The demand for down payment loan shrinks due to the cold housing market. The loan intermediary promotes housing mortgage loan

The demand for down payment loan shrinks due to the cold housing market. The loan intermediary promotes housing mortgage loan
08:17, November 13, 2018 Securities Daily

The demand for down payment loan shrinks due to the cold housing market, and loan intermediaries intensively promote housing mortgage loans

Our reporter Zhang Xin

   Editor's Note: "Capital Jianghu" is never short of stories. Although housing loans have retired to the second tier, they have not forgotten about the Jianghu. Market participants are looking at the housing mortgage loan business derived from real estate mortgage (the first or second time). This is true for both the capital demand side and the investment side.

Disturbing sales calls sometimes become a barometer of microeconomics.

"The demand for funds at the end of the year is high, so let's know about bank loans." Recently, Ms. Li's mobile phone, who lives in Chaoyang District, Beijing, was "bombed by fatigue" by various intermediaries, among which the demand for loans is one of the most frequently asked questions by intermediaries.

The reporter of Securities Daily secretly visited many loan intermediaries and found that housing mortgage is the loan method that intermediaries are very happy to recommend. "The amount of mortgage loan is high, the interest rate is low, and the term is long", Ms. Zhang, a staff member of a loan company who claims to have 14 years of full-time loan service, told our reporter

   From Harassment Calls To industry prosperity index

The mobile phone number of Mr. Zhang, a financial practitioner, has been used for many years, and therefore has become the object of "key care" for various salesmen. Mr. Zhang is very helpless about this. After all, there are N possible channels for information disclosure.

"I roughly estimated the types of harassment calls I received in recent months, and found an interesting phenomenon - harassment calls are highly negatively correlated with the prosperity of the industry in which they promote their products", Mr. Zhang said, "This year's property market has broken the promise of" nine golden years and ten silver years ". Recently, there have been a lot of sales promotion of properties in various places. I have personally received the promotion of property market projects in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Chengdu, Shandong and other places; In addition, due to the recent downturn in the real estate market, the demand for mortgage loans has decreased, and the promotion of housing mortgage loans has increased significantly, which is a bit like the metaphor of the so-called instant noodle index and consumption upgrading or downgrade. "

Of course, not every consumer who is "greeted" by a promotional call will carefully analyze the content of the promotion, but "more loan promotions at the end of the year" is indeed the consensus of many people.

"Occasionally, I would take the initiative to ask people from the loan company to send me a text message and leave a phone number that can be called back in case of a sudden demand for funds. After all, many accounts must be settled with suppliers and workers before the end of the year, and whether customers can pay me in time is still unknown." Mr. Wu, who has been engaged in decoration business for many years in Beijing, is now very cautious, Because he once "suffered a setback" - in order to find the bridge funds at the critical moment, Mr. Wu used to run in a tight corner and bear a high interest rate.

"Due to the insufficient amount at the end of the year and the bank's own settlement, banks usually stop lending in the last ten days of December. According to the annual situation, most banks choose the time point before or after December 20", another loan intermediary, Mr. Wang, said in a secret interview with a reporter from Securities Daily, "If there is a loan plan, it should be taken into consideration now. After all, it will take some time to complete the process from applying for loans to approving loans. The fastest time is 5 to 10 working days after the materials are ready, and the slowest time is nearly a month."

   housing mortgage loan Highest recommended heat

Perhaps the bank has the highest degree of tacit understanding with the real estate industry. Therefore, at the end of a relatively tight financial year, housing mortgage loans have become the products that some loan intermediaries are most willing to promote.

Ms. Zhang, an employee of the aforementioned loan company, said, "Our company has cooperated with more than 30 banks and launched about 100 kinds of products. We can help you choose the most suitable bank and the most suitable product according to the system score. However, whether it is a consumer loan or a business loan, it is estimated that you need to mortgage your property."

In the communication with loan intermediaries, the reporter of Securities Daily made up his identity that "there is a real estate in Beijing at present, the market price is 4 million yuan, the loan is more than 2 million yuan, the monthly mortgage is 8000 yuan, and the loan demand is close to 1 million yuan".

"We can apply for 'secondary mortgage' (note: secondary mortgage) for your property. If you have good other qualifications, you can at least apply for an annualized interest rate slightly lower than 5.4%. Consumer loans can be applied for 10 years to pay off, and business loans can be paid off in 20 years." Ms. Zhang said, "If you do not mortgage your property, the annualized interest rate may rise to 8%."

"At present, the approval of pure credit consumer loans is really strict, and the amount is also small. If you have a house or a car in Beijing, it is recommended that you increase the collateral". Mr. Wang, the loan intermediary, is also very inclined to provide housing mortgage loans to the Securities Daily reporter. Mr. Wang admitted that during the boom period of the property market, most people were looking for credit loans and tried their best to move into the down payment, while mortgage loans were less popular; Nowadays, the business staff of the bank privately welcome the down payment application of the avatar consumer loan, but the customer is afraid to lend.

It is understood that the intermediary company can basically determine the bank and products that are suitable for the customer with the help of the bank's scoring system half an hour after the interview with the customer.

Previously, a reporter of Securities Daily saw an ad on the interface of a joint-stock bank's official website to promote personal consumer loans - "Turn your house property into an ATM and enjoy it!" With the expression of "the loan amount can reach up to 20 million yuan".

At that time, the reporter of Securities Daily called the bank's credit officer in a district of Beijing to learn that the ceiling of mortgage loans in Beijing has actually been reduced to 10 million yuan, and must be corporate loans. Moreover, according to relevant regulatory provisions, the ceiling of consumer loans in Beijing should be 1 million yuan. The person said that "the description of the official website and customer service should be a comprehensive statement, and it is unlikely to really put so many items".

However, it can also be seen that some banks are absolutely "true love" for housing mortgage loans!

Of course, the current attitude of commercial banks towards personal housing mortgage loans is actually different. At the end of the first quarter of this year, another joint-stock commercial bank confirmed that it had suspended the issuance of personal housing mortgage loans of more than 2 million yuan in Beijing. It is understood that this adjustment is not a unified requirement of the regulatory authorities, but the bank's own commercial behavior.

Editor in charge: Yang Qun

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