Where are the opportunities for small and medium-sized insurance enterprises to "overtake" when AI large models are intensively implemented in the insurance industry?

Where are the opportunities for small and medium-sized insurance enterprises to "overtake" when AI large models are intensively implemented in the insurance industry?
07:18, May 24, 2024 Interface News

   Interface journalists| Lv Wenqi

"I am 30 years old and have an annual income of 200000 yuan. If you want to buy savings insurance, please help me recommend it." The interface news tried to ask the question of Chat Trust 3.0 released by Sino US Mutual Life on the 22nd. Subsequently, Chat-Trust3.0 quickly generated a detailed insurance benefit demonstration table and product feature summary of an annuity product.

As a data intensive industry, It is one of the best application fields of AI big model Since the end of 2022, ChatGPT has launched an AI big model boom, at present PICC Ping An, China , Sunshine Insurance, Zhong'an Insurance and many other insurance companies have arranged around the big model.

In the interview, many technical personnel analyzed the news on the interface. The popularity of AI large model will reduce the gap between large insurance companies and small and medium-sized insurance companies. With the help of the increasingly low-cost general large model, small and medium-sized insurance companies have the opportunity to significantly improve their operating efficiency. However, AI technology still has hallucinations, data security and other issues, which is still far from comprehensively reshaping the industry.

   AI Narrow the gap between insurance companies

The combination of insurance and large model cannot be separated from the rapid development of large model this year. Compared with the pre training at the level of tens of millions of dollars, it is more feasible for insurance companies to use the general model to create vertical applications in the era of the general model's ability to move forward.

   two thousand and twenty-three In, PICC released the "Digital Intelligence Lingxi PICC Big Model", and launched two big model applications in PICC's exclusive question and answer field - "PICC Zhiyou" and "Smart Treasure". The two applications are aimed at individual and enterprise customers, providing services in insurance product consultation, claims application, policy management, etc., with the purpose of improving user experience and enterprise insurance management efficiency.

Sunshine Insurance also listed the self-developed AI model as the company's strategic project in 2023, and its Sunshine Zhengyan GPT model has been applied to customer service, sales support and other scenarios.

Tong Guohong, the head of the data information center of Sino US Mutual Life, said to the interface news that the investment in the big model mainly comes from two parts, one is the investment in computing power, and the other is the investment of the technical team. "In terms of computing power, as a small and medium-sized insurance company, our cost investment is more focused on the company's existing needs, and will be expanded step by step. But we believe that with the further development of technology, computing power costs will gradually decline."

Wang Boyang, an AI investor of Jiacheng Capital, said to Interface News that with the development of AI technology, the gap between small and medium-sized insurance companies and large insurance companies will narrow. "Maybe we will think that large insurance companies will have more data and resources to use the big model earlier. But now the general big model is becoming more and more intelligent, and the cost is gradually reducing. A series of core insurance businesses such as intelligent customer service and pricing data can be assisted by the big model, so as to help small and medium-sized insurance companies improve their operating efficiency and achieve business breakthroughs."

Zeng Yu, the head of the digital operation department of Simei, said that through the AI model, the insurance company's expenses could be reduced by 99% in an ideal situation. If insurance companies can master this technology, the saved costs can be invested in better customer service and lower priced products, which will bring great advantages, and will also produce insurance companies with a new organizational structure.

   Caitong Securities The research report believes that, on the one hand, the terms of insurance products are complex and there are many professional terms, which puts forward much higher requirements for investment in the recruitment and continuous training of insurance company sales personnel than other industries; On the other hand, back-end services such as underwriting and claims verification also require a large number of people to connect. Therefore, the insurance industry is generally considered as one of the labor-intensive industries with high human costs. In the context of stricter regulation, the policy side has more strict requirements on the professionalism of insurance practitioners, and insurance companies have an active demand for technology empowerment.

AI large model is mainly used for auxiliary work

So, what are the possible combinations of AI and insurance?

Yang Fan, Chairman of Xinmei Mutual, said that the development opportunities and application scenarios of the big model in the insurance industry are very broad, such as providing personalized content and product recommendations for different customer groups; By analyzing historical data and real-time data, help insurance companies more accurately assess risks and formulate insurance rates; Accelerate the two core process and improve customer service experience.

However, he also pointed out that at this stage, the AI big model of the insurance industry is constrained by the ability of the basic big model, and it requires a large amount of investment to achieve an accuracy rate of more than 90%. At present, the AI big model is mainly used for auxiliary work.

In addition, Wang Boyang said that the application of generative AI in the vertical field still has accuracy problems. "Although generative AI can adapt to various queries, it may lack consistency in continuous dialogue. In addition, generative AI may generate unexpected answers when answering questions.

There are many ways to solve the illusion problem of generative AI. For example, the "white box" presentation of SINOMAX's large model application self research clearly shows the reasoning process when answering questions, so that the results can be followed.

Tong Guohong explained that insurance products and services usually involve complex risk assessment and decision-making processes. The application of the "white box" model can better explain its working principle and decision-making basis to regulators, customers and internal teams, and can be more clear and transparent in the consideration of problem traceability and accuracy.

At the same time, the risks of AI technology application cannot be ignored. Tong Guohong said that the insurance industry involves a large amount of personal sensitive information. How to ensure the privacy and security of data while using the big model is an important challenge. The insurance industry has a variety of data sources. How to ensure the quality and standardization of data so that large models can effectively learn and predict is a key issue.

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