Which banks are on this week's Weibo influence list? China Construction Bank fell two places

Which banks are on this week's Weibo influence list? China Construction Bank fell two places
21:53, January 14, 2020 Sina Finance

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   The monitoring time of this list is from January 5 to January 11. On the whole, the ranking of banks has changed greatly. Minsheng Credit Card Surpass bank for economic construction Rush to the top; Ping An Bank Unwilling to be outdone, it rose 4 places to the second place; Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Rank up 5 places. In addition, China Construction Bank, the last champion, fell 2 places to the third place in this week's list; Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and agricultural bank The ranking dropped by 1 place.

Which bank institution has strong influence on microblog? Sina Financial Union Bank of China The "China Banking Microblog Influence Ranking List" launched by the Bank of China Insurance News, the only working daily in charge of the Insurance Regulatory Commission.

The monitoring time of this list is from January 5 to January 11. On the whole, the ranking of banks has changed greatly. Minsheng Credit Card surpassed CCB to the top; Ping An Bank, unwilling to be outdone, rose 4 places to the second place; Shanghai Pudong Development Bank rose 5 places. In addition, China Construction Bank, the last champion, fell 2 places to the third place in this week's list; ICBC and Agricultural Bank of China both fell 1 place.

Specifically, Minsheng Credit Card ranked first with a score of 74.74, and its cumulative index, release index, interaction index and activity index were 67.54, 79.28, 74.49 and 70.86 respectively; Ping An Bank ranked second with a slight gap of 0.06 points; China Construction Bank fell 32.17 points from the previous list in terms of activity index, ranking third.

   From the perspective of state-owned banks, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of China respectively ranked third, fourth and sixth in this week's list, while ICBC still hovered on the edge of the list. In addition, China Development Bank dropped one place to ninth.

   From the perspective of share banks , Minsheng Credit Card, Ping An Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Industrial Bank and CITIC Bank Make it into the top ten of this week's list.

   From the perspective of urban commercial banks and rural commercial banks Sichuan Tianfu Bank continued to occupy the top position, Bank of Guiyang The official microblog and the official microblog of Bank of Harbin followed closely. Jincheng Bank Portal, Guangdong Huaxing Bank and Bank of Hangzhou It ranks fourth to sixth respectively.

   From the perspective of private banks Xinnet Bank continues to lead the list of private banks in this issue; WeBank and Jincheng Bank followed closely; The official micro enterprise of Zhenxing Bank fell 3 places to the eighth place. In addition, the interaction index and activity index of online merchant banks in the current period have improved from the previous list, and the ranking has risen to the fifth place.

   Compared with the previous list, This week, there were seven banks whose influence of microblog declined, including China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Industrial Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, CITIC Bank, China Development Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Among them, China Construction Bank, Bank of China and Industrial Bank all fell two places. The banks with the rising influence of microblog are Minsheng Credit Card, Ping An Bank and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank: Minsheng Credit Card rose one place to the top; Ping An Bank rose 4 places, ranking second on the list; Shanghai Pudong Development Bank rose 5 places, making significant progress.

The above list is based on the relevant published data and interactive data of the bank's official microblogs in the previous week, and the microblog influence index (BII) is calculated from the four dimensions of cumulative index, published index, interactive index and active index, and the ranking is counted accordingly.

The "China Banking Microblog Influence Ranking List" is a weekly list jointly released by the Bank of China Insurance News and Sina Finance. In addition, we also jointly launched the "China Insurance Industry Microblog Influence Ranking List" and the "China Trust Industry Microblog Influence Ranking List". The data source is Sina Microblog Hot Big Data Research Institute - uranium media.

In addition, the list will also be released synchronously on Sina Finance official website/official microblog, Sina Financial Research Institute WeChat official account, Bank of China Insurance News WeChat official account, and Bank of China Insurance News website. Please pay attention.

Editor in charge: Wang Jinhe


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