Wang Yiming, Vice President of China International Economic Exchange Center: The key to the revitalization of Northeast China lies in enhancing industrial competitiveness

Wang Yiming, Vice President of China International Economic Exchange Center: The key to the revitalization of Northeast China lies in enhancing industrial competitiveness
08:40, September 26, 2021 Front-line finance

The 2021 Northeast Asia Economic Forum, jointly sponsored by Northeast Asia Economic Research Institute of Northeast University of Finance and Economics, China International Chamber of Commerce, and Sina Finance, was successfully held on September 17. Wang Yiming, Vice President of China International Economic Exchange Center, attended the forum and delivered a speech.

Wang Yiming said that during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, the key to the revitalization of Northeast China is to reconstruct industrial competitiveness. We should focus on enhancing industrial competitiveness, reshape the development and business environment, enhance the attractiveness of the Northeast to high-end elements, further give play to and release the industrial advantages of the Northeast, and promote high-quality development of the Northeast.

   The following is the transcript of the speech:

Today, I would like to share some of my views and understandings on the topic of enhancing the competitiveness of northeast industries. It mainly discusses two topics, one is the new situation and new challenges facing the revitalization of Northeast China; The second is the breakthrough of enhancing industrial competitiveness in Northeast China.

1、 The New Situation and Challenges Facing the Revitalization of Northeast China

Since the implementation of the new round of revitalization strategy for the Northeast in 2014, the Northeast has accelerated the pace of transformation, promoted the transformation of new and old drivers, gradually restored the vitality of the manufacturing industry, especially the equipment manufacturing industry, accelerated the upgrading of a number of "major powers" that are related to the lifeline of the national economy, strengthened the endogenous power of economic development, and initially reversed the economic downturn.

However, it should also be noted that the position of Northeast China in the country is still declining. In recent years, although the economic growth has rebounded in fluctuations, it is still at the lowest level in the four major sectors, and the economic transformation is still in the critical stage of climbing over the difficulties. In particular, with the profound changes in the external environment and the intensification of competition in domestic talents, science and technology, the revitalization of the Northeast is facing new situations and challenges.

(1) New scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation accelerate development

At present, the new scientific and technological revolution centered on big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing and artificial intelligence is developing rapidly, and is reshaping the growth and decline of economic competitiveness and regional competition pattern. The new scientific and technological revolution is also changing the relative position of traditional factors of production and new factors of production. The status of traditional production factors is relatively declining, while human capital and scientific and technological innovation ability are becoming the most important factors affecting industrial competitiveness.

Human capital has become a key factor affecting industrial competitiveness. From the perspective of developed countries in Europe and the United States, the mobility of labor force with relatively low technology and income level is decreasing, while the mobility of labor force with higher professional level and income level is increasing, and it is concentrated in advantageous regions. In recent years, the population outflow in Northeast China has become an important feature. The number of permanent residents in the three provinces of Northeast China is among the top three in the country. Almost all small and medium-sized cities are net population outflows, and most of them are professional technicians and young workers, which has become an important factor affecting the development of northeast industries.

Scientific and technological innovation capability has become an important factor affecting the industrial layout. The layout of high-end industries is more inclined to regions rich in R&D resources and human capital. There were some universities with good basic conditions in Northeast China, such as Harbin Institute of Technology and Jilin University. In recent years, due to the brain drain, the impact on R&D and innovation ability in Northeast China is emerging. The problems faced by the industrial development in Northeast China are that the innovation ability in key areas is not strong, the number of scientific and technological leading talents is low, and the talent incentive mechanism is insufficient. This has also formed a great constraint on enhancing the industrial competitiveness of Northeast China.

(2) Digital transformation is advancing in depth

The mobility and ubiquity of network interconnection, the high speed and intelligence of information processing, and the high energy and quantization of computing technology are promoting the overall digitalization of industrial development. New technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, etc., build the "people network things" interconnection system and ubiquitous intelligent information network, and promote the development of manufacturing technology in the direction of digital intelligence. From the perspective of some leading regions in China, advanced sensing technology, digital design and manufacturing robot With the increasingly extensive application of intelligent control systems, it has formed a manufacturing ecosystem characterized by human-computer cooperation. Northeast China is under great pressure in terms of industrial digital transformation. "Black light factories" and unmanned factories are emerging in the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing Tianjin Hebei and other places, promoting the transformation of manufacturing industry to mass personalized customization mode, while the development of industrial Internet is accelerating the change of manufacturing ecology.

