Counterfeit "Central Bank" Background Reveals the "Fake Face" of Bank of China Wallet

Counterfeit "Central Bank" Background Reveals the "Fake Face" of Bank of China Wallet
22:00, June 16, 2024 Media scrolling

Source: Beijing Business Daily

Reporter Liu Sihong

"Quickly activate your wallet, and if you successfully activate your wallet, you will be able to withdraw cash immediately" "RMB 20000 cash reward and RMB 30000 authorization limit will be given immediately upon registration" "RMB 3000 asset recovery limit will be increased for every friend invited" "It will be jointly funded by the financial department and the central bank, and asset recovery can be carried out for those with project losses"... Do you believe in the publicity of such investment platforms? However, in the near future, there have been such illegal platforms that both propaganda scripts and interface projects are "fake at a glance", and they are reaching out to the middle-aged and elderly people who are sinking into the market.

A reporter from Beijing Business Daily found that recently, an illegal platform called "Bank of China Wallet" was still spreading in the market. It pretended to be a "central bank" background, attracted middle-aged and elderly people to transfer investment with "red envelope" and "equity", and even created a fraud card with the words "digital RMB" for fake. In the opinion of the insiders, such criminals usually fabricate various platform scams in batches, which is extremely harmful. Later, they need to be blocked by multiple layers to eradicate the cancer.

   Aiming at middle-aged and elderly people, 20000 yuan will be paid for registration?

"It is said that the national welfare program invited her to register, and this platform has gone crazy in my mother's social group!" Recently, Li Hao (a pseudonym) from the northwest region reported to the Beijing Business Daily reporter that a platform called "Bank of China Wallet" has attracted the attention of many middle-aged and elderly people with its attractive false promotion and fictional projects.

Not only can registered users give money, activate wallets and invite friends, but even those who have lost money in other platforms can get compensation. "In our opinion, both the propaganda means and the platform interface are very fake, but there are still many uncles and aunts who take the bait." Li Hao said helplessly.

The Bank of China wallet is mainly spread through WeChat groups, circles of friends and other channels. Through the publicity link sent by Li Hao, the Beijing Business Daily reporter carried out a survey. On the one hand, the Bank of China wallet can be directly opened through the web link, and on the other hand, it can be downloaded by copying to the browser. Registration login requires providing personal name, mobile phone number and setting password.

After successful login, the latest notice popped up on the page said, "All large amount withdrawals will be received, and everyone needs to quickly open the large amount withdrawal channel. In addition, the cards have been made, and will be issued to everyone in a unified way. The user needs to pay the card printing fee, and the large amount withdrawal channel can be connected if the payment is successful".

"When many middle-aged and elderly people see a large amount of cash withdrawal, they think they have picked up a big bargain, but they don't know they are in a trap." As Li Hao said, entering the large amount of cash withdrawal page of the wallet of the Bank of China shows that the balance of the wallet is 20000 yuan, but they need to activate the wallet and further click on cash withdrawal, but they need to purchase the amount of cash withdrawal, of which 200000 yuan is quickly received in the large amount of cash withdrawal channel, 488 yuan is required to be paid; If the large amount withdrawal channel reaches 500000 yuan quickly, 888 yuan will be paid.

In addition to using large amount of cash withdrawal as a gimmick, the wallet of the Bank of China has also set up a "bait" to attract people to give cash rewards. The platform claims to give a cash reward of 20000 yuan immediately after registration. Each friend invited can increase the credit line by 5000 yuan. On the same day, if 5 people are invited to register with their real names, the daily withdrawal limit can be 500 yuan, and if 30 people are invited, the withdrawal limit can be 2000 yuan. In addition, you can also participate in assistance, with an additional 10% commission.

   "Although the fraud means are not very clever, even from the fraud page, it is also very rough, but this platform will soon expand and spread under this crazy promotion fission, among which the initial users are mostly middle-aged and elderly people with low cognitive level and idle people with fluke mentality. Under the promotion temptation of some so-called red packets, rebates, commissions and other gimmicks, there will be more and more follow-up When the 'offline' group joins, once more and more people recharge their investment, the harm is self-evident. " A senior analyst told Beijing Business Daily.

Not long ago, Bank of China Wallet was still spreading through WeChat groups, circles of friends and other channels. According to Li Hao, many elderly people were deeply involved in it. Some developed offline, some tried to recharge and withdraw cash, and some even bought the so-called central bank equity, but the specific amount involved was unknown.

   Sell the "central bank equity" and withdraw 10000 yuan?  

"The national order should be implemented immediately to help the country, and everyone should participate. Everyone should seize the opportunity to snap up shares. Those who own shares will be the core figures of the Bank of China wallet in the future. The more shares they hold, the more wealth they will have!" In addition to brainwashing communication, the Bank of China wallet is also another way to attract the elderly in the sinking market to participate.

The reporter of Beijing Business Daily noticed that in order to fake the real, in addition to pretending to be the People's Bank of China and copying the digital RMB wallet page, the Bank of China Wallet even created a fake card with digital RMB, UnionPay and other marks offline. The card claims to be able to make large cash withdrawals, but users need to pay hundreds of yuan of card printing fees to get it.

