Get through the "first mile" of scientific and technological achievements transformation! 12 units were awarded the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Concept Verification Center

Get through the "first mile" of scientific and technological achievements transformation! 12 units were awarded the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Concept Verification Center

Transfer from: Shanghai Songjiang WeChat official account

From "concept" to "product", from "achievement" to "industry", from "laboratory" to "market", at the beginning of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, build coverage innovation New industry The concept verification system at the front end of the chain and the technology transfer system for industrialization can provide strong support for "mature results". On May 24, 12 units were awarded the concept verification center for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor at the conference to further promote the construction of science and innovation ecology in the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor.

Exploring and preparing for the establishment of G60 concept verification center, and providing services such as scientific and technological achievements evaluation, technical feasibility analysis, business evaluation, etc. for colleges and universities, scientific and technological innovation enterprises, is one of the key tasks of the Yangtze River Delta G60 scientific and technological innovation corridor in 2024. The Yangtze River Delta G60 science and innovation corridor has rich application scenarios, strong demand for innovation, and the gathering of top talents. This time, 37 units in nine cities have applied. Adhering to the principle of joint construction and sharing, and integrating the reality of nine cities, Shanghai Shaanxi Coal High tech Research Institute, Oxford University (Suzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang University Institute of Intelligent Innovative Drugs 12 units including Hefei Science and Technology Innovation Group Co., Ltd. were included in the first batch of Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor Technology Achievement Transformation Concept Verification Center.

Concept verification is an important basic work to transform innovative concepts and early scientific and technological achievements into technological prototypes that can initially show their potential commercial value, reduce transformation risks and uncertainties, enhance their attractiveness to capital, and improve the quality and efficiency of scientific and technological achievements transformation. It is a key driving link to promote innovative concepts and scientific and technological achievements to the early stage of marketization and industrialization.

The concept verification center relies on the construction of colleges and universities, enterprises and public institutions or social organizations, and through optimizing and integrating talents, achievements, capital, markets and other elements, it opens up the "first mile" of scientific and technological achievements transformation.

The Yangtze River Delta Smart Oasis Innovation Center of Zhejiang University, which was awarded this time, was founded in 2022. It has established a list of concept verification projects in many fields, including future food, future health, future design, etc., gathering more than 100 high-quality achievements, landing and transformation projects, and establishing (incubating) more than 10 technology-based enterprises. Shi Jinpeng, assistant director of the center and director of the achievements transformation and industry incubation department, said: "Next, the center can play the role of the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Innovation Roadshow Center consortium and other platforms, create brand effects, improve the promotion of quality concept verification projects, and accelerate the formation of industrialization demonstration brand effects."

"This awarding is an affirmation and an incentive for us." Li Ang, deputy general manager of Hefei Science and Technology Innovation Group and general manager of the Industrial Technology Department, said that the enterprise will strengthen collaboration and linkage with various innovation entities in the Yangtze River Delta region, help scientific and technological achievements holders to find industrial application scenarios and seek opportunities for industrial development cooperation, Promote the better development of science and technology enterprises in the whole region.

The establishment of a concept verification center matrix for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the Yangtze River Delta G60 science and innovation corridor not only sorts out and lists the G60 urban science and technology concept verification centers for systematic guidance, but also strengthens liaison and common improvement. At the same time, make use of the talent advantages of the Yangtze River Delta and nine cities market subject R&D institutions, colleges and universities, and application scenarios to create a resilient "1+1>2" concept verification system, better realize the sharing of instruments, data, experts, standards, scientific innovation and industrial elements upstream and downstream collaboration in nine cities, and smooth the whole chain of scientific and technological achievements from basic research results to concept products, even mature products.

Editor: Li Yifan

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