Song Jia, you really know what we like to watch

Song Jia, you really know what we like to watch
10:37, April 7, 2023 Fashion COSMO

Song Jia Song Jia, send home everywhere

Song Jia's "Sending Home" story is a series that has been shown around the world. Some time ago, she went to New York with the Snow Show and successfully captured Rose, a member of Blackpin at the Metropolitan Museum.

Song Jia said, "Girls all over the world love her"

What she didn't say was that she loved girls all over the world. It was not only Rose who was welcomed by Song Jia at the event, but also the Chinese bloggers who were invited to the event also experienced Song Jia's style of social interaction. They shouted "You are beautiful" across the distance, opened their eyes and took photos when they found the opportunity.

And after many inferences, Song Jia either drank too much, or she was too good at it.

The night of microblog witnessed her achievement of "sending home" in Q2.

Hug Hui Yinghong intimately, interact with Gu Ailing, share the frame with her daughter Hu Lianxin again, meet Ma Li and talk directly! She made no secret of her appreciation and love for each other. I have to say that Song Jia knows what we want to see.

The fate between Hui Yinghong and Hui Yinghong has directly risen to the height of the series.

Source: Sina Weibo @ Ai Zhouxun

How about two people take a picture of COSMO

Song Jia, you are really committed to giving every beauty a home.

Song Jia, who was born in Heilongjiang Province in 1980, has a cheerful spirit in his bones, and is a real Northeast big girl.

I have been practicing Muliuqin since childhood, and I went to music school in middle school. I got the admission notice of Shenyang Conservatory of Music in advance

She was a talented person with beautiful songs. Instead of continuing to follow the path of music, she was admitted to the Department of Performance of Shanghai Theater Academy with professional first marks, which opened her career as a performer.

In 2001, Song Jia made his debut in the modern TV drama "Actually Don't Want to Go".

In 2006, she came to the fore for co starring with Carina Lau, Hu Jun and others in the film Curiosity Killed the Cat, and was nominated as the best supporting actress at the 26th China Golden Rooster Awards.

At that time, Song Jia, who was young and beautiful, with slightly concave cheeks and sharp bones, had a strong sense of line beauty, and was not aggressive, but her honest face, who was willing to do everything for love, was appropriately displayed.

It is no wonder that the director chose her to play the role of the innocent but courageous "Red Rose" - the shampoo girl.

In 2007, she played the role of Xian'er in the TV drama "Breaking through the Northeast". She is a big girl in Shandong who has gone through the rough road to the north. She is also a famous leader in Erlong Mountain - Sanjianghong.

Perhaps it was his own frankness that made Song Jia feel at peace when he picked up the gun, and added a little more perseverance and determination.

Song Jia's face is longer, and her cheekbones and eyebrows are more prominent. These unique facial features also add a bit of toughness to her role.

Her square jaw, a slightly turning and dull facial feature, adds a bit of simplicity and honesty to the character, but also neutralizes Xian'er's entanglement and suffering. In addition, the makeup required by the plot and character characteristics is mostly light, because the main thing is to be true.

There is no denying that the role of Xian'er is controversial, because her appearance is horizontal to the feelings of Xiu'er and Chuanwu. But because of Song Jia's special temperament and control over her role, you will not find her eyesore, but will be mercilessly sympathetic to her role's fate.

Song Jia's screen potential is underestimated, because few female artists like her have mastered the plain TV roles with her forelegs, so that her hind legs can gain a foothold in the big screen with literature and art and sorrow.

It can be solid or hollow, light enough to float in mid air.

In 2012, she won the Best Actress Award of the 18th Shanghai Television Festival Magnolia Award and the Best Actress Award of the 9th China Golden Eagle Television Arts Festival for her TV play Cliff.

In 2013, Song Jia changed into Xiao Hong himself and acted in the film Xiao Hong. She also won the Best Actress of the 29th Golden Rooster Award, the Best Actress of the Golden Angel Award of the 9th China US Film Festival and the Best Actress of the Red Maple Leaf Award of the 1st Vancouver Chinese Film Festival.

"Sophisticated egotist" seems to be the most pertinent comment of netizens on Zhou Rong's role in The World, because many people don't like this role.

The more netizens dislike Zhou Rong, the more they actually affirm Song Jia's acting skills.

Whether Zhou Rong in "The World" or Xianer in "Breaking through the Northeast", or whether he likes or dislikes the role, Song Jia vividly portrays two complicated characters.

The facial features that are not outstanding gather on one face, but have a unique aesthetic feeling of Song Jia. The indistinct fold of the double eyelids covers the hazy feeling of the eyes, and the thin lip's own carelessness reveals both talent and pride.


This is why she is able to perform the sense of superiority and distance that comes with young women of literature and art. Perhaps the two roles of Xiao Hong and Zhou Rong are the best evidence.

From now on, Song Jia's role seems to have always been "stubborn" from the north. It is not affectation or affectation. It is real, touchable, natural and straightforward.

She was generous to see her home off at the event site, not to rub off heat, nor to be a water carrying master, because she was Song Jia.

Song Jia not only loves herself, but also shows her love without stint. Although it may be the speech after drinking, we all know that the speech after three rounds of drinking is the truth.

Source: Sina Weibo @ oneusunnn

"Girls should always love girls, because girls will love girls more."

Girls will appreciate each other, and girls will know more about cherishing girls. Girls can see how hard girls work, how cute they are, and how worthy they are to encourage and cherish each other.

Song Jia made a good start.

Source: Sina Weibo @ eating melons without spitting banana peel

It is because of her that we know why we like to watch our sisters interact and support each other, just like Ni Ni bent over to help Liu Shishi tidy up her skirt.

Source: Sina Weibo @ Wan Siji

Just as Han Suxi boldly said that Sister Qiao "now you are mine...", she loves herself more than her female counterpart. Actresses value each other's acting skills, like each other's unique temperament, and express it generously. In fact, it is also helping the audience to open their perspective.

Source: Sina Weibo @ Victory Duck

They praise each other sincerely. The more they praise each other, the more the audience will love them.

Source: Sina Weibo @ Fan Quan Aunt

Of course, most girls' friendship and preference for each other will also be like Zhou Yutong and Song Zu'er - competing for the first place in their hearts.

The love between women is the most moving, because you know, so cherish. While admiring Song Jia's frankness and self-confidence, please encourage, support and cherish girls more! Must always love girls!!!

Source: Sina Weibo @ Jin Aqing

Finally, let's say: "Thank you Song Jia!"

Photo source: Sina Weibo/Xiaohongshu

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