We were interviewed by the National Health Insurance Bureau because of the problem of medical insurance fund, and it's time for the "One Heart Hall" people to stop

We were interviewed by the National Health Insurance Bureau because of the problem of medical insurance fund, and it's time for the "One Heart Hall" people to stop
09:53, June 19, 2024 Surging news

Recently, One Heart Hall The interview with the National Health Insurance Bureau caused concern because of the problem of medical insurance fund. The interview pointed out that the medical insurance department found in the fund supervision that some designated chain stores under Yixintang had problems such as drug swapping, excessive drug prescribing, mismatched records of drug purchase, sales and storage, and non-standard sales of prescription drugs.

According to the observer, this is not the first time that Yixintang has been exposed to illegal use of medical insurance funds. The Economic Half Hour program of CCTV once reported that the chain drugstore of Yixintang in Sanya City, Hainan Province had medical insurance card consumers buying non drugs, issuing false name invoices, and being suspected of obtaining social security funds. It is worth noting that this is the first time since the establishment of the National Health Insurance Administration that the Department of Public Fund Supervision has interviewed a designated retail pharmacy. An important signal is released from this: the state is tightening its supervision on the use of medical insurance funds in pharmacies. This interview is a "warning to others", warning the major "One Heart Hall" that they should stop, or else they will not just be interviewed.

It was found that as early as last year, the National Health Insurance Bureau included designated retail pharmacies in the annual flight inspection. This year, it further strengthened the inspection, not only increasing the proportion of spot checks of designated chain pharmacies, but also the number of spot checks several times that of last year. It can be predicted that as the supervision becomes more and more strict, the illegal operations of some retail pharmacies will be eradicated, which will definitely have more advantages than disadvantages for the rational use and safety of medical insurance funds.

According to insiders, medical insurance accounts for about 50% of the drugstore's revenue, and is the largest payer. At present, with the unreasonable "hedging" income squeezed out, the pharmacy's income will face a certain decline, and life will be more and more difficult. However, from another perspective, is this not an opportunity for the transformation of retail pharmacies? The era of income growth and scale expansion relying solely on "horse racing enclosure" has passed. Just like Yixintang, behind the crazy expansion is the lack of management, which is not a long-term way for an enterprise to develop. In the future, the retail pharmaceutical market may face a new reshuffle. Who can find a new way with comparative advantages in giving play to professional expertise and strengthening refined management may become the next industry leader.

Of course, at the national level, solving problems only when they arise belongs to "mending the situation". A more scientific and effective approach should be to prevent problems before they occur. How did the behavior that caused the loss of medical insurance fund happen, how can it be more effectively prevented, and what aspects of supervision should be strengthened? These problems are unclear and can not be solved well. Just punishing a pharmaceutical enterprise will certainly not solve the problem completely.

Coordinator: Zhang Zheng

Planner: Li Yulin, Han Huanyu

Cartoon Design: He Mu

The original title "One Heart Hall" should stop

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