee in a notice on November 5. As of press release, Li Tian, Zhao Xueying and Zhu Yue are still on the list of senior executives of Xi'an Hi tech Holdings, and the relevant departments have not announced the follow-up progress.

Editor in charge: Zhang Guoshuai

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