Du Chaomin, Vice President of CCB Life Insurance: Seven Measures to Clear the "Hidden Corner" of Insurance Enterprise's Sales Claim Settlement | Zero Distance of Financial Insurance Cancellation

Du Chaomin, Vice President of CCB Life Insurance: Seven Measures to Clear the "Hidden Corner" of Insurance Enterprise's Sales Claim Settlement | Zero Distance of Financial Insurance Cancellation
14:05, May 22, 2023 Sina Finance
In recent years, with the rapid development of China's financial industry, the total number of bancassurance consumers continues to increase, and financial products continue to be rich and diverse. Protecting the rights and interests of financial consumers has become a must for high-quality development of financial institutions. Sina Finance's annual planning of "New Financial Mission" launched "Zero Distance of Financial Consumer Protection", in-depth dialogue with executives of major financial institutions, and contribute to the protection of consumer rights and interests.

In recent years, China's insurance industry has developed at a high speed and has become the second largest insurance market in the world for many consecutive years. At the same time, it has become the consensus of the whole industry to attach importance to consumer rights and maintain financial security. How can insurance institutions do a good job in consumer protection? What is the next direction of consumer protection work? This issue of Zero Distance of Financial Consumer Insurance talked to Du Chaomin, Vice President of CCB Life Insurance.

In Du Chaomin's view, the uniqueness of the protection of consumers' rights and interests of insurance institutions is that the original intention of insurance is to do a good job in consumer risk management and insurance protection. Du Chaomin also stressed that "in the daily operation process, we should focus on the key links such as product design, marketing publicity, underwriting and claims settlement, treat every consumer fairly, fairly and honestly, implement the whole process control, improve the sense of safety, happiness and acquisition of insurance consumers, promote the construction of the integrity system of the insurance industry, and achieve sustainable and healthy development."

Sales and claims disputes are still the hardest hit areas for complaints in the life insurance industry. In this regard, Du Chaomin said that CCB Life attached great importance to sales behavior control and claims settlement services, standardized the three main service links and three special service links of claims settlement, actively explored the second level claims payment, established a small quick channel for second claims, established a special claims settlement service team for the elderly, disabled, rural and other special groups, and took the initiative to collect claims application materials, Constantly improve the claims service experience of different customer groups, and reduce sales and claims disputes.

   The original intention of insurance is to do a good job in consumer risk management and insurance protection

As an important participant and promoter of the financial industry, the protection of consumers' rights and interests of insurance institutions is an inevitable requirement for practicing the political and people's nature of financial work, an effective practice of "insurance surnamed insurance", and a powerful guarantee for the insurance industry to serve the real economy and help people realize a better life.

Du Chaomin said that the insurance industry bears the important function of serving the people and responding to the people's expectations, and consumer protection bears the important responsibility of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the people. Du Chaomin also stressed that, "The uniqueness of the protection of consumers' rights and interests of insurance institutions lies in that the original intention of insurance is to do a good job in consumer risk management and insurance protection. In the daily operation process, it should focus on key links such as product design, marketing publicity, underwriting and claims settlement, treat every consumer fairly, impartially and honestly, implement full process management and control, and improve the sense of safety, happiness and acquisition of insurance consumers And promote the construction of the integrity system of the insurance industry to achieve sustainable and healthy development. "

Du Chaomin introduced that CCB Life Insurance, as a bank insurance company, practices the new financial concept, promotes the integration of consumer protection into the whole process of business development from pre-sales, sales and after-sales, and promotes the deep integration of consumer protection and business. Before products and new service items enter the market, strict consumer protection review is carried out to move forward the risk control threshold to ensure that product rules, business processes, promotional texts, etc. meet the requirements of consumer protection and ensure the fairness and justice of the consumption environment.

At the same time, CCB Life Insurance insists on problem orientation, focuses on the compliance management of product sales, continues to standardize sales behavior, insists on using easy to understand language, truthfully, accurately, completely and timely disclose important information about products and services, and resolutely puts an end to exaggeration and misleading behavior. Strictly implement the traceability management requirements for the insurance sales process, promote the traceability of key sales links of all channels, the inquiry of important information, and the accountability of problems, and ensure consumers' right to know and their right to independent choice.

The Administrative Measures for the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests in Banking and Insurance Institutions came into force on March 1 this year, which puts forward new requirements for consumer protection in the financial industry. Du Chaomin said that insurance institutions should make efforts and breakthroughs from the following aspects in the implementation process:

First, consensus should be reached on understanding. We should have a deep understanding of the political and people oriented nature of consumer protection, firmly establish the people centered development idea, enhance our consciousness and initiative, and do our best to protect consumers' rights and interests from the perspective of implementing the Party and national policies, implementing regulatory requirements, and ensuring long-term healthy development.

The second is to unite joint forces in the organization. It is necessary to raise the consumer protection work to a strategic height, incorporate it into the business development and corporate culture, improve the system and mechanism construction, implement the responsibility system of the first leader, achieve effective horizontal and vertical coordination, and form a joint force. We will continue to improve the supply of insurance products, strengthen personnel management, improve service quality, and fully implement the principles of compliance with the law, equality, voluntariness, honesty and trustworthiness.

Third, we should address both the symptoms and root causes in action. We should be problem oriented, focus on the urgent needs of the masses, adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge experience" in the new era, improve the efficiency of problem handling, and improve consumer complaints [Black Cat Complaints] We will actively promote a diversified mechanism for resolving consumer disputes, resolve conflicts and disputes at the grass-roots level and in the bud, and ensure that there is no escalation, spillover, or negative impact. We will resolutely avoid such violations of consumers' rights and interests as refusing to accept, accepting, or delaying consumer issues.