From the perspective of development trend, China will usher in the wave of industrial Internet during the 14th Five Year Plan period. If we can say that during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the rapid development of consumer Internet has formed a number of leading platform companies in the world in China, it can be expected that the "14th Five Year Plan" period will form a wave of development of industrial Internet. China has more than 100 influential industrial Internet platforms, more than 70 million sets of industrial equipment, and more than 400000 industrial enterprises. Industrial Internet is coming to the historical stage as a new production mode.

Industrial digitalization will reshape the production, sales, circulation, financing and other processes and industrial ecology of traditional industries, minimize costs and reduce inventory, thus greatly improving production efficiency. The industrial digital transformation is also reshaping the industrial spatial pattern. In a sense, the industrial layout will be more affected by the industrial digital transformation.

From the perspective of the national industrial digitalization heat map, the industry digitalization of the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region is in the leading position in the country, while the northeast region is obviously lagging behind. Northeast China is a relatively dense manufacturing area, but the industrial digital transformation faces many challenges. The development of consumer Internet in Northeast China is relatively backward. The accumulated high-end information technology talents are insufficient, and they face talent constraints in the process of developing industrial Internet. In addition, the attraction of the investment environment is not strong, foreign investment is relatively small, and the new momentum of the digital economy has not yet formed.

(3) The implementation of the "double carbon" goal brings great pressure

Achieving the goal of "double carbon" will bring about profound changes and force the economic transformation of Northeast China. In Northeast China, coal, steel and other traditional industries account for a high proportion. Implementing the "double carbon" goal will significantly increase the emission costs of these industries, which may force some enterprises that are already difficult to exit the market.

From the perspective of the implementation of the "dual carbon" goal, non fossil energy will become the main force of incremental energy in the next decade. The main source of energy consumption increment is non fossil energy, which will account for about 25% of primary energy, and the proportion of fossil energy will decline significantly. Northeast China was originally a region with intensive fossil energy production, which will face severe challenges. Now, the "dual control" of total energy consumption and intensity has formed an impact on some high carbon projects in Northeast China. Financial institutions and market players are less willing to invest in high carbon industries, and they are worried that new projects will be withdrawn before they are put into operation, which will also cause the "sinking" of the formed high energy consumption industrial assets, which may drag down the economic development of Northeast China.

2、 The Breakthrough to Enhance Industrial Competitiveness in Northeast China

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, the key to the revitalization of Northeast China is to reconstruct its industrial competitiveness. We should focus on enhancing industrial competitiveness, reshape the development and business environment, enhance the attractiveness of the Northeast to high-end elements, further give play to and release the industrial advantages of the Northeast, and promote high-quality development of the Northeast.

(1) Reconstruct scientific and technological innovation capability

Scientific and technological innovation has always been important to the revitalization of Northeast China, but it has never been as important as today. The level of economic and technological development in Northeast China determines that it is impossible for Northeast China to build a comprehensive technological advantage. We should give full play to the existing industrial foundation in Northeast China and form a local leading edge. The area where local advantages are formed should be a strategic frontier technology area with good scientific and technological foundation, in line with the direction of future scientific and technological development, and with strong strategic value. In the manufacturing field, especially in the equipment field, the northeast has a relatively solid foundation in science and technology accumulation. Cultivating local leading advantages in these fields and forming the commanding heights of some key core technologies are conducive to enhancing the initiative in development.

