You can buy a house and settle down! New policies issued in many places: lower the threshold of settlement and retain young people

You can buy a house and settle down! New policies issued in many places: lower the threshold of settlement and retain young people
05:27, March 16, 2023 China News Network

BEIJING, March 16 (Zhongxin Finance reporter Zuo Yukun) For many new citizens, "buying a house" and "settling down" are very important things in life. Solve the housing difficulties of young people and new citizens, and combine the purchase policy with the settlement policy to become the foothold for many places to better meet the housing needs of new citizens.

   New policies were issued in many places, and "house purchase can be settled"

On March 9, the People's Government of Zhumadian City, Henan Province issued the notice of Several Measures to Further Promote the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in Zhumadian City (Trial), and issued 27 measures to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

In addition to the more common measures such as diversified resettlement, support for migrant workers to buy houses in cities, and reducing the burden of housing credit, the notice also proposed to provide new citizens with housing purchase preferences. "For college students and new citizens who come to work and buy houses in residence, they can enjoy the same policies for urban population, such as household registration migration, children's enrollment (including transfer), pension insurance, medical insurance, etc.".

According to the official website of the People's Government of Wugang City, Hunan Province, in March this year, Wugang City launched a more preferential "five policies" during the first real estate trade fair, among which "buy a house, give away your hukou, and children can go to school nearby".

To be specific, Wugang city house buyers can go to the public security organ to handle the household registration transfer formalities with the Housing Sales Contract and the tax invoice before the real estate certificate is completed; Children can enroll in the nearest place where the house (including the apartment) is purchased and obtain a degree.

According to the monitoring data of the middle index, since 2023, Zhengzhou, Foshan, Ulanhot and other cities have successively introduced policies to ease the threshold of settlement. After the Spring Festival, Zhumadian, Wugang and other places introduced the policy of settling down after buying houses, providing convenience and support for new citizens and talents to buy houses in the city.

"Previously, the restrictions on settlement have been relaxed in many places. Most second tier companies have lowered the threshold of settlement to junior college degrees or cancelled the threshold of settlement, and increased the absorption of talents and population to inject fresh vitality into the city." Chen Wenjing, director of market research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that housing policies are combined with population and talent policies to allow and support the purchase of housing by talents, It is conducive to promoting the inflow of population talents, and to a certain extent, it will also play a role in promoting the release of housing demand.

   The threshold of settlement is gradually lowered. How to retain young people?

On the whole, focusing on "talent bonus" and linking house purchase with settlement is just one of the "tricks" used by various regions in the "fight for people".

On March 13, the Hangzhou Municipal Government of Zhejiang Province issued the Implementation Opinions on Further Deepening the Reform of the Household Registration System (Draft for Comments), in which it proposed to further liberalize the settlement of academic degrees.

The draft proposed that college graduates under the age of 35 (excluding the number below) who have been employed in Hangzhou could settle down in the urban area; Postgraduates under the age of 45 can "settle down before employment".

The draft also proposed to relax the settlement of skilled talents; Relax the dependence settlement and carry out cumulative mutual recognition of the number of years of household registration access; Optimize and improve the settlement of residence permit points; Fully liberalize the county settlement policy.

In the work report of Hangzhou Municipal Government in 2023, the goal of "introducing 350000 new college students under 35 years old" was set, and Hangzhou, a new front-line city, opened its arms to young people all over the country.

"The adjustment of settlement policy has always been an important means of real estate regulation, and the relaxation of settlement has certain positive guidance for the real estate market." Guan Rongxue, senior analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center, believes that buying and renting a house to settle down has certain positive significance for the real estate market transaction, long-term rental housing market and urban development, At the same time, it can also enhance the urban population adsorption.

"Judging from the trend of settlement, all regions are generally in a state of continuous relaxation. In addition to the" people grabbing war "in the past few years, the threshold of settlement in most cities, except some of the first and second tier hot cities, has been significantly reduced, which is also an important driving factor for the rising urbanization rate." 58 Zhang Bo, president of Anjuke Research Institute, believes.

However, the industry analysis also pointed out that the relaxation of the threshold for settlement is only the first step. If you want to stay, you need more support from public services. Employment, housing, education, medical care, etc. are important considerations. From the perspective of housing, in addition to supporting rigid and improved housing demand, efforts should also be strengthened in increasing the supply of public rental housing and low rent housing. (End)

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