Trump was convicted of felony and became the first convicted former president in American history

Trump was convicted of felony and became the first convicted former president in American history
05:08, May 31, 2024 CCTV News Client

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Special topic: Trump became the first person convicted of 34 felonies in American history, which shocked Wall Street

 △ On May 28 local time, the trial of Trump's "hush money" case was held in the Manhattan Criminal Court. △ On May 28 local time, the trial of Trump's "hush money" case was held in the Manhattan Criminal Court.

On May 30 local time, a New York court jury ruled that former President Trump of the United States was guilty in the "hush money" case, with all 34 charges charged. The sentencing of Trump will be announced on July 11, a few days before the Republicans will officially declare him the Republican presidential candidate in 2024. Trump became the first former president of the United States to be convicted.

Earlier, the New York State prosecutor accused Trump of entrusting his then private lawyer Cohen to pay $130000 "hush money" to the porn star Daniels during his presidential campaign in 2016, so as to avoid the latter's alleged love scandal with Trump in 2006 from affecting the election; Trump subsequently forged business records and returned Cohen's advances in installments in the name of "attorney fees" to cover up his violation of New York state and federal election laws.

It is reported that Trump's 34 felony charges can be sentenced to a maximum of four years' imprisonment for each conviction. However, Trump himself did not plead guilty to the relevant charges, saying that the lawsuit against him was politically motivated. Trump said after the judgment on the 30th that the trial was ordered by the Biden government to hurt political opponents. He was innocent, and hinted that he would appeal. (CCTV reporter Liu Xiaoqian)

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