Everbright Futures: poor terminal demand, short-term or volatile crude oil operation

Everbright Futures: poor terminal demand, short-term or volatile crude oil operation
17:37, May 17, 2024 Market information

Friday, crude oil The main contract 2406 rose 2.09% to 620.5.

Internationally, the market is still playing games with the expectation of the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates. At a time when the employment market is weakening and inflation is falling back, the market has raised its bet on the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut in September, which may be expected to boost demand. In addition, due to seasonal maintenance, accidental maintenance and fuel export ban of refineries, Russia's marine oil export weakened month on month in April, and global crude oil supply may shrink.

Domestically, the National Bureau of Statistics released the data on the operation of the national economy on the 17th. From the data, China's industrial added value above designated size rose 6.7% year on year in April, and the total retail sales of consumer goods rose 2.3% year on year. Strong economic data may promote positive capital sentiment and raise the market's positive expectations for China's economic operation, Domestic crude oil consumption may have upward space.

It should be noted that the current gasoline cracking price difference is weak, and the gasoline and diesel prices fall to low levels after the retail price limit is lowered. Due to poor terminal demand, the current participants are mainly wait-and-see. Overlaying the market's differences on the resolution of the OPCE+6 production reduction meeting on June 1, it is difficult to find a clear driving force in the current market, and the short-term or mainly shocks.

Source: Wind, Everbright Futures Research Institute

Writer: Shi Yueming

Qualification: F03097365

Investment consulting qualification: Z0017563

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