"Conditional refund" means "cannot refund"? Damai and Fun Island ticket refund terms questioned

"Conditional refund" means "cannot refund"? Damai and Fun Island ticket refund terms questioned
18:03, May 13, 2024 Media scrolling

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Source/China Consumer News · China Consumer Network

Reporter/Du Ke


China Consumer Daily

   3.15 Voice of Consumers All media interactive platform

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The consumer spent 655 yuan to buy

After the ticket of Mayday Beijing concert on May 21

Unable to watch the concert due to bone fracture caused by accidental fall

So he proposed a refund to Damai

After submitting the diagnosis certificate issued by the hospital

Damai still refuses to refund

What the hell is going on

Come to see the reporter investigate

   Unable to watch the concert as scheduled due to falling injury

   Consumer submits a refund to Damai Rejected

   On April 30, Mr. Liu, who lives in Baoding, Hebei Province, spent 655 yuan to buy a ticket for the Mayday Beijing concert on May 21 on Damai.com. After ticket purchase, Mr. Liu Accidental fall injury, resulting in failure to watch the concert as scheduled. Ms. Liu, Mr. Liu's sister, immediately contacted the customer service of Damai.com to apply for refund. The customer service replied: "According to the project announcement, you no longer have the right to refund tickets. Please adjust your schedule and watch the performance normally."

   Mr. Liu's sister, Ms. Liu, according to the requirements of barley network May 3rd Submitted the diagnosis certificate of the Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University. The diagnosis certificate shows that: "The left lateral ankle is cracked, the joint skin is cracked, and the pain is obvious, Limited activity, it is recommended to stay in bed for four weeks , fixed with plaster. " After submitting the diagnosis certificate, Damai still refuses to return the ticket: "We have confirmed for your feedback that the performance tickets are valuable performance certificates, not ordinary goods, which carry cultural services and have the characteristics of timeliness and scarcity. This order does not support return and exchange."

   The order details provided by Ms. Liu show that the ticket issuing status is:“ Pre sale , to be issued, No ticket issued by the organizer Tickets are usually issued 1-2 weeks before the performance. " Ms. Liu said to the reporter: "The audience really cannot go to the scene because of the objective reason of physical injury, and the performance tickets are pre-sale and haven't been issued yet, why can't they be refunded? After I made a complaint in many ways, In the end, the response from the website Damai was that the organizer did not agree to refund the ticket.

   Reporters found that

   "Conditional withdrawal" is actually no withdrawal

On May 7, the reporter saw in the barley APP that the sales page of the concert displayed the words "conditional return".

   On May 9, when the reporter consulted the website of Damai online, the customer service sent the reporter a "ticket purchase notice". The reporter found that, Deadline for ticket refund (13:55 on April 30) Unexpectedly Before ticket sales (15:55 on April 30) The reporter asked the customer service why there was such a rule reply: "The deadline for dishonor has passed, and dishonor is not supported.

The ticket purchasing instructions issued by Beijing Huale Feifan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., the organizer of the concert, show that:

   👉 The pre-sale of performance tickets was opened at 13:55 on April 27 at Fun Island and Damai.com;

   👉 From 13:55 on April 27 to 13:54 on April 28 No service charge for ticket refund

   👉 From 13:55 on April 28 to 13:54 on April 30 20% service charge for refund

   👉 After 13:55 on April 30, no refund or exchange in any form will be accepted.

   Refunds generated during the period from 13:55 on April 27 to 13:55 on April 30 will be resold on Fun Island and Damai.com at 15:55 on April 30, and no refund or exchange in any form will be accepted.

   On May 9, the reporter opened the Fun Island APP It was found that the concert also showed "Conditions are refundable" The reporter wanted to contact customer service online for consultation, but after the transfer, the page showed 844 people queuing in front, and after the reporter waited for an hour, the page showed 692 people queuing. Later, the reporter wrote a private letter "Huale Feifei" on Weibo, saying that he wanted to interview the issue of non refund, but as of the time of writing, he had not received a reply.

   "No refund" of concert has become a hot complaint

   Netizens question that "conditional withdrawal" is a fraud

The reporter noticed that

   "Barley Official Blog", "Huale Extraordinary" "Play on the Island" Of

In official microblog

Many netizens have complained about the relevant microblog content

The reporter further found that

Complaints about non refund of concert tickets

It has become a hotspot of online complaints

On May 9, the reporter was on a complaint platform [Download Black Cat Complaint Client] Search the keyword "concert+no refund" on, and the results show that there are 4712 related complaints. The reporter searched for the keyword "Mayday+no refund", and the results showed that there were 209 related complaints, of which hundreds had complained about barley, Fun Island and Huale Feifan's non refund since April 30.

   Legal experts

   Unreasonable format terms

   Consumers have the right to ask for a refund

   The Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardized Management of Large Commercial Performance Activities and Promoting the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Performance Market jointly issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Public Security in September 2023 clearly states that:“ The performance organizer shall establish a ticket refund mechanism for large-scale performance activities, set reasonable charging standards for echelon ticket refunds, and ensure the legitimate ticket refund rights of ticket buyers.

   Recently, the Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province released a special problem analysis on consumer complaints in the entertainment performance market, which pointed out that most of the unconditional ticket refunds are basically limited to 48 hours after the first ticket sale, and the time limit for unconditional ticket refunds is often exceeded when the second ticket sale, Compared with consumers who buy tickets for the first time, consumers who buy return tickets do not enjoy the same right to refund tickets although they pay the same price. Under the strong real name system, the performance tickets cannot be transferred or transferred. In case of unforeseen problems such as sudden illness, consumers cannot attend the performance. The ticketing platform refuses to refund the tickets on the grounds of the scarcity and timeliness of concert tickets, which undoubtedly increases the burden on consumers.

   On May 10, Hu Gang, deputy secretary-general of the Law Working Committee of the Internet Society of China and a member of the lawyers group of the China Consumer Association, said in an interview that consumers could not go to the performance as scheduled due to accidental falls after buying tickets, and had submitted the diagnosis certificate issued by the hospital to the ticketing platform, Consumers have the right to ask for a refund. "The ticket purchase instructions issued by the operator belong to the format terms unilaterally prepared by the operator. The ticket sales page is marked with the word" conditional refund ", but in fact, the ticket can not be refunded or refunded at all, which may be misleading to consumers due to the operator's false statement. In addition, the deadline for ticket refund before the start of ticket sales is obviously very unreasonable, Reasonable charging standards for echelon refund shall be set for performance tickets sold for the second time or the first time And ensure consumers' legitimate right to refund tickets. "

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