The Israeli army suddenly announced! "Tactical suspension of military operations"! Eight Israeli soldiers were killed

The Israeli army suddenly announced! "Tactical suspension of military operations"! Eight Israeli soldiers were killed
14:46, June 16, 2024 Daily Economic News

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According to CCTV news, in the morning of the 16th local time, the Israeli military issued a notice saying that in order to allow more humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip, after discussion with the United Nations and other international organizations, it was decided to start from the 15th, at 8:00 a.m. every day, at the area extending northward from the Kerem Shalom crossing point in the south of the Gaza Strip to Salahedin Road, The Israeli military will "suspend military activities tactically", Until further notice.

 On June 13, smoke rose in the Israeli controlled Golan Heights. Photo source: Xinhua News Agency On June 13, smoke rose in the Israeli controlled Golan Heights. Photo source: Xinhua News Agency

From the evening of the 15th to the early morning of the 16th local time, Israeli troops continued to carry out air strikes on many parts of the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

In the early morning of the 16th, Israeli air strikes and shelling hit Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. It is reported that one of the areas attacked by the Israeli army is the Taylor Sudan area west of Rafah. Al Jazeera said that there were many displaced people gathered there. In addition, the Gaza City in the north of the Gaza Strip and the Debalah in the middle of the Gaza Strip were also attacked by Israeli warplanes.

According to the report of the Associated Press on June 15, The Israeli military said on the 15th that eight Israeli soldiers were killed in the bombing in southern Gaza, which was the deadliest attack on the Israeli army in recent months. According to reports, the Israeli military said that these soldiers were killed in an explosion.

In addition, Reuters reported that the eight soldiers were members of a combat engineering unit. An armored personnel carrier they were riding in was exploded, and the "engineering materials" carried on the vehicle were then detonated.

According to the report, the Israeli military said that it was investigating the incident that occurred in the Taylor Sudan area in the west of Rafah on the morning of the 15th.

The Israeli military also said that the armored personnel carriers that were attacked carried those "engineering materials" in violation of standard operations.

The report also said that the armed faction of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said that the Israeli armoured personnel carrier that exploded drove into a pre arranged minefield, so the explosion occurred.

According to Agence France Presse on June 16, as the Gaza war continued, the Pentagon said on the 15th that Israeli Defense Minister Garrant would visit Washington in the near future to hold talks with the US Defense Minister.

It is reported that the Biden government is trying to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, saying that the agreement has the support of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, but it has also triggered anger among some extreme right-wing allies of the Israeli leader.

Daily Economic News Comprehensive CCTV News, Reference News

Source of cover picture: Xinhua News Agency

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