The amount to be repaid exceeds 20 billion yuan! The second trial of Hongling Venture Capital decided that Zhou Shiping, the godfather of online lending, was sentenced to life

The amount to be repaid exceeds 20 billion yuan! The second trial of Hongling Venture Capital decided that Zhou Shiping, the godfather of online lending, was sentenced to life
16:09, May 9, 2024 Interface News

   Journalists| Liu Chenguang

Hongling Chuang's surrender ushered in the second trial verdict.

  5 month nine The Guangdong Higher People's Court made a final ruling on the case of illegal fund raising by Zhou Shiping, chairman of Hongling Venture Capital E-Commerce Co., Ltd. and others, rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

  2023 year twelve month seven On January 1, the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court sentenced Zhou Shiping to life imprisonment, life deprivation of political rights and confiscation of all personal property for the crime of fund-raising fraud and illegal absorption of public deposits; rest seventeen The defendants were sentenced to 11 to two years and six months of fixed-term imprisonment, and were also fined. After the verdict of the first instance, Zhou Shiping and others nine The defendants appealed.

   The court of second instance tried and found out, two thousand and nine year three Month to two thousand and twenty-one year nine In April, Zhou Shiping and others used the "Hongling Venture Capital" platform to lure them to forty-eight More than 10000 people illegally absorb public deposits, totaling RMB one thousand and ninety More than 100 million yuan. During the period, Zhou Shiping and others, knowing that the company has a huge capital gap, still released illegal fund-raising of false targets. The illegally raised funds were used to repay the due principal and interest of financing projects, maintain the company's operation and personal waste, and the total amount to be repaid exceeded two hundred 100 million yuan.

The court of second instance held that the facts in the judgment of first instance were clear, the evidence was reliable and sufficient, the conviction was accurate, the sentence was appropriate, and the trial procedure was legal, so it made the above ruling.

It is understood that after Zhou Shiping and others were brought to justice, the public security organs made every effort to recover the capital, equity, real estate and other assets involved in the case. The assets that have been recovered will be returned to the fund-raising participants according to law after the judgment takes effect, and Zhou Shiping will be ordered to continue to refund the insufficient part.

   Zhou Shiping was once a "powerful" figure in the Internet finance industry two thousand and nine Founded in P2P Platform Hongling Venture Capital.

  2019 year three month twenty-three On October, with the posting of the controller Zhou Shiping, "Although winding up, it is not goodbye!", Hongling Venture Capital officially announced its winding up and launched the plan of "the lender will complete full repayment within three years of all loans". However, the clearance situation was not satisfactory, and the clearance progress was far from what was promised.

On the other hand, the investment treasure platform under Zhou Shiping is more complicated in terms of payment. Investment treasure has been hidden behind Hongling Venture Capital, and has not attracted much attention from the outside world in the early days of retirement. In fact, Invest in Treasure and Hongling Venture Capital were originally the same line at the beginning, but later there were many intersections.

   In 2021, according to the investigation of interface journalists, the two companies, Invest Bao and Hongling Venture Capital, not only have the same actual controller, but also have the same business scope, mixed personnel, mixed places and other problems, as well as the capital exchange for a period of time, or involve the problem of "highly mixed corporate personality".

  2021 year nine month twenty-five On October, both the Futian Police and the Shenzhen Economic Investigation Public Account announced that the "Red Ridge System" had been officially filed.

  2022 year four In June, the public account of Shenzhen Municipal People's Procuratorate issued a notice of "Notice on the Rights and Obligations of the Victims in the Case of Zhou Shiping, Hu Yufang, Xiang Xu and other 18 Persons Suspected of Financing Fraud and Illegal Absorption of Public Deposits". The notice said that 18 suspects, including Zhou Shiping, Hu Yufang and Xiang Xu, were suspected of fund-raising fraud and illegal absorption of public deposits. Recently, Futian Branch of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau has transferred the case to the Court for review and prosecution.

  2022 year nine month fifteen On March, the interface news learned that Zhou Shiping, the real controller of Hongling Venture Capital, etc eighteen Has been transferred to Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court for trial, and the case was filed at nine month eight Day.

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