Everbright Group Completed Straightening the Shares of Everbright Bank

Everbright Group Completed Straightening the Shares of Everbright Bank
18:27, July 10, 2020 Sina Finance We Media Integration

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Source: Everbright Future

On July 10, China Everbright Group received the confirmation of transfer registration from China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., and Huijin transferred 10.251 billion shares directly held by it Everbright Bank All shares (19.53%) were transferred to Everbright Group to complete the share delivery. So far, Huijin no longer directly holds the shares of Everbright Bank, and Everbright Group's total shares of Everbright Bank increased from 29% to 48.53%, marking the completion of the straightening of Everbright Bank's shares.

The share straightening was an important milestone in the development history of Everbright Group. So far, the most important bank share straightening in the restructuring and restructuring of Everbright Group came to a successful end.

The share straightening is an important capital replenishment of Everbright Group. After the share straightening, the capital strength of the Group increased by nearly 40 billion yuan, 40%, and the capital strength increased significantly. The Group's cash dividends from Everbright Bank will increase significantly, its net profit attributable to the parent company will increase significantly, and its financial performance will improve significantly.

Over the past two years, Everbright Group has achieved remarkable results by optimizing its strategy, deepening reform and taking multiple measures to promote high-quality development. The straightening of Everbright Bank shares not only reflects the concern and support of national shareholders for Everbright, but also reflects the high recognition of relevant parties for the reform and development of Everbright in recent years. The successful completion of share straightening will have a positive impact on national shareholders, Everbright Group and Everbright Bank. For national shareholders, After the completion of share straightening, Huijin's shareholding ratio in Everbright Group has further increased, which can better represent the country to fulfill the rights of investors in Everbright Group, focus on Everbright Group's strategic leadership and strategic decisions, promote the Group's reform and innovation, and ensure the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets. In addition, this share straightening also simultaneously solved the historical legacy problems such as the conversion of the exclusive capital reserve of the Ministry of Finance into shares, and the shareholders' rights and interests were better protected. For Everbright Bank, After the completion of share straightening, the "triangular relationship" of equity of Huijin, Everbright Group and Everbright Bank has been thoroughly straightened out. Everbright Group and Everbright Bank have entered a "new era" of equity relationship. The corporate governance of Everbright Bank will be more efficient. The business collaboration between Everbright Bank and other sectors of Everbright Group will be deeper, and the construction of wealth E-SBU will be further accelerated. For Everbright Group, Having straightened out the equity structure, consolidated the foundation, and strengthened the capital strength, it is conducive to further optimizing, strengthening, and expanding the Group's competitiveness, innovation, influence, control, and risk resistance, and has a more far-reaching positive impact on the long-term development of Everbright Group.

At present, Everbright Group is focusing on strategic business units such as wealth, investment, investment banking, environmental protection, tourism and health to form a number of interdependent, resource sharing and common development excellent industries, and to build a world-class financial holding group with international competitiveness characterized by wealth management and livelihood services. Among them, the wealth strategic business unit plays a fundamental and platform role in the group's ecological coordination construction. As the leader of the Group's wealth strategic business unit, Everbright Bank not only bears the heavy responsibility, but also will benefit from the Group's coordinated development and obtain better development opportunities.

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