The platform even listed a sales channel of "central bank equity", in which the so-called "3000 shares, with a daily withdrawal of 6000 yuan", sold at 600 yuan, and "8000 shares, with a daily withdrawal of 10000 yuan", sold at 1000 yuan.

If you charge 1000 yuan, you can withdraw 10000 yuan every day? Li Ya, a lawyer from Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, analyzed the fraud of "selling" and "central bank equity" of the Bank of China in a blatant manner. Such fraud routines are usually to create a solid and reliable background to endorse themselves, to cheat the trust of target groups, and then to use "low investment and high return" To lure the middle-aged and elderly people into their elaborate "investment and financing" trap. In his opinion, the middle-aged and elderly groups have certain investment needs, and some of them are easily confused by the current high returns. Moreover, they have insufficient awareness of investment risk prevention and legal awareness. Especially the middle-aged and elderly with high income who live alone are more likely to become the preferred target of the fraud platform and enter the trap under the guidance of layers.

In addition, the Bank of China Wallet is also trying to harvest the victims for the second time. It claims that "the People's Bank of China Wallet was officially launched, and officially took over the Central Bank Wallet, Petal Wallet, Central Bank Wallet, Dream Purse, People's Wallet, Cloud Data Trade Wallet, Xiaomi Wallet, Digital RMB Wallet, UnionPay Wallet, State owned Wallet YSM Cloud Data Wallet, Five Elements Wallet, Central Bank International Wallet, Cloud Wallet, Central Wallet, Central Cloud Wallet, Five Elements Coin E-Wallet, Cloud Data Wallet and other platforms that have been closed, and people who have lost money can recover their assets ", and corresponding to the establishment of hundreds of WeChat groups, it seems that asset recovery is actually a second fraud.

It is worth noting that whether it is the so-called large amount withdrawal, or "central bank equity", or asset recovery, it is actually transferred to personal accounts through third-party payment or bank cards. Beijing Business Daily reporter's experience found that, taking the purchase of "central bank equity" project as an example, after selecting one of them, you can choose Alipay, WeChat payment, cloud flash payment, bank card payment and other payment methods. After clicking payment, you will jump to the corresponding payment platform, the payee is "* Jie", and the order payment information is displayed as "VIP subscription" on the payment agency page.

In this regard, many analysts said frankly that from the perspective of multiple operations, the app has been suspected of illegal fund-raising fraud. As the aforementioned senior analyst said, selling equity under the banner of "central bank" with the popularity of digital RMB, the so-called investment funds are ultimately transferred to individuals, and these operations are typical fraud. At present, digital RMB is a hot topic, but criminals also like to focus on hot topics, and put a new "hat" on the original routine. But in a word, all of them use the mentality of some groups that lack understanding of hot events and want to actively participate in fraud, which is very easy to cause information leakage and property losses of victims.

   The means are still being renovated. How to eradicate cancer in multiple dimensions?

As for the related behaviors of the Bank of China wallet, reporters from Beijing Business Daily tried to verify with the platform in many ways, but they could not get in touch. As of press release, the link of the Bank of China wallet web page could not be opened.

However, similar platforms are still rampant in the market, chasing the hot spots in the market, and the means are still being renovated. Li Hao told the Beijing Business Daily reporter, "After the Bank of China wallet, my mother received the promotion of the national debt fund project, known as the digital RMB ultra long term national debt, which is an opportunity for the country to give the dream chasing family a chance to turn their dreams around. First, interest will be paid, and then there will be a series of dividends... I downloaded the fake app and found that it was exactly the same as the official digital RMB app".

There are many similar digital RMB fraud. To this end, Li Ya analyzes that fraud institutions need to be alert to use new financial innovation methods or created professional terms for fraud. First, the middle-aged and elderly groups themselves should actively improve their awareness of fraud prevention and identify fraud routines; Secondly, the society should give more humanistic care to the middle-aged and elderly groups; Thirdly, when the network platform discovers the content of fraud information, it should screen and clean it in time; Finally, the relevant financial supervision institutions and public security departments should also pay great attention, and should crack down on fraud information or fraud in a timely manner.

In terms of multi-dimensional attack and governance, Su Xiaorui, a senior researcher of Suxi Smart Research, also suggested that, on the one hand, we should deeply punish the technical teams that make apps, applets and websites for illegal investment. Such teams usually concoct various scams in batches, which is extremely harmful. It is necessary to eradicate the cancer that induces people to recharge their investment from the technical level; Second, we should pay attention to providing payment channels for such illegal investment apps, applets and websites, and increase penalties for banks, payment and other financial institutions involved; At the same time, it is recommended to establish official websites, official public accounts, etc. of digital RMB as soon as possible, and timely collate and disclose the fraud information of fraudulent use of digital RMB, so that people can be the first to learn the official information in the search results and establish the awareness of prevention in advance.

Previously, the People's Bank of China also reminded that digital RMB is in the pilot stage. In addition to the official activities of digital RMB, consumers should not trust, download and install the so-called "digital RMB App" from other sources, and be alert to counterfeit applications and bank information. Whenever and wherever it is mentioned that digital RMB is used to make profits, cash back, and participate in the "digital RMB exchange" The transactions were fraudulent.

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