"AI+" enables thousands of industries, and AI ETF (512930) is active in the market

"AI+" enables thousands of industries, and AI ETF (512930) is active in the market
10:04, June 7, 2024 Interface News

As of 09:44, June 7, 2024, AI AI ETF (512930) had risen 0.46%, the latest price was 1.09 yuan, and the intraday turnover had reached 4.4008 million yuan. Constituent stock Yuncong Technology (688327) rose by 4.78%, UFIDA Network (600588) rose 2.45%, Tongfang Shares (600100) rose 2.26%, trs (300229) rose 2.26%, Cambrian (688256) rose 1.95%.

In terms of scale, AI AI ETF grew by 106 million yuan in recent January, achieving significant growth, and the new scale ranked first in comparable funds. Data shows that leverage funds continue to be distributed. The latest purchase amount of AI AI ETF financing reached 1.7569 million yuan, and the latest financing balance reached 11.1354 million yuan.

On the news side, a few days ago, Guangdong Province released a number of measures on AI enabling thousands of industries, among which it was mentioned that the development ecology of adaptive chips should be built to increase the development and production of high-performance and low-power end chips for household appliances, security monitoring, medical equipment, etc. By 2027, the artificial intelligence chip ecosystem will be initially completed. The Measures define the overall goal that by 2025, the scale of computing power in Guangdong will exceed 40 EFLOPS, and the scale of core AI industry will exceed 300 billion yuan. By 2027, the base of artificial intelligence industry in the province will be further consolidated, and the scale of artificial intelligence core industry will exceed 440 billion yuan.

BOCOM International believes that the market performance in the first half of this year is in line with expectations. Looking forward to the strong demand for AI infrastructure, it may continue in the second half of this year, while semiconductor may continue to differentiate. We will continue to focus on overseas semiconductor design companies that have large exposure to AI and involve computing and communication, as well as AI data center servers, PCs, PCBs and substrates. In view of the domestic upgrading logic, we are optimistic about the smart phones and their industrial chains of A/H shares, as well as the domestic semiconductor equipment leader. In view of the looming opportunity of AI landing, we are optimistic about large overseas software companies and focus on the progress of AI application realization of Microsoft and other companies.

Investors who focus on AI, AI application development, entertainment consumption and online shopping can seize investment opportunities through online consumption ETF Ping An (159793) and AI AI ETF (512930).

Online consumption ETF Ping An (159793) closely tracks the CSI Shanghai Hong Kong Shenzhen online consumption theme index, which selects 50 listed company securities whose main business involves online shopping, express logistics, film and television entertainment, online games, live video, online education and telemedicine from the mainland and Hong Kong markets as the index sample, To reflect the overall performance of online consumption themed listed companies' securities in the mainland and Hong Kong markets.

According to the data, as of May 31, 2024, the top ten heavyweight stocks of the CSI Shanghai Hong Kong Shenzhen Online Consumption Theme Index (931481) are Meituan-W (03690), Tencent Holdings (00700), Fasthand - W (01024) SF Holdings (002352)、 IFLYTEK (002230), JD Health (06618) Kunlun Wanwei (300418), Bilibili-W (09626) Yuantong Express (600233) and Jinshan Software (03888), the top ten heavyweight stocks accounted for 59.67% in total.

AI AI ETF (512930) closely tracks the CSI AI theme index. The CSI AI theme index selects 50 listed company securities whose business involves providing basic resources, technology and application support for AI as index samples to reflect the overall performance of AI theme listed company securities.

The data shows that as of May 31, 2024, the top ten heavyweight stocks of the CSI AI theme index (930713) are Hikvision (002415)、 Zhongji Xuchuang (300308), iFLYTEK (002230) Weir Shares (603501)、 Xinyisheng (300502)、 Kingsoft Office (688111)、 Unisplendor (000938)、 Montage Technology (688008)、 Dawn of Zhongke (603019)、 Inspur Information (000977), the top ten weighted shares accounted for 51.54% in total.

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