Born for mountain running, enjoy outdoors | Archaeopteryx Spring 3D environmental protection art window

Born for mountain running, enjoy outdoors | Archaeopteryx Spring 3D environmental protection art window
14:52, May 21, 2024 Sina Fashion micro-blog


Get fresh and run far in the mountains.

Themed art window

SYLAN is born for mountain running

The display window of Archaeopteryx in this issue is inspired by SYLAN · racing mountain running shoes, and designed with the theme of "SYLAN is born for mountain running". SYLAN, Taken from the mountains between Norway and Sweden, this is also the field test field for Archaeopteryx athletes, born in the rugged terrain at high altitude, with strong grip and stability.

Based on the brand's mountain sports gene and the design concept of focusing on science and technology, the shopwindow integrates the sole pattern of THE SYLAN SHOE into the mountain vision, which is born for mountain running, the road of pioneering mountains and rocks, and presents a very simple mountain aesthetics.

Spring inspires all things, and with ceaseless efforts, it is poised for rebirth. The archaeopteryx themed art window of "SYLAN is born for mountain running" appeals to outdoor enthusiasts around the world to climb rock walls, go to the mountains and fields, constantly evolve diversified outdoor experiences, and deliver the true outdoor spirit.

Environmental protection window

Start with nature and revere nature

Archaeopteryx window has always adhered to the concept of environmental protection, starting from nature, fearing nature, and practicing sustainability.

The window in this issue is printed with degradable 3D materials to assist ESG and provide the possibility of 100% sustainable production. The unique body of the window is designed and printed in 3D, and printed in recyclable ABS material. The material presents a smooth and delicate piano texture, which combines the simple beauty of technology and fashion, and conveys the outdoor spirit of Archaeopteryx brand, which loves nature and protects the earth.

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