Feel the lightness and romance of feather pieces together

Feel the lightness and romance of feather pieces together
09:56, August 1, 2023 Jiaren

   Feather, based on nature

   Baptized by history

   In today's diversified fashion

   It is gentle and brilliant, but also free and resolute

At the beginning of the 16th century, feathers first appeared in European fashion circles. At that time, men in prosperous trade centers began to put feathers on their hats. In fact, the popularity of this fashion was closely related to the colonial rule at that time. After the conquest of the Aztecs, Hernan Cortes sent samples of their feather products and manuscripts of local birds and their feathers to the King of Spain. Since then, the ruling elite began to express their power and influence by showing off their feathers. Feathers have also become the representational symbol of power, and even many professions related to feathers have emerged.

Until the 17th century, Louis XIV had a strong interest in feather hats, which developed into a comprehensive craze. Feathers are transported from all over the world and usually dyed in bright colors, even gold Color. By the time Mary Antoinette ascended the throne, feathers had become the daily uniform of French nobles.

The queen's delicate hairstyle is always topped with feathers, sometimes reaching three feet high. Journalist Louis Fran ç ois M é tra wrote in 1775: "The craze for feathers has reached an unimaginable level. The hats that looked absurdly tall a few months ago are no longer enough."

In 1793, although Marie Antoinette lost the throne, her pursuit of exquisite feather headwear did not die with the French Revolution. By the 19th century, feather decorated hats had become an essential accessory for upper middle class women in Europe and North America. Sometimes, they even make birds into specimens and replace the original eyes with glass eyes. Although this practice sounds a bit creepy now, it was the most popular in the Victorian and Edwardian times, and killed millions of birds in the unregulated bird trade. These "murdering female hats" became the beginning of radical protest against fashion. The efforts of these bird protectors even led to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 in the United States and the Feather Act of 1920 of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Although the feather industry is mostly regulated now, some activists believe that it is still immoral and compare it with the fur trade. Many real bird feathers in modern clothing can only use collected feathers (self shedding) or by-products of food production. Most garments are made of imitation feathers.

   The light, elegant, modern and avant-garde feather element has also become a good choice for female stars to create their own personal style. Liu Yifei's blue strapless dress, which is designed with feathers, is gorgeous and plump. Rooted feathers cover the whole skirt, and three-dimensional flowers decorate it. The super large A-shaped skirt and waist closing design are scattered on the layered feathers. It is beautiful and gorgeous, full of luxury and texture, and you can feel the complex and delicate details in every corner!

Tian Xiwei, who looks like a sweet girl, chose a pink feather dress from Sophie Couture to match with Ren é Caovilla high heels. She scattered soft feathers on her clothes, combined with an ingenious design, to create a romantic style for the piece. Just like night elves in fairy tales, smart and lovely.


The green feather cape on Tong Yao's body shows more rich beauty, extreme exaggeration sense of quantity, rich green, breaking the stereotyped soft side of feathers, standing proudly in the cold, full of momentum, showing the independent personality of women.


Light and loose feathers, with different styles of fashion, also show a playful and lovely or elegant and gorgeous visual sense, showing a more personalized and modern style. Area created an interesting sculpture fruit party with fruit in the spring and summer 2023 series, and danced the weird and interesting feathers on the skirt. Whether it is to show the shape of fruit by matching feathers with beads, lace, perspective, metal and other elements, to explore the beauty of fruit and its symbolic significance in history, art and popular culture, or to study the different manifestations of fruit in painting, sculpture, dance, performance and other media through feathers, All of them show the plasticity and diversity of feather elements in clothing design.

  Area Spring/Summer 2023 Collection

Georges Hobeika Spring/Summer 2023 series aims to show the importance of interpersonal contact and dialogue between family and friends. It seems that the wings waiting to spread their wings are neatly arranged as skirts, covered with purple gradually changing feathers from more to less and from deep to light, which not only enriches the sense of visual hierarchy, but also strengthens the shock of the shape, showing the illusion between the swaying and dancing of the body. The combination of pompous feather hems and lace materials breaks the "cute" impression of these two elements in the tradition and shows the drama and originality of modern clothing.

  Georges Hobeika Spring/Summer 2023 Collection

Christian Cowan Spring/Summer 2023 series is inspired by rediscovering the interesting and experimental vitality of student days. Or use denim fabric and bright pink silk taffeta dance dress with exaggerated feather hat, or use black sequin dress with red feather trim to show an interesting and strange modern image. Whether the gorgeous feather element is boldly used as a shawl or wrapped in the body, this style between popularity and luxury breaks the way of safe collocation, showing the bold and avant-garde side of clothing collocation.

  Christian Cowan Spring/Summer 2023 Collection

Symbol of power or animal protection

   It is the inner character of feather

   Now, it is in a free posture

   Show a more brilliant and determined attitude

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