The central parity rate of RMB was 7.1106, up 2 points

The central parity rate of RMB was 7.1106, up 2 points
09:16, June 7, 2024 Market information

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On June 7, RMB The central parity rate was 7.1106, up 2 points, and the central parity rate was 7.1108 on the previous trading day.

   The European Central Bank cut its key benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points without providing more information on future interest rate cuts

On Thursday (June 6), the European Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points, but did not provide direction for future policy trends. The European Central Bank (ECB) cut all three key benchmark interest rates for the first time in five years, echoing the Bank of Canada's (BoC) move yesterday. Previously, the Swedish Central Bank and the Swiss Bank (SNB) made similar decisions.

The message of the European Central Bank is that as long as it is necessary to reach the inflation target, they will maintain a sufficiently strict policy interest rate. The interest rate statement also said that the European Central Bank would not commit to a specific interest rate path after cutting interest rates, but would still take the form of meeting by meeting, and pay close attention to the data to be released.

   Bank of America: The Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates twice this year

Bank of America economists said in the report that the Federal Reserve may keep interest rates unchanged next week, and it is expected to cut interest rates twice this year from September. The bank said: "The upcoming data should make the Federal Reserve believe that the economy is cooling, but it needs more evidence of slowing inflation to cut interest rates." This prediction coincides with the market pricing based on CME data. At the same time, the European Central Bank cut interest rates as scheduled today, but some analysts felt a strong tone in the central bank's communication, indicating that there may not be further interest rate cuts in the future.

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Editor in charge: Guo Jian

RMB Cut interest rate

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