The central parity rate of RMB was 7.1098, down 21 points

The central parity rate of RMB was 7.1098, down 21 points
09:16, May 23, 2024 Market information

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On May 23, RMB The central parity rate was 7.1098, down 21 points, and the central parity rate was 7.1077 on the previous trading day.

   Minutes of the Federal Reserve Meeting: More confidence in inflation takes longer than expected

According to the minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting, policymakers at the meeting assessed that it would take longer than previously expected to have greater confidence in the continued decline of inflation to 2%; Federal Reserve officials pointed out that the inflation data in the first quarter was "disappointing".

   Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon predicts that the Federal Reserve will not cut interest rates this year

David Solomon, CEO of Goldman Sachs Group, said that he currently expected the Federal Reserve not to cut interest rates this year because the economy has shown greater resilience thanks to government spending. "I still haven't seen convincing data indicating that we will cut interest rates," he said at an event at Boston College, adding that he currently predicted "zero" interest rate cuts. The investment in AI infrastructure also promotes the economy to be more resilient in the face of monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve. Solomon also said that compared with six months ago, the risk of the economy slowing down to a certain extent is "real and perceptible". He mentioned the vulnerability of geopolitics and said that people would have to endure it for a long time.

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