Fourth, we should be honest and innovative in the way. We will continue to promote innovation in key work such as consumer insurance review, complaint management, education and publicity, and services for the elderly, actively use digital and intelligent methods to improve the level of refined management, ensure that all types of consumer groups have fair and equitable access to financial services, and share the fruits of financial development.

   Seven measures and three links to reduce sales and claims disputes

According to the regulatory report, sales and claims disputes are still the hardest hit areas for complaints in the life insurance industry. Du Chaomin emphasized that "sales and claims settlement are the business that insurance consumers pay most attention to, and also the business that is most likely to affect consumer experience." He believed that the key to effectively managing the problems in sales and claims settlement is to do the following:

First, we should do a good job in source prevention and control, establish a consumer appropriateness management mechanism, assess the risks of products, implement hierarchical and dynamic management, carry out consumer risk awareness, risk appetite and risk tolerance assessment, provide appropriate products to appropriate consumers, and resolutely avoid misleading sales.

The second is to strictly regulate marketing and publicity activities, and not to conduct fraudulent, concealed or misleading publicity, and not to conduct false or misleading publicity such as exaggerating product revenues or service rights and interests, and covering up product risks.

The third is to establish a traceable management mechanism for sales behavior, record and save the sales process of products and services, so that key links can be traced, important information can be queried, and problem responsibilities can be confirmed.

Fourth, establish an information disclosure mechanism, follow the principles of authenticity, accuracy, integrity and timeliness, disclose key information of products and services in the whole process of pre-sales, sales and after-sales, and protect consumers' right to know.

The fifth is to improve the level of claims service, adhere to the customer-centric approach, and when receiving claims applications, we should settle claims in accordance with the law, be honest and trustworthy, reasonably fast and efficiently, and protect consumers' right to claim compensation in accordance with the law.

Sixth, establish and improve the complaint handling mechanism, unblock the complaint channels, standardize the complaint handling process, strengthen the statistical analysis of complaints, constantly trace the source of rectification, and fulfill the main responsibility of complaint handling.

Seventh, improve the supporting mechanism for diversified resolution of conflicts and disputes, actively negotiate with consumers to resolve conflicts and disputes, and promote the resolution of conflicts and disputes through mediation, arbitration, litigation and other means.

CCB Life attaches great importance to sales behavior control and claim settlement services, standardizes the three main service links and three special service links of claims settlement, actively explores the second level claims payment, establishes a fast track for small second claims, establishes a special claim settlement service team for the elderly, disabled, rural and other special groups, and takes the initiative to collect claims application materials at home, Constantly improve the claims service experience of different customer groups, and reduce sales and claims disputes.

Illegal "agency surrender" takes advantage of consumers' psychological weaknesses and disturbs the normal financial order. In this regard, Du Chaomin said that the insurance industry should actively carry out public welfare education and publicity on the concept of keeping faith, safeguarding rights according to law, and the danger of agency surrender, so as to guide consumers to be honest in insurance, settle claims in good faith, and safeguard rights according to law.

At the same time, insurance enterprises should actively cooperate in combating illegal "agency surrender". Actively collect the clues of agency surrender, strengthen the linkage and coordination with public security organs and regulatory agencies, jointly crack down on illegal agency surrender, and maintain the normal order of the financial market.

   Expand the scope of financial services and protect the good life of key consumer groups

Referring to the experience of financial knowledge education and publicity among key groups of "one old man, one young man and one new man", Du Chaomin said that CCB Life Insurance attaches great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of key consumer groups of "one old man, one young man and one new man", and has actively launched a series of care measures, which has achieved good results.

First, formulate a detailed service plan and carry out activities of caring for the elderly, caring for young people and caring for new citizens. The service point is equipped with dedicated service facilities such as love seats, and special posts for telephone consultation are set up to provide value-added services such as door-to-door bill collection, health management, and elderly care services for the elderly. Open a green channel for elderly customers, give priority to underwriting evaluation, special claims service team services, take the initiative to collect claims application materials, support post claim care services, strengthen health guidance after recovery, and constantly improve the service experience of the elderly.

Second, actively carry out financial knowledge education and publicity, and promote financial education "readily available". Customized large print financial knowledge books for the elderly, released special topics on reasonable lending education for young people, carried out campus trips on financial knowledge, and refused illegal "campus loans". We will produce a public service promotional film for new citizens and a series of promotional films about respecting and loving the elderly, to enhance the risk prevention awareness of key groups, improve financial literacy, and promote fair, shared, and win-win financial consumption education. CCB Life was selected by Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau as the outstanding organization in 2022 financial joint education and publicity activities.

The third is to hold special customer service activities. Carry out the activity of "looking for centenarians", listen to the elderly telling their life experiences, and look for the imprint of the development of the times. Organize volunteer service activities, carry out condolences and assistance for the old, the young and the new through various forms, provide various forms of care activities, expand the scope of financial services, and protect the good life of key consumer groups.

If financial consumers encounter disputes, Du Chaomin also provides the following suggestions:

First of all, consumers should strengthen their learning, fully understand their own legitimate rights and interests, enhance their awareness of risk identification, risk resistance, and enhance their ability to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

Secondly, consumers should adhere to honesty and trustworthiness, consume rationally, invest prudently, and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests according to law.

Third, in case of consumption disputes, they should be reflected through the formal channels of financial institutions, provide true and complete information, actively cooperate with the processing personnel to solve the problems through consultation, or seek the help of the local financial consumption dispute mediation center, or solve them through mediation, arbitration, litigation and other means.

Du Chaomin once again reminded consumers that in case of insurance disputes, they should resolutely refuse the intervention of illegal organizations such as "agency surrender" to avoid being cheated by revealing personal information.

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