2021 Top Ten Consumption Disorders: The problem of false propaganda of live broadcast with goods is prominent

2021 Top Ten Consumption Disorders: The problem of false propaganda of live broadcast with goods is prominent
09:24, March 15, 2022 Black Cat Complaints

Infringed by various business marketing routines? Is there no way to complain about the fault of the purchased goods? The Black Cat Complaint Platform helps you solve your consumption problems around the clock [In case of consumption disputes, complain about going to the black cat]

   Click to view the full text of the top ten consumer chaos in 2021

In 2021, the total retail sales of social consumer goods will exceed 44 trillion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 12.5%. The contribution rate of final consumption expenditure to economic growth will be 65.4%, and the main driving effect of consumption on economic growth will further emerge. New consumption modes and business types are constantly emerging, and the digital economy is booming, but at the same time, there are also many consumption chaos. In addition to the prominent problems in the traditional consumption field, some new consumption disputes [Black Cat Complaints] It also accompanies.

The comprehensive competent department of black cat complaints, major media reports, public opinion of the whole network, black cat platform complaint data and typical consumption problems, released the top ten consumer chaos in 2021, reviewed the popular consumer public opinion events last year, and provided consumers with consumption reference.

   2021 Top Ten Consumption Disorders: The problem of false propaganda of live broadcast with goods is prominent

In recent years, the live broadcast with goods is in a blowout development trend. According to relevant data, as of December 2021, the number of live broadcast users of e-commerce in China is 464 million, accounting for 44.9% of the total Internet users. While bringing consumers an immersive shopping experience, the industry has also produced many problems and confusion. Some people know and sell fake products, such as fake mobile phones and brand names; Some make up or tamper with data to falsify traffic; Some make false propaganda, exaggerate the efficacy of products or induce transactions with "the lowest price"; Some play scripts and pretend to sell "low price goods" for "feedback" fans, arguing with the work team

Relevant consumption disputes are also growing. According to the data from the Black Cat complaint platform, the number of complaints with the keyword "live broadcast" will exceed 70000 in 2021, an increase of about 3.5 times over the same period last year. The most prominent problems are false activities, product quality, false publicity, price misleading, etc.

   Case 1: Weiya is accused of selling counterfeit Supreme co branded goods

In May 2021, Weiya sold a Supreme x GUZI co branded hanging neck fan in the live broadcast room, repeatedly stressed that the product was a hit, and claimed that it was a joint brand of the United States, not a Hong Kong agent. But then, the microblog blogger Abestyle sent a message suspecting that the Supreme x GUZI sold by Weiya was a fake. Later, Weiya issued a statement of responsibility and apologized.

   Case 2: Lv sister-in-law Ping Rong is accused of selling counterfeit mobile phones

At the beginning of 2022, network anchor Lv's sister-in-law Ping Rong was fined 62 million yuan for tax evasion. Previously, many netizens reported that their fake mobile phones with goods were broadcast live for many times, and the mobile phones they sold had many problems, such as "the access information is inconsistent with the information recorded by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology", "the nominal mobile phone has three cameras but only one camera is available", "the 256GB memory is actually only about 64GB".

   Case 3: The investigation results of the Consumer Association show that about 1/3 of the broadcast rooms are suspected of violating laws and regulations

In October 2021, the survey results of live streaming shopping experience jointly released by Beijing Consumer Association and Hebei Consumer Protection Commission showed that 33 out of 100 samples of live streaming shopping experience were suspected of violating laws and regulations. Among them, 17 samples including Taobao's "Slim Queen Zheng Duoyan" live broadcast room and Xiaohongshu's "Xiuqian Life House" live broadcast room were suspected of false and exaggerated propaganda; Two samples, including the live broadcast room of "Director Han Zhao (Brother Cop)", are suspected of price misleading.

As a new form of digital economy, the lack of relevant laws and regulations is an important reason for the frequent problems of live broadcast with goods. With the introduction of the Administrative Measures for Online Live Broadcasting Marketing (for Trial Implementation) in April 2021, the responsibility list of the live broadcasting industry has been further clarified. Some clear provisions have been put forward for the live broadcasting platform and the live broadcasting marketing organizations and personnel, such as the establishment of a blacklist system for the live broadcasting platform. Live broadcasting personnel must be at least 16 years old, and it is strictly prohibited to sell fake products Falsification of data flow... All these provide powerful weapons for effective governance according to law.

However, in the actual live shopping process, when consumers encounter problems, it is common for businesses, anchors, platforms and other parties to "kick the ball" with each other. The responsibilities of all parties are not clearly defined, which makes it difficult to safeguard their rights. On March 2, 2022, the Supreme People's Court officially promulgated the Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Internet Consumption Dispute Cases (I), which will come into force on March 15, 2022. This judicial interpretation aimed at strengthening the protection of online consumers' rights and interests in the new era, nearly half of the space is devoted to specific responses to the issue of live streaming with goods. From multiple dimensions, such as the responsibility of sellers, platform responsibilities, and the responsibility of the operator of the live broadcast room, it aims at the current existence of false propaganda by the anchor, denial of account after the return of goods, registration by using false identity information, and failure in food safety sales Informed issues such as channeling sales of counterfeit and shoddy products have comprehensively strengthened the protection of consumers' rights and interests in new business forms at the judicial level.

Without rules, there is no square. The "rush" of live broadcast with goods ushered in strong supervision and punishment by law and all parties. At the same time, consumers should also choose carefully when shopping live to avoid impulsive consumption.


In 2021, China's consumption scale will continue to expand, and the consumer market will still maintain a steady and positive development trend. And with the emergence of new formats and models, new consumption has become an indispensable part of people's life. Although consumer disputes have increased, consumers' self-protection awareness has also continued to improve.

At the same time, important changes have taken place in China's online consumption and digital economy related policies. Since then, the focus on creating a loose and flexible data economy development environment has changed to require both development and supervision, which is conducive to maintaining consumer rights and interests with the times.

Under the supervision of policies, the rectification of relevant departments, and the supervision of consumers, the digital economy continues to develop in a standardized and healthy manner, and the consumption environment is also continuing to improve.


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