618 "Low price mode" sweeps across consumers: buy again when appropriate

618 "Low price mode" sweeps across consumers: buy again when appropriate
00:00, June 3, 2024 First Finance

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After Taobao beat 618, Jingdong officially opened 618 at 8:00 p.m. on May 31.

Although this year, e-commerce platforms no longer put forward slogans such as "618 with the largest investment in history", some businesses said that, in fact, the investment of some platforms this year was higher than last year. In addition, the platform simplified 618 by canceling pre-sales and other measures.

For 618, which has undergone many changes, businesses believe that they have seen the progress of the platform, but consumers are still not surprised. This year's rapid success may require more data to see the signs of consumption.

Platform: Low price is the key

From the strategic point of view, in order to attract consumers' attention again, 618 e-commerce platforms this year coincidentally offered more direct preferential methods.

In terms of low prices, different platforms offer different discounts. JD 618 announced that during the event, there will not only be 10 billion subsidies, cheap package mail and other activities, but also will launch the "2 yuan package mail day", a mass of low-cost goods in Baoding, Yiwu, Fujian, Guangdong and other industrial belts.

Many platforms have already started 618 promotion. Tmall 618 activity lasted from May 20 to June 20, and launched two major games, namely, official reduction and cross store reduction. The cross store reduction "50 for every 300 full stores", and Tmall products and Taobao products can be combined to make up for the reduction.

Vipshop will announce that tens of thousands of products will be reduced to one fold during 618 this year, and the top brand clothing will be reduced by 30% at the lowest price in 60 days. Pinduoduo launched a cross store discount of "30 for every 200" during 618.

In addition to traditional e-commerce platforms, short video platforms have also joined this year's 618 battlefield.

Diaoyin had previously announced that the "618 Good Things Festival of Diaoyin Mall" was launched at 0:00 on May 24, and the platform launched a series of preferential activities such as official vertical reduction of 15% and one piece direct reduction. During the activity, the dithering e-commerce continued to work hard on the shelf e-commerce, including online shopping for single products, shopping mall channel theme day, search for eggs and other games.

Fasthand announced that the 618 Shopping Festival of Fasthand Mall would cancel pre-sales, take the form of spot sales, and increase 1 billion yuan of red envelope subsidies.

In addition, live broadcast is still the highlight of 618 this year. In terms of playing methods, 618 Live also introduced new playing methods.

Jingdong continued in April Liu Qiangdong Digital person It was announced that during 618, the presidents of many brands and "President AI digital people" will also appear in the broadcast room in the form of live broadcast. Among them, the president will invite hundreds of brand presidents to live the series. In addition, relying on the self-developed technology of JD Cloud Yanxi, 18 brand presidents AI digital people will appear in the JD Live Room as "JD 618 welfare officers" during this year's JD 618.

During 618, Diaoyin E-commerce will carry out industrial activities in the country of origin, and continue to invite high-quality talents to go to the field to carry goods live, so as to strengthen production and marketing docking from the source.

Another sports brand observed that this year's 618 low price is the key. He said to China First Finance and Economics that under the current general environment, whether traditional or emerging e-commerce, price power is the first priority at present. From the beginning of this year's 618, although everyone is trying to match up, the focus of the platform has changed, and behind it is the speed of platform transformation.

The above brand side said that in the past, Taobao represented "Duo", Tmall represented "Hao", JD represented "Kuai" and Pinduoduo represented "Province". Now price power is the first competitive factor, but not all. Under the change of the general environment, "price power" comes first, but "price power" is not completely equivalent to user decision-making, and several other considerations will be superimposed, but the price certainly accounts for the largest proportion.

Merchant: still expecting high growth

For businesses, 618 this year is still worth looking forward to.

As for the Tmall platform that beat 618, a founder of the beauty brand said to First Finance, "The business staff of the business background has made a substantial revision before 618. Business staff, AI customer service robot AI tools are free during 618. These tools were charged during the previous promotion period. During the "Double 11" last year, we spent about 50000 yuan on using these tools, and the dimensions of data collection were also average. This year, it is not only free, but also the collection effect of data dimension is very good. I think it is very helpful from the perspective of business. "

In addition, the merchant said that it had participated in Tmall 618's 10 billion subsidy, and that the platform was responsible for this part of the profits, and the merchant was responsible for part of the profits from the full reduction activities, and said that there was still profit space. Because of the above measures, the merchant believes that Tmall 618's investment this time is greater than that in the past.

