Less than two months after he was officially promoted to president of PICC Asset Management, Huang Benyao moved to Guoshou Group as vice president

Less than two months after he was officially promoted to president of PICC Asset Management, Huang Benyao moved to Guoshou Group as vice president
22:16, May 22, 2024 Interface News

   Interface journalists| Lv Wenqi

On the evening of May 22, the interface news came from China Life learn, PICC Huang Benyao, President of Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "PICC Asset"), has been transferred to China Life Insurance (Group) Corporation as a member of the Party Committee and Vice President.

In addition, the interface news industry learned that Huang Benyao will also serve as the president of China Life Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guoshou Assets"). The appointment of relevant personnel has been announced in Guoshou's system, and Huang Benyao's email and other information can be found on the intranet.

Huang Benyao has served in the PICC Group for more than 20 years and is a "senior citizen". According to the public data, Huang Benyao is a "post-70s" who once served as the assistant to the general manager of the development planning department/market development department of PICC Asset Management Co., Ltd., and the general manager of the financial accounting department, portfolio management department, and stock investment department; Member of the Party Committee, Vice President, Chief Investment Executive Officer and Financial Principal of the People's Health Insurance Company of China Limited; Vice president and temporary head of PICC Asset Management Co., Ltd.

In April 2024, Huang Benyao was officially promoted to president of PICC Asset Management Co., Ltd., and it is less than a year since he took charge of PICC Asset Management Co., Ltd.

At the 2023 annual performance conference, Huang Benyao, as the proposed president of PICC Asset Management, told the media that in recent years, the market sentiment has changed positively and investor confidence has gradually recovered. On the whole, the investment operation environment of insurance funds will gradually improve in 2024, the investment opportunities will increase significantly, and the return on investment will rise under the new accounting standards.

Huang Benyao said that this year he will actively seize investment opportunities and optimize the asset allocation structure. Specifically, Huang Benyao pointed out that PICC Group will further increase the proportion of assets classified as OCI (financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income) under the new accounting standards, and appropriately reduce the proportion of TPL (financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses) assets, Enhance the stability of investment income under the new accounting standards.

At the same time, Huang Benyao mentioned that the allocation of listed companies with relatively stable profitability and long-term sustainable high dividend levels should be further strengthened. In addition, we will expand the spread yield of bonds and further increase investment income.

Previously, Wang Junhui, an asset management veteran, was in charge of Guoshou Assets. Wang Junhui joined the newly established Guoshou Asset Management Co., Ltd. in 2004. Prior to that, he served as the director of the investment department and assistant to the general manager of Harvest Fund Management Co., Ltd. After he joined Guoshou Assets, he once served as the president assistant and vice president of Guoshou Assets, and was a senior figure of Guoshou Assets.

Since August 2016, Wang Junhui has served as the chief investment officer of Guoshou Group and president of Guoshou Assets. In July 2023, Wang Junhui was transferred to the post of Secretary of the Party Committee of Guoshou Pension, and Yu Yong, Vice President of Guoshou Assets, presided over the work.

Guoshou Assets is the first insurance asset management institution in China with an asset under management of more than 5 trillion yuan. By the end of the first quarter of 2024, the consolidated asset under management exceeded 5.6 trillion yuan, of which the third-party asset under management exceeded 780 billion yuan.

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