The city continued to expand by reducing down payment and housing loan interest rate, and the first commercial loan interest rate in Xi'an was reduced to 3.55% since the Ming Dynasty

The city continued to expand by reducing down payment and housing loan interest rate, and the first commercial loan interest rate in Xi'an was reduced to 3.55% since the Ming Dynasty
18:48, May 23, 2024 21st Century Economic Report

   Cheng Weimiao, a trainee reporter of 21st century economic reporting, reports from Beijing

Since the release of several heavy real estate policies on May 17, cities with lower down payments and lower mortgage rates have continued to expand.

The reporter learned from Xi'an real estate agency and bank on May 23 that since May 24, the commercial loan interest rate of Xi'an's first house has been reduced by 40 basis points on the basis of LPR, which is 3.55% based on the latest LPR quotation (3.95%) for more than five years on May 20; The interest rate of commercial loans for second set of housing was reduced by 5 basis points, or 3.9%, on the basis of LPR. Just a few days ago, the down payment rate for the first set of housing in Xi'an has dropped to 15%, and the down payment rate for the second set of housing has dropped to 25%.

A manager of Xi'an local bank said that the lowest interest rate of the first house loan implemented by the bank was 3.75%, that is, 20 basis points lower than the LPR; The second set of interest rate is about 4.2%, plus 25 basis points on the LPR basis, and the actual interest rate will fluctuate according to individual qualifications. In the afternoon of the 23rd, the bank has received the notice of the reduction of commercial loan interest rate, and the internal process is in progress. In terms of approval speed, it is relatively fast now. Not long ago, its housing loan application could be approved in almost one week.

It is worth mentioning that different banks may have different actual interest rates for customers with different qualifications. However, a real estate intermediary in Xi'an said that there will also be competition among banks, and the lowest interest rate will be basically applied to customers with good qualifications.

Before Xi'an, in the past week, Wuhan, Hefei, Changsha, Fuzhou and other cities have lowered the down payment ratio and commercial housing loan interest rate, while Kunming, Zhengzhou, Hefei and other cities have lowered the down payment ratio.

The background of this round of adjustment is that the central bank's housing loan policy was "issued for three consecutive times" on May 17, including lowering the housing provident fund loan interest rate by 0.25 percentage points, canceling the lower limit of the national individual housing loan interest rate policy, and reducing the minimum down payment ratio of the first housing loan from 20% to 15%, and the minimum down payment ratio of the second housing loan from 30% to 25%.

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