From the results of the early stage of 618, the merchant believed that the current results were in line with expectations, and said that the extension of the front eased the pressure. It takes about 8 to 9 days to reach the pre-set sales target in these two waves. Now, after changing the campaign strategy, it is equivalent to achieving the sales target within 30 days, so the pressure is not so great. "

In 618 this year, the pre-set sales performance of the above businesses for Tmall, JD, Tiaoyin and other platforms increased by 30%, which he said was based on the nature of different platforms. "618 is not the focus of fast hand and dithering, so dithering 618 is more like the mechanism of all goods on the platform and benchmarking with other platforms, making the full minus and 618 atmosphere better, but it doesn't cost much."

For achieving a 30% growth on the JD platform, the merchant said that although beauty makeup is not a strong category of JD, it is expected to achieve this goal, considering that it has just joined JD and its performance base is relatively small. In addition, the merchant revealed that, in terms of low prices, JD hopes that the price offered by the merchant to JD is the lowest among all platforms

Consumers are more calm

Although businesses put the main battlefield of 618 on the traditional e-commerce platform, he said that this year's marketing focused on the new platform.

"The practice of buying and clicking on traditional platforms is no longer applicable to us. This year, we will focus on our users for operation and promotion. Our users are basically girls in their 20s who will expose and plant grass on several grass growing platforms, such as Xiaohongshu and Tiaoyin, to reach these users. This year's 618 launch budget is about 15% to 20% higher than last year." In addition to grass planting, The above beauty merchants said that 618's cooperation with beauty bloggers for live delivery is also the focus.

The platform showed its own magic in the 618 promotion, and consumers were more calm.

Price comparison has become the norm for consumers. "Speaking of a pair of shoes, I began to observe the Nike air max dn shoes at the beginning of May. This is the latest product of the air max family, and it is also popular this year. But since 618, the price of JD has gone from more than 1000 yuan to less than 900 yuan, which is very close to the price of Pinduoduo. Six installments are interest free; However, the original price of 1199 yuan is still maintained on the other platform, which has not changed until today. The only change is interest free for three periods, all of which are official flag qualified stores or self operated. " The consumer said that he would pay attention to the final price before deciding whether to buy.

Some consumers said that 618 would still store some daily necessities. "I will stock up some daily necessities, including toilet paper and laundry detergent, which are bought by 618 people every year and used for one year at a time. Now I see a lot of them in the Tiao Yin live broadcast room, and the link is the top." The consumer said that he would buy many goods in time if necessary, and would not wait for a rush to buy them again, and the prices of many goods are also very appropriate.

Many consumers also said to First Finance that their attention to 618 and other promotions is declining. "At present, they have not started to consider 618, which may be more random, and they will buy it if they feel appropriate."

At present, after the first round of promotion, many platforms have released their achievements. On May 21, the "Xiaohongshu 618 Live Season" released a good start. On the first day of 618, the number of orders broadcast by Xiaohongshu e-commerce was 8.2 times that of the same period last year, and the GMV (total amount of commodity transactions) recorded on the first day of live broadcast was 6 times that of the same period last year.

Tmall said that 618 spot products were sold for only 4 hours, 59 brands' sales exceeded 100 million yuan, and 376 single products were sold for more than 10 million yuan. The continuous expansion of Tmall's core user group dominated by 88VIP members and the continuous improvement of consumption intention have brought about a significant pulling effect.

According to Vipshop data, since the launch of the 618 Mid season Special Sale Festival at 8:00 p.m. on May 17, the overall sales of women's clothing have increased by more than 45% year on year, and the sales of jewelry have increased by nearly 20% year on year.

According to JD data, Apple, Midea, Haier, Xiaomi China Gold , Huawei, Little Swan, Gree, Hisense, TCL and many other brands' turnover quickly exceeded 100 million yuan. As of 24:00 on May 31, there were more than 10000 brands with a year-on-year growth of more than five times. Among the new businesses that participated in JD 618 for the first time, the number of new businesses with a turnover of more than 1 million yuan increased 45 times month on month. Within 4 hours of JD 618's successful start, JD's logistics orders in Hong Kong and Macao regions increased nearly 100% year on year.

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