On the day Trump was convicted, online donations soared to 34.8 million dollars, doubling the historical record

On the day Trump was convicted, online donations soared to 34.8 million dollars, doubling the historical record
00:55, June 1, 2024 Media scrolling

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Topic: 34 felony rulings shocked Trump on Wall Street to become the first convicted former president in American history

   Financial News Agency, June 1 (Editor Shi Zhengcheng) On Friday morning local time, Trump's campaign team issued a statement saying that after the former President of the United States was convicted in the "porn star hush money" case on Thursday night, Within a few hours, the amount of small daily donations received by the donation website WinRed almost doubled the historical record , reaching a staggering $34.8 million.

 (Source: social media) (Source: social media)

It is worth noting that the donation here is different from the check signed by the super rich at the large political fundraising party for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, It is mainly the figures piled up by the netizens who support Trump with a few dollars and dozens of dollars At the same time, considering that it was already evening when the referee made the decision on Thursday, it actually took only a few hours to set this record.

The Trump team said that in the donation on Thursday night, 29.7% of the people donated money to Trump through the fundraising website for the first time in history.

As the background of the whole incident, the jurors of the Manhattan Court in New York ruled late Thursday local time that Trump was convicted of all 34 charges in the "porn star hush money" case. As soon as the news came out, Trump's political fundraising website collapsed quickly in a short time. It took the technical team more than an hour to restore the operation of the website.

For Trump, a series of cases that he needs to face are increasingly effectively transformed into fund-raising opportunities. Last year, he surrendered himself in Atlanta and was briefly arrested for criminal charges of "interference in elections", At that time, the donation website received nearly 4 million dollars

The Trump team set a new record, which also exceeded Biden's record of raising 26 million dollars within 24 hours after choosing Harris as his partner in 2020.

It is worth mentioning that, because most of the big Republican financiers had remained silent before, Trump's campaign camp raised slightly less money than Biden's camp. However, in the past April, Trump's team cooperated with the Republican National Committee to raise a total of 76.2 million dollars, surpassing Biden for the first time in this election cycle. meanwhile Accompanied by private equity giants Blackstone CEO Su Shimin announced endorsement of Trump, and expected Trump to receive more donations from super rich people

After a night's rest, Trump returned to the Trump Building on Friday morning to launch a simultaneous angry trial and Biden's press conference for on-site journalists and online netizens. He also mentioned the fundraising record during the press conference and expressed his gratitude to the voters who supported him with "real gold and silver".

 (Source: social media) (Source: social media)

According to the current schedule, Judge Juan Merchin will hold a sentencing hearing on July 11, when he will decide whether Trump will go to prison or not. According to the analysis of local media, given Trump's age and huge influence, the judge may not sentence him to imprisonment. He is involved in 31 crimes, each of which can be sentenced to a maximum of four years. In New York State, the longest sentence for such minor and serious crimes can not exceed 20 years.

It is almost certain that Trump will appeal against any penalty.

This time point is also very subtle, After Trump gets the verdict, the Republican National Convention will begin on July 15 At the meeting, Trump will be officially confirmed as representing the Republican Party in the presidential election.

In short, after becoming the first convicted former president in American history, Trump is also the first convicted presidential candidate in American history. If he wins the election in November this year, he will become the first felon to win the American election.

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