After the reform and opening up, through the introduction of complete sets of equipment and terminal products, and their adaptive transformation and re innovation, the competitiveness of terminal products has been formed. Nuclear power, thermal power units, water turbines, high-speed railways and engineering machinery in Northeast China have formed a competitive advantage in the field of some terminal products. However, the innovation ability of intermediate products such as key components is weak. Intermediate products are highly specialized, technology iteration is fast, and there are many tacit knowledge such as technical know-how. The competitive advantage of enterprises lies in long-term technology and experience accumulation. The manufacturing industry in Northeast China has a relatively long-term technological accumulation. By taking advantage of the strong basic ability and enhancing the innovation ability of intermediate products, it can breed a batch of small and medium-sized enterprises and greatly enhance the competitiveness of the industry in Northeast China.

To reconstruct scientific and technological innovation capability, it is necessary to enhance the original innovation capability of Northeast China. Strengthen the construction of original ability through the backward force of external market competition, and strengthen the original ability by solving the "choke" problem of some key core technologies, so as to form an advanced manufacturing cluster with international competitiveness. To enhance the original ability, it involves talents. To strengthen the support of talents for scientific and technological innovation, it is necessary to implement a more open talent policy and vigorously promote institutional innovation. What is more urgent now is to accelerate the promotion of property rights incentives for job related scientific and technological achievements, stimulate the innovative vitality of scientific and technological personnel, and better retain scientific and technological talents.

(2) Accelerate the digital transformation of industry

Industrial digitalization is the strategic fulcrum of Northeast revitalization during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. Strategic planning should be carried out around the construction of new infrastructure, research and development of key core technologies, industrial digital transformation, etc., and market players should be guided to participate widely to form a joint force between the government and enterprises to promote the development of the digital economy. To accelerate the digital transformation of industry, the key points are as follows:

First, accelerate the digital transformation of manufacturing industry. Accelerate the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises, including the formation of unified standards and norms in data interface, data exchange, data security, etc. At the same time, we will connect the production process with finance, logistics, trading markets and other channels, promote the precise connection between supply and demand, form the ecology of industrial digital transformation, and create conditions for industrial Internet applications.

Second, promote the construction of industrial Internet. Compared with the consumer Internet, the requirements of the industrial Internet for data collection, transmission, storage, computing and intelligent processing have been greatly improved. Leading enterprises in the industry should be guided to build an industrial Internet platform with diversified service functions, and at the same time, leading enterprises should drive small and medium-sized enterprises to integrate into the development process of industrial Internet.

The third is to accelerate the training of digital talents. Relying on Harbin Institute of Technology and Northeastern University, the key to accelerating the training of digital high-end talents is to retain these talents and introduce a batch of high-end IT talents. Industrial digitalization also requires a large number of professional technicians and industrial workers. Vocational and technical colleges need to speed up the adjustment of professional settings, train professional technicians and industrial workers, and provide high-quality human resources for digital transformation.

(3) Promote green transformation of industry

Under the background of the "dual carbon" goal, China's green transformation is facing unprecedented challenges, and at the same time, it will also breed new opportunities in energy, industry, transportation, construction and other fields. Whether the Northeast can seize the opportunity is crucial to improving the industrial competitiveness.

First, build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. Control the total amount of fossil energy, improve energy efficiency, promote the substitution of renewable energy for traditional energy, and build a new power system with new energy as the main body. This is the basic direction of green transformation and also breeds new industrial development opportunities.

Second, implement energy conservation and carbon reduction actions in key industries. Green manufacturing was promoted in the industrial sector, energy-saving standards were improved in the construction sector, and green low-carbon transportation was accelerated in the transportation sector.

Third, accelerate the promotion and application of carbon reduction technology. More efforts should be made to promote and apply green and low-carbon technologies, establish corresponding green technology standards, and improve the trading system and scientific and technological innovation service platform of green and low-carbon technologies.

Fourth, actively promote carbon emissions trading. Now the electricity market has started carbon emission trading, and the 14th Five Year Plan will further expand the scope of industries involved in the carbon market and gradually increase the trading varieties. We should take advantage of this opportunity to force the green transformation of industries.

Finally, we should actively develop green finance. Establish a mandatory information disclosure system step by step to cover all kinds of financial institutions and financing entities, and unify the disclosure standards. This will promote the development of clean energy, energy conservation, environmental protection and carbon emission reduction technologies.

I will report this to you. Thank you!

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