"Withdrawal requires the consent of the police station", go to hot search! Insiders appeal that bank anti fraud should avoid "one size fits all"

"Withdrawal requires the consent of the police station", go to hot search! Insiders appeal that bank anti fraud should avoid "one size fits all"
16:51, June 13, 2024 Interface News

   Interface journalists| An earthquake

   six On the evening of December 12, "Jilin Bank needs the consent of the police station to withdraw money" topped the microblog hot search. According to media reports, on June 11, netizens reported that they were told to withdraw money from a Jilin bank in Changchun City, Jilin Province, and that they needed the consent of the local police station. The staff of the bank responded that it was to prevent telecom fraud.

According to the news on the interface, in recent years, bank cards have been frozen, transfer limits have been lowered and other similar events have occurred in large numbers, often becoming a hot topic of online complaints. The interviewed insiders believe that "voluntary deposit and free withdrawal" are the basic rights of customers, and banks are duty bound to cooperate with anti money laundering and anti fraud work, but should avoid "one size fits all" in the implementation process, and call on relevant departments to improve the precision of work, through more granular account fund transaction tracking, setting more scientific and reasonable threshold for fund deposit and withdrawal inquiry, etc, More effectively identify risk groups and risk behaviors.

   Bank anti fraud "accidentally injured" customers from time to time

According to the video released by netizens, his mother went to the bank to withdraw money with her bank card and ID card, because the deposit interest of another bank was high. His mother wanted to transfer the money of Jilin Bank to other banks, and the total amount of the money did not exceed 100000 yuan, but the bank told her that she needed the consent of the police station to handle it. After many twists and turns, finally, after a long wait and the approval of the police station, the transfer was successful at the bank window.

   six On December 12, the staff of the branch of Bank of Jilin said in an interview with the media that, according to the requirements of the police station in the jurisdiction, the withdrawal of more than 20000 yuan requires the staff of the branch to report to the police station for record, and the police station can withdraw the money after verifying the customer's account. The staff of the local police station under the jurisdiction of the sub branch said that the residents really need to explain the purpose, details, etc. to the bank when they need to withdraw money. The bank will submit the relevant information to the local police station, and the staff can handle it after verification.

In addition, according to media reports, the staff of the Jin'an police station under the jurisdiction of the bank said that without such regulations, normal withdrawal is enough. The staff of the police station replied that if there is a large amount of withdrawal demand, it is reported to the bank in advance, and the police station will only verify the funds from unknown sources.

It is understood that the purpose of the above actions of the bank is to verify whether there is a problem with the funds in the card, to prevent telecommunications fraud, and to see the purpose of withdrawal is also to prevent residents from being blackmailed.

In fact, banks have become the "frontier" of anti money laundering and anti fraud. Many banks have taken measures to freeze funds in cards and reduce transfer limits.

Mr. Su in Shanghai had a similar experience. At the end of May, without prior notice, the daily transfer limit of his salary card was lowered to 500 yuan. Mr. Su called the outlet, and the staff explained that this was the behavior of the sub branch, in order to ensure the security of funds in the card and anti fraud. If you want to restore the quota, you can only go to the business outlets.

"There were other bank cards that had similar situations before, but most of them used less bank cards. Payroll cards were used more frequently in daily life, and the mortgage was going to be repaid soon. I couldn't understand that the bank limited the amount of payroll cards without the customer's knowledge. What should I do if I needed money urgently?" Mr. Su was very unintelligible.

Ms. Wang in Beijing also encountered a similar situation. When she needed to repay the consumer loan, she found that the transfer limit of the bank account had been lowered, and only 5000 yuan could be transferred in a single transaction, with a daily limit of 20000 yuan. "The card has money but can't transfer it out, and the loan is almost overdue."

   Industry insiders call for improving risk compliance sophistication

A person in charge of a branch network of a state-owned bank told InterfaceNews that anti money laundering and anti fraud are not small challenges for banks at present. Every customer has different card usage habits, and "one size fits all" is likely to lead to consumer insurance complaints. For grass-roots outlets, they need to patiently do a good job of customer facilitation and explanation. "In addition, we need to unblock customer communication channels, such as sending short messages to remind customers before adjusting the limit, so as to quickly respond to customers' demands."

Li Liming, Executive Director of Beijing Daoyu Reputation Management Services Co., Ltd., believes that in the face of such consumer insurance events and online public opinion, banks do nothing except try to appease customers, express apologies and try to eliminate the negative impact of reputation events - neither promise to try to avoid such events, There is no effective way to reduce the recurrence of such incidents. Behind the bank's reluctance to speak, it has actually undertaken some social responsibilities that should not be undertaken by itself.

Li Liming believes that it is very important and necessary to prevent telecommunications fraud, anti money laundering, etc., and the bank is also duty bound to cooperate well. However, judging from the frequent consumer insurance conflicts and reputation incidents of banks, these work requirements are not precise at present, and in some cases even have the flavor of "it is better to kill a thousand people by mistake than to let one person escape the network", which has caused great inconvenience to the normal use of funds of many bank customers, causing customers to point their spearhead and anger at the bank.

Li Liming suggested that the relevant departments should improve the fineness of anti fraud and anti money laundering work, more effectively identify risk groups and risk behaviors, and achieve relevant work goals through more granular tracking of account capital transactions, setting more scientific and reasonable threshold for fund deposit and withdrawal inquiries and other ways.

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Editor in charge: Wang Ruoyun

Police Station bank card

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