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The down payment of the first suite in many places is reduced to 15%. "Big move" shows the determination to stabilize the market

2024-05-22 08:34 Shanghai Securities News

Source title: The down payment of first set of housing in many places is reduced to 15%. "Big move" shows the determination to stabilize the market

Last Friday (May 17), after the central bank's housing loan policy was issued three times in a row, many places have implemented new policies on the property market.

On May 21, the reporter of Shanghai Securities News learned from many sources that Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Hefei and other cities quickly followed up and responded. The relevant house purchase adjustments involved reducing the down payment ratio, the commercial housing loan interest rate and the provident fund loan interest rate.

In the opinion of insiders, the gradual implementation of the new policies in the real estate market will have an important impact on the real estate market, which is conducive to improving the activity of the real estate market and promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. It is expected that more cities will join the camp of reducing the mortgage interest rate and the down payment ratio.

Down payment of first suite in many places reduced to 15%

The reporter learned from the industry yesterday that banks in Hefei, Wuhan and other cities have confirmed that they have begun to implement the new policy of 15% down payment for the first set of housing and 25% down payment for the second set of housing.

"I just received a notice today (21st) afternoon to follow up the new policy of the property market and adjust it." A loan manager of China Merchants Bank in Hefei told reporters that the down payment ratio for the first set of housing was adjusted to 15%, and the down payment ratio for the second set of housing was adjusted to 25%.

In addition to Hefei, on the 21st, the loan manager of a large bank's Wuhan branch told reporters that Wuhan began to implement a down payment of 15% for the first set of housing and 25% for the second set of housing.

"At present, some cities have launched the" first shot "of 15% down payment, which has a strong signal significance." Yan Yuejin, research director of E-House Research Institute, said that this means that there will be room for the down payment ratio to continue to decline, and it is expected that the down payment ratio in second tier cities may be reduced to 15%.

This is the historical low of the down payment ratio of commercial personal housing loans in China. Last year, there was an adjustment to the down payment ratio of mortgage loans: the minimum down payment ratio of commercial personal housing loans for the first housing was not less than 20%, and the minimum down payment ratio of commercial personal housing loans for the second housing was not less than 30%.

Industry insiders believe that adjusting the down payment ratio again is of great significance for the recovery of demand for just needed and improved housing. "When the down payment ratio is 15%, the annual interest expense of each mortgage loan will drop by about 3%. The reduction of the down payment ratio will help lower the threshold for residents to buy houses, which may drive the further recovery of residents' demand for houses," said Wang Yifeng, an analyst with Everbright Securities.

The mortgage interest rate is being lowered

"At present, the loan interest rate of our first and second apartments has also been adjusted to 3.45%," a person from a branch of ICBC in Hefei told reporters yesterday.

The reporter learned that the first commercial loan interest rate of local banks in Wuhan was reduced from 3.55% to 3.25%, and the second commercial loan interest rate was 3.35%.

According to the reporter, after the release of the new round of new policies in the property market, in addition to the down payment ratio, banks in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hefei and other places have lowered the interest rate of provident fund loans or commercial housing loans, including stock provident fund loans.

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center that from May 18, 2024, the loan interest rate of the first personal housing provident fund for less than five years (including five years) and more than five years will be reduced to 2.35% and 2.85% respectively, and the loan interest rate of the second personal housing provident fund for less than five years (including five years) and more than five years will be reduced to 2.775% and 3.325% respectively.

How will the individual housing loan interest rate of housing provident fund be lowered this time? How much benefit can the depositor get from it? It is understood that the interest rate adjustment scope of this loan includes both the newly issued housing provident fund personal housing loans and the stock housing provident fund personal housing loans, but the implementation time is different.

"For newly issued provident fund loans, the interest rate can be reduced on May 18. For existing provident fund loans, it is generally determined that they will be adjusted from January 1, 2025 in many places; while Shenzhen is special, and it is clear that they will be adjusted in the second half of 2024, which has something to do with local particularity." Yan Yuejin told reporters.

The lower limit of the commercial loan interest rate for the first house in Beijing, Shanghai and other first tier cities was adjusted in December last year. After the new policy of the property market, it has not been adjusted.

The number of houses to be viewed and the volume of transactions increased significantly

The reporter also learned from many real estate intermediaries in Shanghai yesterday that the number of visitors to Shanghai's real estate and second-hand houses increased significantly in the first week after the New Deal. "Recently, many customers have consulted about the new policy of the property market, expecting the down payment ratio and mortgage interest rate and other policies to be implemented," Shanghai Shell told reporters by looking for a housing agency.

The real estate market in Beijing and Shenzhen has increased significantly. According to the data of Centaline Real Estate, on the first weekend after the New Deal in the property market (May 18-19), the daily average transaction of second-hand houses in Beijing once again exceeded 1000, basically reaching the heat of "Little Spring" in 2024; The turnover of new houses in Shenzhen rose by 90% month on month over the weekend, and the turnover of second-hand houses rose by 60% month on month.

"After the introduction of the policy, buyers' willingness to enter the market has significantly increased, and market transactions have significantly improved." An analyst from Shenzhen Zhongyuan Research Center said that this policy is a "combination punch" issued by the regulatory level, indicating the regulatory level's determination to support the property market, and the improvement of market confidence is also incomparable with the previous local policies.

Editor in charge: Liu Meijun (QN0048)

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