Shenzhen Stock Exchange: ETF provides investors with diversified portfolios as a diversified investment tool

Shenzhen Stock Exchange: ETF provides investors with diversified portfolios as a diversified investment tool
10:29, May 18, 2024 Sina Fund

#Fund Carnival # [2024 Fund Carnival is about to start] Hundreds of distinguished guests from all walks of life, such as regulators, famous economists, chairmen of major funds, and well-known fund VIPs, will present a wonderful and colorful investment feast for the vast number of fundamental people. At the same time, there are surprises such as the mobile phone lottery of E-sports, microblog big V meeting, prize winning interactive games and so on. →【 Activity registration link

Special topic: 2024 Fund High Quality Development Conference: 100 Big Stars Gather to Discuss New Investment Opportunities

On May 18, Sina Finance 2024 Fund High Quality Development Conference kicked off! The regulators, top economists, more than 20 heads of public funds, nearly 100 fund managers, and nearly 30 popular financial VIPs gathered in Pengcheng to talk about new opportunities for fund industry development and fund investment!

The theme of the Fund's high-quality development conference is "helping new quality productivity to achieve high-quality development". Under the guidance of the "New National Nine Rules", the capital market has become the key platform for enterprise financing and promoting economic transformation, and the new quality productivity is the core driving force for the economic development to be high-quality, efficient, fair, sustainable and safe. In this event, Dou Yuming, Wang Fan, Qi Bin, Wang Yi and other leaders in the asset management industry; Liu Yuhui and other top economists; Guo Lei, Liu Chenming and other seller research leaders; Liang Xing, Wang Qunhang, Li Wenliang and other investment and research celebrities came to the scene. Hundreds of distinguished guests gathered to witness the industry honor, discuss the future investment direction, and think about how to help the new quality productivity!

Leaders of Shenzhen Stock Exchange attended the conference and made a speech, saying that ETF products have the characteristics of decentralization and de informatization, good liquidity, high transparency and high tracking efficiency, and are loved by investors in recent years.

In the past two years, the rapid development of broad based products has provided investors with more diverse choices, and the number of industry themes has also increased, including chips, consumption, innovative drugs, games, etc. At the same time, ETF funds provide channels for investors to buy NASDAQ and Nikkei. There are also non equity products - bond ETFs. What do you buy when you don't buy stocks? It can be the cooperation of bonds, stocks and bonds, and bond ETFs can be useful supplements. In addition to non equity ETFs, there are many varieties of gold and currency. As you can see, ETFs are very broad instruments, which contain a variety of assets.

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