Foreign media revealed that the US military had carried out covert operations in the Philippines to discredit Chinese vaccines, and Sinovac responded

Foreign media revealed that the US military had carried out covert operations in the Philippines to discredit Chinese vaccines, and Sinovac responded
19:56, June 15, 2024 Global Network

[Global Times Global Network reporter Bai Baiyi] Reuters released an exclusive investigation report on the 14th that the US Department of Defense launched a secret operation during the first year after the outbreak of COVID-19, and constantly spread false information about China's STI vaccine on social media with false accounts to incite local people to question China's vaccine, And suppress China's growing influence in the Philippines. On the 15th, a spokesperson of Sinovac News told the Global Times that he had taken note of the above report. No matter in the past or in the future, the goal of Sinovac is to provide vaccines for human beings to eliminate diseases and achieve human health through disease prevention and control. The spokesman also said that the stigmatized vaccine would have a series of extremely serious consequences.

According to Reuters on the 14th, the US Department of Defense has targeted the Philippines in its campaign against Chinese vaccines. On the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), the agency found at least 300 relevant false accounts manipulated by the US military, almost all of which were established in the summer of 2020, and concentrated on the slogan "China is a virus". One of the accounts said that Chinese vaccines "may be rat drugs". In addition, this action has also been extended to some other countries in the global South, including Central Asia and the Middle East.

The report quoted three former US military officials as saying that the operation was conducted by the United States at that time the pacific ocean Major General Jonathan Braga, commander of the Army's Special Operations Department, urged that the US military should increase its propaganda efforts for a long time. The action aims to incite local people to question the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and other assistance provided by China.

Public reports show that the Kexing vaccine is the first batch of vaccines that the Philippine people can vaccinate during the COVID-19 epidemic: in February 2021, the first 600000 doses of Kexing COVID-19 vaccine that China assisted the Philippines arrived in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The then Philippine President Duterte personally led cabinet members to greet the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines that the Philippines has received since the outbreak of the epidemic. Duterte said that this is a key step taken by the Philippines in the fight against COVID-19. "China's vaccine assistance demonstrates the friendship and solidarity between the two countries."

"We have not done a good job in sharing vaccines with partner countries, so the only thing we can do is to discredit China's vaccines," Reuters reported, citing a senior US military official involved in propaganda against Southeast Asia. Some false accounts controlled by the US military also attacked Duterte, saying that he was willing to give up the sovereignty, mineral and economic interests of the Philippines for the sake of vaccines. The report believes that China's influence in the Philippines is also an important reason for the US military's campaign to discredit China's vaccine.

"Historically, some people have made wrong attacks on vaccines, which has caused huge disasters." Yuan Youwei, a spokesperson of Sinovac, said in an exclusive response to the Global Times on the 15th that the stigmatized vaccine would have a series of extremely serious consequences, such as reducing the vaccination rate, disease outbreaks and epidemics, social panic and anxiety Crisis of trust in science and public health.

She said that the company also recognized Reuters' relevant reports with facts. Kexing is a professional company, whose goal is to provide vaccines for eliminating human diseases and make due contributions to the protection of human health. "At present, we have overcome the COVID-19 epidemic, but the world is still not peaceful. Sinovac hopes to continue to achieve human health and live and work in peace through disease prevention and control. We believe that all walks of life should focus on their own professional areas, which is the right attitude."

According to Reuters, several Philippine personnel were extremely angry after learning about the US military action. Nina Castillo Garanda, a former member of the National Immunization Technical Advisory Group of the Philippine Ministry of Health, criticized that when the Philippines had no independent vaccine production capacity and was "desperate", the US military actually "sprinkled salt on our wounds". The spokesman of the Philippine Ministry of Health said that the relevant departments of the countries concerned should investigate the matter.

Some American people are also dissatisfied with what the US military has done. Greg Treverton, former chairman of the US National Intelligence Council, said that the US government should have encouraged as many people as possible to be vaccinated, and the US military practice "touched the bottom line". After the report was published, Jody Lanard, WHO's senior adviser on pre pandemic influenza broadcasting, also forwarded relevant content on his social media account, saying, "This hurts my heart. Look what my country has done to my beloved Philippines."

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